Part 4

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          Haechan and Mark exchange looks before nodding at you to continue. You take a deep breath and look down at your hands, not quite sure where to start. Will they think you are crazy after you tell them or will they just believe you wholeheartedly? They didn't really trust you completely, but Mark seems to take pity in your lost and stranded form.
          "You see, I don't come from here. And I don't just mean that I'm foreign or like a different city." You look up to meet the eyes of the two boys before you, watching as uncertainty swims within them. You look back down and sigh. How could you possibly explain this?
          "Take your time."
          "Where I come from, you're idols." You breath out, "You're called Nct dream and-"
          "What are you on about?" Haechan stands up from the desk before Mark grabs his arm and shakes his head.
          "Let them finish." Mark scolds Haechan before nodding at you, signaling that it was okay to continue. You bite the inside of your cheek, completely uncertain if you were doing the right thing.
          "It consists of you, Haechan, Chenle, Jisung, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno." You bite your tongue at the concerned look that Haechan gives you and the look of surprise that Mark shares with the younger male.
          "How did you know about Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno? They aren't here." Mark's voice holds an air of caution, his fists tightening slightly. You begin to fear that he'll begin to act like Taeyong if he finds you to be untrustworthy.
          "Because I'm telling the truth," You shake your head in exasperation, "you are an idol group. Same with 127 and Wayv!"
          "You know wayv as well?"
          "Yes. Kun, Xiaojun, Hendery, Winwin, Ten, Lucas, and Yangyang. Wayv." Mark eyes you with a bated breath as Haechan stands once again.
          "How do we know you aren't just some plan that Taeyong is using to get to us Dreamies?" Haechan seems furious at this moment, concerned as to why someone as 'lost' as you could possibly know so much information. Mark stays still, looking at you, expecting some sort of answer that will clear things up, but you're not sure you have one for him.
          "I'm not. Mark should know!" You shout out, scared out of your mind, "He saw that I came from literally no where! How does one just appear like that? I'm telling the truth."
          "That doesn't make any sense! This sounds like a load of-"
          "Haechan." Mark growls at the younger boy, standing up from his seat as well. He looks over at you and studies your features. He's seen liars before and they've never looked as sincere as you have, but maybe that's the point. He looks back over at Haechan and let's out another sigh, something he seems to be doing a lot lately.
          "I swear I'm telling the truth."
          "Let's say it is the truth, hypothetically..." Haechan huffs before falling into the seat Mark has abandoned, "why would you be sent here and how?"
          "I already said I can answer some questions but not all of them."
          "Very well. We trust that you aren't here to hurt us," He makes his way to the front of the desk and crouches down before your chair with a caring smile, "but we will do what's necessary if something were to happen that endangers the Dreamies." 
          "I understand." You shudder as you look into his eyes. He was smiling so warmly, but his eyes did not match that smile at all. There was something much more hostile floating just beneath the surface of them that made you fear him more than you did Taeyong.
         "We'll be you allies in figuring out how you got here." He gestures for both Haechan and you to follow him. You both stand, Haechan staying a bit farther rom you, and follow after the older male.
          "How are we supposed to figure this out?" You nod along with Haechan, curious as to what could possible be running through Mark's mind. Did he have an inside source? Was there some sort of plan to all of this or was it just all in some whim? Mark leads you all to stand in front Chenle and Jisung before clearing his throat and gaining the attention of the two boys.
          "I need you guys to research some stuff." The boys exchange bored looks before letting out sighs and standing up to put away the game consoles.
          "What do we need to research?"
          "Check if anyone has ever traveled... uh... across a dimension?" Haechan and you almost do a spit take at the leaders choice of words while the two younger boys give him strange looks. What kind of wording was that?! You smile slightly, feeling a little bit better knowing that the scary Mark you saw before could also be this slightly cute and dumb Mark.
          "Ummm. Okay?" Jisung mutters our before looking at Chenle with a 'He's lost it' face. Mark rolls his eyes before looking back at Haechan and rubbing his temples in annoyance.
          "Can you handle the rest of the deliveries for me?" Mark cracks his neck before grabbing your arm and pulling you back to the entrance. "We need to head back to 127 before Taeyong has my head."
          "Is he starting to suspect you?" Mark doesn't answer the poor boy before leading you out the door and back to the red truck.
          "You didn't tell him?"
          "My job is to protect them, not worry them."
          "But then who's going to protect about you?" Mark doesn't respond, but rather turns up the radio and starts the truck, pulling away from the building. You stare at you lap and let out a sigh. Something tells you that Mark doesn't believe you, but also has this small sliver of hope that what you're saying is true. You look out the window and your eyes widen as you pull up to 127's base. Were you really that lost in thought that you didn't even realize how close you were? Mark pulls into the garage and then turns off the truck before hopping out, still not saying a word. He makes his way around and opens the door for you.
          "Let's go bring these to the storage unit." You nod and follow him around to the back of the truck before grabbing a couple of boxes and helping him close the truck's gate. Your eyes stay firmly on the ground as Mark leads you both to the storage unit, opening the door and helping you place the heavy boxes by some large crate.
          "Doyoung will deal with putting this stuff away and organizing it." He stops by the door, looking back at you, "Try not to let slip what we did today. I trust you." Your heart swells at those three words before nodding and following him out the door. He laughs at your change in mood and shakes his head. You both make your way to the lounge area and plop down on the couch. Your eyes wander around to see a pool table and a mini fridge next to the door. This seems to be where they all hang out whenever they have downtime. Mark stretches before grabbing some drinks from the mini fridge and hands you one. He isn't able to sit very long because suddenly Taeyong walks in and clears his throat, letting the two of you know he was there.
          "Mark, come with me. You need some debriefing on stuff." Mark nods, not hesitating to follow the gang leader out of the lounge. You take a sip of your drink before sinking deeper into the couch.
          "Well look who we have here! You guys are back early!" Yuta cheers, slipping right into the space next to you and swinging an arm around your shoulders. You shift uncomfortably and place your drink down on the small coffee table in front of you, afraid to spill it.
          "It was just getting some boxes." You mutter, not happy that he was practically breathing down your neck. It's funny, Yuta was your bias back when you were... well wherever you were before, but now he just creeps you out. He give you these bad vibes and makes you feel uncomfortable. Why did Mark have to leave with Taeyong?
          "Well lucky for me, I just finished up my job," Yuta let's his free hand trail up your thigh, dangerously close to your lower region, "so I get to spend some alone time with you." You feel his breath on your neck, making all of the hairs on your body stand up in alarm. This wasn't happening. This isn't real. Stop. Please stop.
           "I'm tired. I should head bac-" You let out a gasp as he slides his hands in your pants and kisses your neck. He positions himself in a way that traps you beneath him on the couch. You are frozen in fear. You always thought this wouldn't happen to you and if it did that you would be able to fight and get away, but you couldn't. You felt weak.
          "Get off them!" Yuta is thrown harshly away from your petrified form before hands gently grab your shoulders and kind eyes lock with your own. Jaehyun scoffs before looking back at Yuta, who laughs dryly.
          "Wow, now the police man does something heroic..." Jaehyun's grip on your shoulders tighten. You whimper slightly, making him look down and suddenly let go of you, apologizing for his mistake.
          "Shut up. I usually turn a blind eye with all the others," he helps you sit up comfortably on the couch before blocking Yuta from getting any closer to you, "but they're a part of our team now, whether we like it or not, so I won't tolerate it." Yuta scoffs, pushing Jaehyun roughly in an attempt to get past him and get to you.
          "You're just a crooked cop. Give up the nice guy act." Jaehyun stumbles back a bit before finally losing his cool and punches Yuta square in the jaw. Yuta falls down on the ground, his eyes cast downward as he nurses his face. Jaehyun is breathing heavily while you find it hard to breath at all. This is insane. You scream lightly when Yuta tackles Jaehyun, shoving him on the ground and causing the poor male to hit his head on the table. Jaehyun grabs Yuta's shirt, attempting to push him off. He was a bit disoriented from hitting his head, but finally manages to get on top of Yuta and land a couple of punches. He lets out a grunt of pain when Yuta knees him in the crotch. Yuta spits some blood into Jaehyun's eye, causing him to lose his hold on Yuta. Yuta switches their positions so that he is on top of Jaehyun and begins to throw punch after punch.

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