Part 17

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"Jungwoo..." You pull on Jungwoo's arm lightly, stopping him from moving forward and to the door. He cocks an eyebrow at you before you pull him in for a hug. He stiffens under your touch, looking down at you in shock before bringing one arm up to pat your head. "Thank you." You mumble and pull away before smiling up at the confused male. Out of everyone you talked to here in this world, Jungwoo seems to be the sweetest and the most genuine. The only other people you'd consider yourself close to are Jaehyun and Mark... maybe even Doyoung if you really pushed it. You were just thankful for the male in front of you.
"Come on. Lets get to the conference room." Jungwoo mutters and grabs your hand, leading you out into the hall. Chenle smiles at you as you walk out the door with Jungwoo. Him and the others were slowly making their way down the hall to the conference room as well. Jisung waves at you before standing to your left, a somewhat relieved expression on his face. He couldn't begin to express how happy and grateful he was for you and the peace you created, even if it was temporary. Jaehyun looks at your hands, frowning lightly at how tightly Jungwoo's grip is on you. Did something happen? Is he threatening you? You had grown on the male since he began training with you, you were like his little sibling...
"Lets just get going." Jaehyun mutters, pushing past you all and toward the conference room. You blink at his cold tone before shaking your head and entering the conference room. You bump shoulders with Jeno and smile up at the male to relieve his tension. Now that you really looked at the Dreamies they all seem to be on edge, you could understand why. This was all so sudden and it's only reasonable to be suspicious and wary of Taeyong and 127.
"Good, we're all here. We've discussed everything and so far we have a basic plan." Taeyong leans against the table and he furrows his eyebrow in concentration. "The Dreamies are good with lookouts and communication. We bring the big guns and war power. WayV are known for their stealth. We have the perfect team for an infiltration this large."
"So we'll be the ones guiding them through. Chenle and Jisung, I'm guessing that if you work with Yuta, you can dig up the blueprints?" Mark looks towards the three males and they nod at each other.
"Sounds like a plan to me." Yuta smirks and leans against Jisung's shoulder, annoying the male slightly.
"Great, then the rest of WayV and 127 will invade. With WayV's stealth and our man power we should be able to sneak in with guidance and take down anyone in the way." Johnny mutters out and leans back in one of the chairs. He looks over at Yuta and smirks. "You can sit with the kids and guide us through the blueprints." Yuta's eyebrows twitch in annoyance, but he just opts to roll his eyes at the male before him. Jeno snickers, but earns a harsh jab to the side by Jaemin. Kun lets out a sigh before continuing on what they will be doing.
"We'll take the scientists captive. Make them start up the machine and send these two back." Ten smiles from beside Kun and you aqueeze Jungwoo's hand from how happy Ten looks. Maybe you did do something... maybe you did open up a door. You opened it up for him to get home. Four years is such a long time to be away from a place you love...
"(Y/n), you'll be coming inside with us. Stay close and out of harms way." Taeyong stands up and leans back, allowing his back to crack after standing in one position for far too long. He looks at you with a stern face. "You're pretty okay with a gun. But only use it if you have to." You nod and looks Chenle slightly. He gives you a sheepish smile and you frown. You still felt horrible but at least he wasn't mad at you.
"Once we get the blueprints we can start." Kun nods at the three males before leaning against the table. "Until then we train, get supplies, teach the less skilled how to use guns and defend themselves." He glances at Hendery and WinWin before over at Jaehyun. "Maybe you could help these two? They're still not that great with hand to hand. Give them guns and they're great, but their physical combat lacks." Jaehyun eyes the two males then nods.
"We'll have morning training sessions at 6." Jaehyun ruffles his hair and looks at you. "(Y/n), will help me lead it. They have some good background in combat." You smile at Hendery and WinWin before looking back at Taeyong.
"Okay, great. Anyone who wants to join that can. Other than that, we'll give each one of you a job. Talk to your leader before you exit the room." Taeyong nods at you all before waving his hand dismissively. WayV members go to Kun while the Dreamies go to Mark. You and Jungwoo finally release hands before making your way to Taeyong. He smirks slightly at the fact that you went to 127 instead of the Dreamies. He felt a tiny bit proud that you went to them instead.
"What do you need me to do?" You finally get up to Taeyong and he lets out a sigh. He looks over to Jaehyun and nods before glancing back at Ten.
"For now, you'll be doing those training sessions with Jaehyun but then I also want you to head with Doyoung after to practice your shooting." He eyes Ten then signals the male over. "Ten volunteered to help you with stealth." Ten smiles at you before he takes you to the side after Taeyong dismisses both of you.
"We haven't been able to talk yet..." Ten smiles sheepishly at you before looking at his hands and playing with his thumbs. "What was your world like?" He looks back up to you with eyes full of wonder. He definitely didn't give off the vibes that every other member did, you could tell he didn't belong here.
"It was just like this world... except I was a regular student. No gangs or weird science experiments... at least none that I knew about."
"Do you miss it?"
"Yes. I really do. I miss my friends and my family, everything." You let out a sour laugh before looking at the male before you. "How is your world? How much do you miss it after everything that's happened?"
"We were really in touch with nature. We do everything to give back from what we take. It was hard getting used to phones and electrical things." Ten laughs and scratches his cheek in embarrassment. "They often poked fun at me when I didn't understand how to do something."
"It was hard being in this new world wasn't it?"
"Yeah, but these guys helped me through it all. I love and appreciate, but I just want to go home. I miss it." You smile sadly at him before nodding.
"Don't worry, we'll make it home." Ten nods before YangYang and Lucas make their way over.
"Before morning training did you want to help us warm up?"
"Awe man, I was just about to ask that!" Chenle whines before Jisung hits his head lightly.
"You're in a sling dumbass!"
"Well I meant just hanging out while we search for blueprints!"
"Oh, you should have said that first then..." You chuckle at their bickering before turning to Lucas and YangYang.
"I could use some warming up. Maybe next time I can hang out with you guys." Chenle Jisung continue time bicker as you, Lucas and Yangyang watch with interest. Such children....

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