Part 2

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You look over at Jaehyun and sigh, conflicted on what to do or say. Your side is in so much more pain after what Taeil did to it. You scoff, looking down at the ice pack. Wasn't Taeil supposed to be the quiet nice one? You look back up and over at Jaehyun. He hasn't moved an inch, but maybe he'll be able to answer some of your questions.
          "My name is (y/n)." You speak out, your voice a little hoarse from the pain and the fact that you literally just woke up almost 20 minutes ago.
          "I don't care." You flinch at his harsh words before letting out a sigh. At least he acknowledged your existence. You shuffle to get into a better position on the bed, your behind becoming numb from the hard surface. Jaehyun watches wearily before shaking his head and sighing.
          "What did you mean by you were sleeping?" Your ears perk up at his quiet and curious voice, smiling to yourself a little bit. His attention was now on you, making you shy away a little bit.
          "It means I was literally asleep. I said goodnight to my dog, laid down on my bed," You roll your eyes and look down at your side, "then I rolled over just to fall off a fucking crate and probably broke a rib." You let out a small snort at your misfortune, choosing to leave out the detail of knowing who he was and that wherever you came from he was an idol.
          "How is that even possible?" He moves farther into the room, his shoulders more relaxed than earlier. You meet his eyes and shake your head, making his widen by how sincere you seem. You definitely didn't strike him as another gang member or someone sent to spy on them, but maybe that's exactly what you wanted him to believe.
           "I would tell you if I knew. I just want to wake up already." You let out a sarcastic laugh and wince from the throbbing pain in your side. God, this was the fucking worst.
          "You are awake."
          "No shit Sherlock." You jump and cover your mouth. "Ow." The sudden movement hurt, but you couldn't help yourself. Fuck you and your smartass mouth. Jaehyun snickers at your moment of panic before shaking his head in disbelief
           "And that right there, confirms it. You're not a spy, no spy would make the mistake of insulting me." He kicks himself off the doorway and stands before you, looking down at you with a smirk. He brings his face closer to yours, smiling wider as your face heats up. Why was he getting so close to you like that and why was he suddenly in a different mood?
           "Jaehyun." Jaehyun's back goes straight as he stands in attention before you. He turns and bows at Taeyong and Taeil.
           "Get out of the way. You come with me." Taeyong motions for you to follow him. Taeil enters the room and goes to the back of the medical room, muttering to himself about how Jaehyun should control his hormones. Jaehyun follows him to the back ready to tell off his elder. Taeyong shakes his head and grabs your elbow, forcing you off the bed and onto the ground.
          "Walk." He growls, pushing you forward and narrowing his eyes. You wince, but don't cry out in pain because he absolutely terrified you right now. You walk along the hallway with him, biting your lip as he jerks you around by your elbow. You arrive at the storage unit, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Why had he brought you back to this area? He pushes you forward making you stumble and fall before two figures. Yuta smiles down at you as well as Johnny.
          "They're kinda cute, can we keep them?" Taeyong scoffs and rolls his eyes. He cracks both of them upside the head before walking back towards the door. He turns back around and nods at them before walking away and slamming the door. 
          "Okay. He's in a bad mood."
          "Well, I mean, he just told us we have a rat and now this prick pops up."
          "Oh yeah." Yuta nods in recognition before eyeing you with a smile. He looks you up and down before helping you stand up. Johnny comes over and hands you some new clothes. What was wrong with what you were wearing?
          "We're gonna need you to strip." Yuta smiles at you brightly, ignoring the absolute horror that crosses your features.
          "Excuse me?" Johnny laughs at your flustered form before roughly grabbing your face and bringing it up to meet his own.
          "We said to fucking strip. We can't have you sneaking any weapons." Your eyes widen in fear before he lets go of your face and winks.
          "We'll enjoy the view, don't worry." Every part of this was humiliating. Having to strip in front of these two is a complete invasion of your privacy. How was any of this necessary? Well, you did just randomly pop up so it isn't too hard to realize they still think you're some sort of spy or mole.
          "That wasn't too hard was it?" Johnny laughs and pulls you towards him, wrapping some bandages around your side. You let out a few curses, making sure to 'accidentally' hit him when he touched you in not so friendly places.
          "Are you two done torturing them now?" You hadn't even noticed Mark walk into the storage unit. You jump slightly at Johnny's hands gripping your shoulders before noticing his change of mood. He seems to be off put by Mark's presence. Yuta, on the other hand, just laughs and nods.
          "Yeah, they're all yours now." He hands you your shirt before grabbing Johnny's arm and leading him out. You stare at Mark, worried that he'll be just as rough as the others were with you.
          "Are you alright?" You almost cry out in joy. Even in this stupid reality he was still a wholesome baby. You nod and smile with as much energy as you could. All of this interaction and questioning has really made you exhausted beyond belief.
          "Yeah. I think so."
          "That's good. Come with me and I'll show you wheee you'll be sleeping." He gestures for you to exit the room and walk down the hall with him.
          "Jaehyun said your name is (y/n)." You nod happily at him, playing with the hem of your shirt. He's so nice, maybe you could take advantage of this and just run... but then... where would you go? You're in a place that you have no knowledge of and who's to say they wouldn't just find you with whatever connections they had. You let out a sigh and stop right before you walk into Mark's back. You peek over his shoulder to see Taeyong standing in front of the two of you.
          "Mark, we just got an order in. Can you go sort it?" He looks at you and smirks. "I'll take care of them." You stop breathing for a spilt second when Mark sends you an apologetic look before leaving. Taeyong walks up to you and looks at the clothes Yuta and Johnny gave you.
          "I see that those fit you well." You keep your head down as he speaks to you, afraid to even look at him the wrong way. He lets out a breath of air before pushing you against the wall, a blade pushed against your neck. You eyes widen in fear, finally meeting his eyes and searching for anything that would indicate he was going to kill you. His eyes darken for a split second before he pushes the blade harder against your skin.
          "We have no reason to trust you," Taeyong shifts his face closer to yours, "but we also have no reason to believe you're a spy." You let out a small whimper as he lets you go, making you fall to your knees. He grabs your hair and roughly pulls your head up to look at him.
          "Until we figure out where you came from, you'll work for me." He lets go of your hair, letting your head fall. You bring your hands up to touch your neck, only to wince at the sight of blood on your fingertips.
          "As for work, I'll be nice and give you three options. You can work with Yuta, Jungwoo, or Mark."

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