Chapter 3

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Charlotte POV

     After tons of pictures, we got to the nightclub right at midnight, which I know sounds cliché, but that's really how it happened. I guess we just have perfect timing. Once we had given the bouncers our IDs and they had wished me a happy birthday, we headed into the club. 

Personally, I thought getting to the club at midnight would be too late, but boy was I wrong. The club was had people wall-to-wall, and the music was thumping. My friends and I made our way to the bar, and my adrenaline started to set in.

 We finally got to the bar, ready to get a drink. The bar was so packed that getting a drink was taking a while, so I used this time to check out the bar tender. Let me tell you, he was attractive. He wore a tight black t-shirt, that his muscles looked like they would burst out of. He had a sharp jawline, and an olive complexion. As if that wasn't enough, when he finally got to us, I noticed his gorgeous hazel color that matched his hair.

 "Well, well, well. What can I get the birthday girl?" he said with a wink. 

"Could I just get a rum and diet coke?" I asked with a smile. 

While he went to make my drink, Sarah nudged me with her elbow. "He's totally flirting with you!" she exclaimed. 

"Shh...Sarah! That's his job!"

"Here you go," he said as he set down my drink, as well as four shots. "On the house." he said with another wink and a smile. The other girls ordered their drinks, and we took our shots, ready to hit the dance floor.

After around an hour, after getting drinks from not only my friends, but seemingly everyone who noticed it was my birthday, I was definitely feeling a buzz. Before you ask, no I did not just take drinks from random strangers! I made sure that I was always at the bar when they ordered, and took the drinks directly from the bartender. I am way too careful to act that reckless. 

As I was receiving yet another drink at the bar, I turned to look at my friends. They were in the middle or the dance floor, having the time of their lives. I sipped my drink, taking the time to observe my friends with a slight chuckle. I truly am so thankful for those girls. 

When the song changes, a group of guys approaches and asks them to dance, to which they happily oblige. I silently cheered for them, wanting them to have the best time on this trip. While watching, I was too distracted to notice someone walk up and lean against the bar next to me. 

"So what are we looking at?" I heard a voice say, tearing my attention away from my friends.

When I looked to my right, I lost my breath for a slight second. Standing next to me was a boy around my age. He towered over my 5'2 frame, probably standing around 6 foot. He had bright blue eyes, putting mine to shame. His hair was a dark brown, and looked like he took the time to style it, which made him even more attractive. He wore a light blue polo and khaki colored shorts. While all of this was enough to take my breath away, the thing that really caught my attention was his smile. It was enough to light up a room, and it was genuine, not forced. 

"Just watching my friends" I answered him with a smile. 

"Well, is it my turn to buy the birthday girl a drink?" he said motioning towards my glass, which was now almost empty. 

"I guess it is!"

He turns to the bar and orders us each another drink, taking his while the bartender handed me mine. "Thank you!" I said loudly enough for him to hear over the music. 

"Anything for you, birthday girl. Do you know the guys your friends are dancing with?" he asked, glancing towards my friends on the dance floor. 

"No, I don't. They started dancing together while I was at the bar," I replied. 

"Well maybe I should walk over there, make sure they're okay." 

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, while looking at my friends. "They look like they're having a really good time. I don't think you need to do that." 

 He looked over, "Well I'm just going to make sure," he said and he started to walk towards the middle of the dance floor.

 While he was walking away, I couldn't help but think that he looked familiar, but the fact that I was coming in second place to my friends yet again pushed that thought out of my mind.

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