Part 12 + Bonus

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          You look down at Chenle with wide eyes, your finger hovering over the trigger. You tighten up your muscles, doing the opposite of what Kun told you the other day so you could make this look as sloppy as you possibly could. You shoot. There's a cry of pain as the bullet lodges itself in Chenle's shoulder. Taeyong lets out a chuckle and pats your shoulder, kicking Chenle over so he lies in his side.
          "We'll have to work on your shot." Taeyong waves Jungwoo over and hands him the gun, which he had slipped out of your numb hands. You locked eyes with Chenle, tears threatening to fall. He smiles at you and shakes his head, making a couple of those tears fall down your cheeks. You wipe them away quickly before Taeyong could see and follow after him. Your mind was numb and you felt a little queasy. Jungwoo bumps your shoulder, a small smile gracing his face. He seems... apologetic.
          "At least you didn't throw up this time." You let out a half-hearted chuckle, looking over your shoulder at Chenle. He looks so fragile on the floor like that, you only hope that Mark will come back and help him before his shoulder bleeds out too much. You jump slightly as a firm hand pats your back roughly.
          "You did well today. Consider yourself an official member of 127." Jungwoo's eye widen slightly at Taeyong's words before giving off a cheeky smile. You blink owlishly at Taeyong before you feel your stomach churn.
          "I think I'm going to throw up." You mutter, holding your gut as Jungwoo rubs your back soothingly. So it was a test? This entire thing was a set up for you to prove yourself to him? He's sneaky.
          "Did that make you that nervous?" You smile weakly at Jungwoo as you all round the corner, entering the alleyway that the car is parked. Now was your time to play off your miss and make them really believe you didn't do that on purpose.
          "That was only my second time shooting a gun... it still gives me anxiety." You mumble quietly as Jungwoo unlocks the car and opens up the backseat for you. You slide into the car, watching as Taeyong now takes the drivers seat and Jungwoo slides into the passenger seat. Taeyong peaks at you through the rear view mirror, a smirk crawling up his face at your queasy looking form. You were weak, he realizes that, so he'll just have to toughen you up. He starts up the car and backs out of the alleyway, making his way back to the 127 base. You didn't realize how dark it had gotten outside. How long were you out? You look down at your lap and let out a sigh. Guns weren't your thing, you'll stick to hand to hand combat.
          "Okay, everyone out." You jump lightly as the car is put into park. What? You were back already? You nod and get out of the car, leaning against it lightly as Taeyong waves to the two of you. "I'll be in my office."
          "Okay." Jungwoo says, stretching his arms above his shoulders, smiling at the satisfying pop they make. You begin to walk out of the garage but Jungwoo grabs your elbow, pulling you back in his direction. He corners you against the wall, a serious expression falling over him.
          "What do you need Jungwoo?"
          "I said you owe me right?" You swallow the lump in your throat as you nod slowly. Jungwoo has never looked this serious before... What is he planning? He's not like Yuta or Johnny is he?
          "So tell me honestly, why'd you miss?" You blink at him in surprise and bite your lip. What do you say to him? Some part of you wants to tell the truth but the other wants to keep this as far away from him as possible.
          "I already told you. It was only my se-" He slams his fist on the wall beside your head. You look up at him with wide eyes. What the hell? Where is all of this coming from so suddenly?if it was enough for Taeyong, why isn't it for Jungwoo?
          "Don't lie to me. Listen, I want to stop this war before it begins." He pushes himself off the wall and viciously ruffles his hair in frustration. "So if you know anything about the Dreamies and how we can get Taeyong to stop this pointless fighting then please... please tell me." He looks back up at you with soft eyes. His face is contorted in worry and full of stress. You felt a pang in your heart at his expression. He was watching his family, the people he truly cared about, slowly rip each other apart.
          "You knew about the papers didn't you?" Jungwoo let's out a dry laugh before he begins to fix his hair.
          "I'm not stupid (y/n), of course I do. You had them in a pocket that was pretty deep. They didn't just slip out on their own." You chuckle and rub the back of your head nervously. You let out a breath and your face becomes stern.
          "I don't know much of anything yet. I'm trying to figure this all out and make some peace. But..."
          "But it's hard. Usually I'm all for some trouble... but not when it's my family." You nod and Jungwoo tugs on the hem of his shirt. "Damn, this fucking sucks. I feel so useless."
          "You can help me. You aren't useless." Jungwoo looks up at you with wide eyes. How was he supposed to help you? You pat his shoulder, a kind smile adorning your face. "Cover for me. Don't let me slip up."
          "Taeyong terrifies me and I don't know him well. You do." You let out a sigh and rub your temple. Taeyong is tough shell to crack. He's cold and really unpredictable, just like Kun said. If you had someone that truly understands the mind of Taeyong on your side, this could become ten times easier for you.
          "Well, well, well, look what we have here." Jungwoo's eye twitches at the annoying voice behind him.
          "Yuta. Johnny." Jungwoo nods at the two males as they make their way into the garage. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Johnny lets out a chuckle as he peaks around Jungwoo and winks at you. You shiver and hide slightly behind the taller male. You were pretty tough after being a boxer for so long, sure, but Johnny and Yuta terrified you to the core for some reason. You find them extra terrifying with how weak your mind has become after all this stupid gang trauma shit.
          "Didn't peg you to be the type to make a move on (y/n)." Yuta mutters, crossing his arms over his chest, smiling down at your form. "Although, I already had the pleasure of feeling your body so close to mine."
           "Yeah, and you got the crap beat out of you by Jaehyun." Johnny laughs out and slams his hand against the back of Yuta, causing the boy to lurch forward slightly. Jungwoo chuckles before rolling his eyes at their antics. They were perverts and a little rowdy, but they were definitely entertaining to him.
          "I wasn't making a move. We were discussing our mission."
          "Hmm, speaking of missions. Jaehyun and I are heading to Wayv's base to check up on Kun and discuss business. He wants to know if you'll come with us?" You tap your chin as you think about it. As you all talk, none of you really notice a distressed looking Mark enter the garage. He looks over at you and lets out a breath of relief. You were okay... thank god. He decides to speak up.
          "Actually, I was just about to ask if (y/n) wanted to come on my rounds with me." Jungwoo sends you a knowing look before Johnny shrugs.
          "Doesn't matter to me. I'm only asking for Jaehyun."
          "Welll, I guess I'll go with Mark." They all nod at your decision.

BONUS: WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED: like I said this was an interactive au on Instagram and they had the choice to shoot or not shoot Chenle. This is what would have happened if they didn't. Um would have been a VERY different story 😂

          You lock eyes with Chenle and shake your head, no... You couldn't do this. You don't shoot. You hear a growl from behind you as Taeyong shoves you aside and grabs the gun from your shaking hands. Your body slams roughly against the floor as you look up at Taeyong with wide eyes.
          "I fucking knew it." He breaths out and raises the gun, shooting Chenle straight in his abdomen. You let out a sob as Chenle cries out in pain, falling over as blood seeps through his clothing. He coughs up some blood and looks at you with a sad smile. You feel hot tears trail down your face as Chenle continues to move in pain. Taeyong picks you up by your arm and shoves you to over to Jungwoo, Jungwoo looks at you with wide eyes full of pity. You had failed the test.

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