Part 20: The End

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          "Wait." You turn to the scientist, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. This is it. This is your time to go home. You could finally escape all this stress and the blood. You look lightly to your left and smile sadly at Mark and Haechan before looking to your right and seeing Xiaojun and Jaehyun. But could you really leave them? They were still unstable... Would they be able to manage without a guiding hand? Could you handle it? You breath in once before letting it out. You've decided. "Can I borrow a pen and paper?" The scientist tilts his head in confusion, but does as you ask him to. No one questions what you are doing as you quickly scribble a small message on the paper. Your heart hurt immensely writing your goodbye before you hand him the pen and fold the piece of paper. You cup it delicately in your palm, afraid to rip it.
          "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Mark gives you a questioning look, but you just smile at him sadly.
          "Don't close the portal yet. Give me time." The scientist rubs his temples in annoyance before nodding his head and letting you do what you wanted. There really was no point in arguing anyway. You turn back around and make your way to the portal. Entering it felt strange. It felt like you were floating in space before finally feeling grounded once you exited the other side. You let a few tears fall as Pineapple greets you with loud and excited barks. You pet behind his ears before placing the folded piece of paper on your desk. You run your fingers across the desk, taking in every detail of your room. From the other side of the portal, the members of NCT watch with curious expressions. Why didn't you say goodbye before entering the portal?
          "I'll be closing the portal now. It's been open too long." The scientist begins the process of closing the portal. You wipe your tears and grab Pineapple's leash, hooking it onto his collar. You take one last look at your room before walking back out of the portal. Your vision is slightly blurry from crying and you hold Pineapple's leash tightly in your hands. The portal closes behind you completely before you smile at all the members. They stare with wide eyes as Pineapple barks happily at them, wanting to have his ears scratched.
          "Wh-what are you doing?"
          "Staying." You let out a small yelp as you are tackled by Mark in a hug. You chuckle and rub his back lightly before letting your tears fall once again. Pineapple runs around your feet, his happy yips and bumps with his head making you laugh.
          "Why would you do that?" Taeyong mutters, still shocked that you didn't leave through the portal. You just shrug and smile sadly, petting Pineapple.
          "And do what? Worry you'd all go insane and kill each other?" You laugh dryly before looking at them with the most genuine smile you have ever shown since you arrived in their world. "Besides, I'd miss you all too much."
          "Yuta. Get us out of here." Taeyong smirks and speaks into his walkie before nodding at the scientist. "We'll be leaving. We got what we came for." All the scientists scream and duck for cover when Doyoung begins to shoot all around, making sure they were afraid and wouldn't try and stop you from leaving. Note to self: Doyoung likes guns... a lot.
          "Most guards are by the main hall. They're receiving a shipment of explosives." Taeyong nods at Yuta's words before ushering you all into the halls. The large metal doors close behind you. You all begin down the halls and to the trap door, avoiding most of the guards. The ones that were unlucky enough to run into you were easily shot down. Pineapple didn't have a care in the world, happily trotting next to you the entire time. You were pretty sure you heard Taeil mutter something about not letting the stupid mutt shit on his floors. You chuckle lightly at his sour expression as you all gather around the trap door.
          "Unlocking now." Chenle mumbles lightly before a small click is heard, allowing Jungwoo and Jaehyun to open it up. One by one you all file out, you hand Pineapple up to Jaehyun to pull out before he helps you out as well. Eventually you all stand around the trap door before Doyoung pats your shoulder.
          "Remember that grenade I gave you?" You tilt your head before pulling the object out and stare at it. "Pull that, and then throw it in." He gestures to the pin before smiling brightly at you. How did you miss how gun and bomb crazy Doyoung was?
          "Okay..." You take the pin out and toss it in the trap door before Taeyong and Mark shut it quickly. Doyoung grabs you arm and you all begin to run as fast as you can to the cars. You feel the ground rumble lightly before letting out a small laugh. "Guess we beat them to the explosions." Doyoung lets out a snort from beside you before you all start to slow down and load back into the trucks. You sit in the back of the truck with Pineapple on the way to the 127 base while Kun and Xiaojun sit in the front. You jump lightly when the truck shuts off and NCT start to unload, not realizing that your short drive was over.
          "So they're really gone..." Jisung mutters, noting how there was an empty space between Kun and Xiaojun.
          "Is that what we do now? Talk about people as if they aren't here?" You laugh as you hop out of the back of the truck, Pineapple hooping out after you.
          "(Y/n)!" Chenle and Jisung shout out before hugging you. You laugh, hugging them back and letting them cry a little on your shoulder. They were still very much babies. Yuta attempts to come over and "hug" you too, but you kick him away, making Pineapple growl at him.
          "Good Pineapple." Jaehyun mumbles and scratches the dog behind his ear. You all begin to unload before just relaxing, as if nothing happened. As if you didn't just break into a government facility, send Ten to another world, and then proceed to blow up the facility before leaving. You are busy putting away the rest of your guns when you're suddenly engulfed in a large hug. Pineapple barks lightly at the intruder, but you only smile and hug the male back.
          "You were right. I could just stay... and I did." Jungwoo says nothing as he pulls away with a bright smile on his face. You grab his hands and pull him along with you to the main halls. You look around at the Dreamies talking to the 127 members and WayV members as well. You felt proud. Now you just have to keep it this way. Peace has been achieved, and you'll make sure it stays that way for as long as you're alive.

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