Part 7

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        Jungwoo holds his side as you help him get into the base. He took a relatively hard beating from those guards. Both of you had managed to fight them off and escape, but you were certain you'd be feeling bruised tomorrow morning. Doyoung waits at the garage entrance and helps the both of you into the briefing room. Taeyong eyes you all with a frown. Yuta stands behind him with his head down, some blood dripping from his mouth. All the others stood around lazily.
           "I'm sorry that you two were injured."
           "We were comprised. I don't understand. What happened?" Jungwoo sits down, icing his side while you just sit down and take off the heels. Taeyong sighs, rubbing the creases next to his eyes.
           "That would be my fault..." Yuta began to talk, finally raising his head up to face you all. His face was swollen and beaten up, Taeyong took the liberty of punishing the hacker. "I didn't realize that there was a silent alarm on the safe..."
           "No harm done." Jungwoo laughs out, running his hands through his hair, "It was fun." Your eyes widen at the bright smile on his face. Doyoung shakes his head and lets out a sigh in annoyance.
           "You can't always be a thrill seeker, it'll get you killed." Doyoung lightly hits Jungwoo on the head and hands the bags over to Taeyong. The leader searches the bags and nods before looking around at the three of you.
           "And the plans involving the Dreamies?" Mark tenses from behind Taeyong as he looks at you, his eyes swimming with nervousness.
           "We had them..." Jungwoo begins, looking back at you with a sad expression.
           "Had?" Taeyong's eyes narrow, his hands tightening around the straps of the bags in front of him.
           "It was my fault. I got cocky while fighting and (y/n) had to help me with the guards." He puts the ice pack down and shakes his head, patting your thigh before smiling, almost a knowing smile. You question if he knows you lost the papers on purpose. "They fell out of our pockets while fighting. We lost them."
            A loud bang resonates throughout room as Taeyong grabs Jungwoo by the collar of his shirt, his chair falling to the ground. No one breathes. The two stare at each other for a while before Taeyong throws the male to the ground. Taeil is quick fo grab the hurt male and help him stand back up before letting out a sigh.
           "One more mistake and you're dead Jungwoo. You're reckless."
           "It's why you chose me." Jungwoo let's out a breathy laugh before Taeil whacks him and leads him away. There was no reason to poke an angry bear.
           "Dismissed." Taeyong shouts, letting everyone in the room know that they were no longer needed. Yuta is carried out by Mark and Johnny and Jaehyun pats your shoulder before leaving the room with Doyoung. Taeyong grabs your elbow and forces you to stay seated.
           "Good work." He mumbles quietly before picking up his chair and setting it right in front of you. You eye him nervously before looking off to the side, still too afraid to make eye contact. You stay there for a few minutes in silence. Taeyong stares at you, not making a sound or moving at all. Eventually he laughs and stands up, startling you slightly.
            "Sleep well tonight." He leaves the room, letting you just sit there alone. What the fuck was that? Does he know? Is he planning to kill you? Your heart speeds up slightly as you clutch the thin fabric of the dress you are still wearing. Your head feels slightly fuzzy and you can't seem to swallow because of how dry your throat felt. It was hot. Very hot.
            "(Y/n)?" A meek voice rings in your ears but you don't move. You jump slightly as Mark kneels before you, his hands resting on your knees. His hands are cold and suddenly you don't feel as hot as you did before. Mark frowns lightly as he grabs your hands and forces them open, wincing at the sight of how your nails dug so deeply into your palms that they began to bleed.
           "Sorry. What?" You look down and meet his eyes. He smiles slightly and takes his jacket off and puts it around your shoulders.
           "Are you okay?"
           "No. I just lied to Taeyong." Mark nods, his smile widening.
           "I knew it." He hugs you tightly, rubbing your back soothingly. You no longer feel as tense as you did before. Whatever weird vibe you got from Taeyong drifts away as Mark rubs circles between your shoulder blades. "You lost them on purpose didn't you?"
            "Yes. You guys are helping me, I need to return the favor." Mark pulls away from you and helps you stand up, leading you out of the room and down the hall.
            "Thank you, (y/n)." You smile slightly and nod at the boy before he waves and leaves you in front of your room. You open the door and stop as you see Johnny sitting on your bed.
            "You look good in that dress." Johnny stands up and makes his way over to you. His form towers slightly above you and he smiles at that.
            "Why are you in here?" You stand tall, your hand gripping the door knob.
            "I wanted to congratulate you. You did well, regardless of that slip up." He grabs your chin lightly and pulls your face up to meet his. "Now tell me, what kind of reward would you like?" Johnny slides his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. You feel him suck lightly on your bottom lip as you struggle against his tight hold. You manage to push him away and exit the bedroom. He had shock evident on his face as you stand before him.
             "Don't touch me." You breath out, wiping your lips and spitting at his feet.
             "Johnny." Doyoung stands at your door and eyes the male before him. Johnny laughs and winks at you before making his way out the door. As he passes you and Doyoung he slaps your ass lightly, causing you to hide behind Doyoung.
             "I like when they play hard to get." Once Johnny is gone, Doyoung let's out a sigh and shuts your door, making his way to your bed and sits down. You look at him in suspicion before he laughs and pats the spot next to him.
             "I'm not like Johnny or Yuta. I won't do anything." You nod slowly and make your way over to him before plopping down on the bed. He laughs at your exasperated sigh and stretches his arms.
             "What brings you to my room?" You bring your legs up and sit with your legs folded, a pillow hiding anything from view.
             "I wanted to know if you were available tomorrow. Did Taeyong give you any missions?"
             "No. He didn't. What did you need?" Doyoung lays down on your bed and lets out a sigh. 
             "I'm making a bomb and could use some help. Taeyong has everyone running wild and so far no one can help me." You tilt your head slightly and nod. Making a bomber sounds fun, but what would happen if you did something wrong?
              "Don't worry to much about it." He laughs and sits up ruffling your hair slightly. "I won't let you blow us all up." There is a knock on your door and Jaehyun opens it up. He nods at you and Doyoung before leaning against the door way.
              "Want to come with me on my mission?"
              "Oh uh..." Doyoung snorts and shrugs.
              "It's your choice. I won't care if you don't help me."
              "I'll stay with Doyoung. I don't think I'm read to go out again..." Jaehyun smiles sadly before patting your head.
              "No worries, see you for training tomorrow."

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