Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.


I cringed back slightly and grit my teeth in embarrassment hearing Maximilian cheer as he danced around Shayne who just stared back up at him.

"Yeah, in your face. Bet you can't do that!" I bit my lip feeling my face burn while the others stared at him like it was normal for him, I guess it was. I should have been used to Maximilian's complete confidence by now. He did not really care what anyone thought of him.

"Max, sit down before you jinx us or something. Also, you're embarrassing." I laughed as Gabriel shook his head at his friend. Our team of three was winning, by far and with the way Maximilian was down-talking to the other team you would swear he actually contributed to the score count. The couple of people working at the alley were somewhere at the counters but I could not see them behind all the guards around us. We were the only people there because Maximilian had arranged to have the place tonight.

"Cheering is half the win, ask any cheerleader." Maximilian replied.

"You're not sexy enough to be motivational though and your cheers suck." Jamie said.

"You don't get to decide whether I'm sexy. Gabe, am I sexy?" Maximilian posed with his back to us as he looked over his shoulder making his eyes all intense when he looked at us and we all burst out laughing.

"No." Gabriel was the only one who managed to keep a straight face while glaring at Maximilian who just shrugged as he grinned back. Gabriel rolled his eyes before he broke a smile.

"You're up." I said as I walked back over to them and grabbed a ball to hand it to Jamie.

"Max, get drinks with me." Shayne spoke, not giving Maximilian a chance to reply as he swung his arm around his shoulders causing Maximilian to hiss slightly but he tried to brush it off beneath a chuckle when Shayne pulled his arm back asking if he was okay.

I sat down beside Gabriel as Jamie began to get ready to bowl and pursed my lips tilting my head when Jamie began doing some weird bend that looked very uncomfortable but amusing. He looked like a toddler that was holding a ball way too heavy for him.

"Can we really blame Max for acting like an idiot? You make it hard not to make fun of you." Gabriel said.

"Shut up, this is where we take the lead." Jamie replied as he tossed the ball. I sat up straighter as my brows rose seeing the ball slide down the aisle before it hit the centre pin, effectively knocking down all of them. I cheered despite him not being on our team because it was a pretty good turn but stopped and turned to face Gabriel when he jabbed me in the ribs and narrowed his eyes at me. I frowned and jabbed him back resulting in him trying to jab me again but I caught his hand in the air.

"No, no, don't break my hand." He pulled his hand from mine immediately and I laughed. "That still was not good enough to let you 'take the lead' though, Jamie." Gabriel smirked.

"Yeah, this game has been over." I added. There was no way they could catch up.

"You spend too much time with Max." Thandi shot a glare at me and I pouted lightly causing her to soften her eyes, "Let's just get some food." She whined.

"But – but we still have a chance." Jamie protested. They really didn't. He was the best player on their team though.

"Food!" Gabriel yelled. "I couldn't eat at the party. They had these weird jelly-like things on spoons at the party with these creepy little black dots, did you taste it?" he grimaced.

"You just have cheap taste." Jamie replied.

"We should be leaving anyway." Maximilian chuckled causing me to look up when I realised his voice was coming from directly above me, he was leaning right over my head.

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