Chapter 27

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Charlotte POV

When we walked into the club, I immediately searched for Jake. I couldn't help but be excited to see him. I spotted him at the bar, and stopped in my tracks. He was talking to some girl, who just had to be pretty, and laughing. It definitely seemed like they were flirting. 

What the hell? Why would he do that? The girls looked at what I was looking at, and I could tell they were pissed too. 

"Char, do not let this ruin your night. It's our last night here, let's just make the most of it." 

"Oh, I intend to." I started walking in the direction of the guys, and the girls followed. The girl Jake was flirting with left as soon as I was walking up. Wow, convenient. I glanced at Jake, and noticed the wide smile that came over his face, and his eyes darkened, showing an emotion that I couldn't quite figure out. 

I put on a smile, and walked straight past him. I hugged all of the guys, telling them hello, and then I turned to the bar. If I was going to do this, I needed a drink. I could feel Jake's gaze burning a hole in the side of my head, and I did my best to ignore it. Next thing I know, he was pulling Ashley off by her elbow, probably to figure out what the hell was going on. I smirked to myself, knowing that Ashley was going to tear him a new one. Well, that should show him. 

"Hello? Charlotte?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see a concerned Caleb looking at me. "What's going on?" 

"Nothing," I said with a shrug. 

"Didn't look like nothing to me. What I saw was you ignoring my best friend, and then your best friend going to talk to my best friend." 

I rolled my eyes, knowing that I was a terrible liar, but too embarrassed to tell him the truth. "Caleb, I'm fine. I promise." 

"Whatever you say Char, but just know that I don't believe you," he said as he turned to walk away. I sighed, and asked the bartender for another drink.

As I was finishing off my drink, I asked for another right as Ashley was walking up to me. "Let's go dance!"

 "Ash, I'm not exactly in a dancing mood," I said picking up my new drink. 

"Well, drink up and let's go. You need to loosen up and have some fun." I nodded, chugging my drink. "Woah, not that much fun," she said hesitantly. 

"Well you want me to have fun? I'm having a freaking blast." I ordered another drink before heading to the dance floor. I know that drinking away my problems isn't the answer, but I just wanted to forget about Jake and have a good time. I didn't even know him a week ago, so he's definitely not going to let him ruin my birthday trip. Ashley and I went to the dance floor, and I could feel the alcohol in my system. I was moving my body to the music, and it felt great. 

All of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a tall, muscular guy standing next to me. He was attractive to say the least. "Hey beautiful, wanna dance?" he said to me in a husky voice. Well, he wasn't Jake, but he would do. I glanced over at Ashley who was looking at me with wide eyes. Well, she told me to have fun, right?

I looked up at the guy, "Of course I do." He put his hands on my waist, pulling me into him. I didn't feel the spark that I did when Jake touched me, but I tried not to focus on that. Our bodies moved in sync while the music played. His hand tightened on my waist, moving our bodies faster as the music sped up. Ashley looked at me, telling me she was going to the bathroom, but I just shrugged her off. After another song had ended, I looked for Ashley while still grinding on the guy. I couldn't see her, but what I did see, was an angry looking Jake walking in the door.

I continued dancing, as if I didn't even see him walk in the door. What could he possibly be angry about? Something must have happened while he was outside, I'll have to be sure to ask him about it later. Focusing on what I was doing, I pushed myself back, putting me even closer to the body behind me, if that was even possible. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. When I opened them, I realized Jake was now right in front of me. 

"Can I talk to you?" he yelled over the music. 

"No, I'm busy." 

"Charlotte, I need to talk to you," he said, lightly grabbing my arm. 

The guy I was dancing with pushed Jake's hand off of my arm, "I think she said no." A look flashed in Jake's eyes that I hadn't seen in the short amount of time that I've known him. 

"And I think it's none of your fucking business," he snapped, stepping closer to the guy. At this point the guy had let go of my waist, and Jake lightly pushed me behind him. I looked up, and everyone was on the dance floor now, making sure Jake was okay. 

"Well I think I just made it my business," the guy snapped back. At this point, the guys had stepped up behind Jake, making their presence known, while two other guys stepped up on the other side. They were outnumbered, and they clearly knew it, but they weren't going to back down. 

"I think it's time for you guys to leave," Aiden said, stepping forward. Aiden was definitely not a small guy. Once he stepped forward, the rest of the guys did, and immediately the other three backed down and left. Jake turned around and walked away, but not before sending a disappointed look my way.

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