Part 11

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          "Um... I guess I'll partner with Taeyong." Jungwoo hums out in agreement and laughs lightly as Taeyong nods his head dismissively. Neither of them seemed to really care who you chose.
          "The mission is simple. We're breaking into the Dreamies' base. Mess it up a bit." Your heart stops. Did you hear that correctly? They... they found the base? You swallow the lump forming in your throat as you look out the window and nod. Jungwoo glances at the mirror to study your face. He lets out a sigh and stares straight ahead, focusing on the road again. Didn't Mark say he was heading to the Dreamies today? Oh god.
          "Will there be anyone there?" Jungwoo asks, catching your eyes through the mirror for a split second before he looks over to Taeyong expectantly. Why was Jungwoo asking that? Didn't he like trouble? The more people, the better of a fight it would be, right?
           "I don't know." Well that wasn't much of an answer. You eye Taeyong suspiciously. Was he doing this because he trusted you more or was this his way of letting you know that he's onto you. You look over to Jungwoo driving and wonder if he really did find out about why you lost those papers and if he told Taeyong. Were they playing you?
          "Doesn't matter, we just rough up the place. Give them a message." Jungwoo's eye shine with mischief as he turns into an alleyway, driving until the car is shrouded by darkness and parks. He shuts off the car and hops out of it, you following his movements. Taeyong makes his way around the car and throws the two of you bats. You catch it with such elegance that it literally drops and hits your toe. Jungwoo laughs and picks it up, handing it to you before winking.
          "Nice catching skills." Your face heats up and you pout, opting to look forward and at Taeyong. He nods, leading the two of you out of the alleyway and into an all too familiar parking lot. You stare up at the building, a pit forming in your stomach. Please don't let anyone be in there, and if there is, definitely don't let it be Mark. You make it up to the door and Taeyong places a tiny device against the handle, motioning for the two of you to back away. He presses a green button before backing up and allowing it to explode. The lock was broken... You're in.
        "Okay, have at it." Jungwoo runs inside, smashing the TV that Chenle and Jisung played with that day. You cringe but wander the halls as Taeyong makes his way into Mark's office area. You flinch at every loud noise before coming face to face with Jeno and Jaemin. Your eyes widen as you look down at your bat and back at them. How do you explain this? Especially since you didn't meet them last time...
          "(Y/n)?" You jump at Marks voice and your eyes widen even further. You push him lightly, looking behind you to make sure Jungwoo and Taeyong weren't coming. Jaemin and Jeno stand on guard before Mark shakes his head at them.
          "You need to get out of here. Taeyong and Jungwoo are tearing this place apart." Mark's eyes widen before he nods, motioning for Jeno and Jaemin to follow him. The two boys eye you hesitantly before following their leader. He grabs your shoulders and points to the other end of the hall.
          "Chenle is in there." He lets out a sigh and clenches his fists. "Help him, and thanks for the heads up." You nod as you watch the three of them run down the hall and to a back door. You hear footsteps approaching you lightly before you raise your bat and close your eyes. You swing. Glass shatters as you destroy one of the windows in the hallway. A deep chuckle resonates from behind you as Taeyong claps.
          "Nice swing." You smile, bringing the bat closer to your body.
          "Now what?"
          "We have one of them. Come with me." You feel your heart squeeze as Taeyong speaks to you. You nod solemnly before following the 127 leader out into the main room. A more than battered Chenle sits on one of the torn beanbag chairs as Jungwoo stands next to him. He looks up to you with wide eyes but you bring a finger to your mouth. He nods, looking back down. Taeyong grabs the boy by his chin, raising his face up to look at him.
          "So they leave the base to be guarded by a pipsqueak like you?" Chenle spits blood at Taeyong before smirking triumphantly. Taeyong lets out a low growl before punching Chenle's gut. You jump, your grip tightening on your bat.
          "Fuck you." This earns Chenle another punch. You look away, your body shaking with rage. What the fuck? Who cares about Taeyong's stupid ass tragic backstory... this... this is brutal.
          "Who is your leader?"
          "Why should I tell you?" Chenle lifts his head up, eyeing Taeyong with absolute disgust. You cringe at his bruised face, opting to look at Jungwoo. Jungwoo exchanges a worried glance with you, this time without his normal excited glint. Why?
          "Lets see," Taeyong stands back up and cracks his knuckles before looking down at Chenle's beaten form. "Because you're the one of the ground and I'm the one with a gun." Your breath stops as Taeyong pulls out a gun and twirls it around his fingers. The gun shines lightly and reflects the lights from the broken lamps and fairly lights that were ripped off the walls. Chenle coughs, eyes wide as he looks beyond Taeyong and at you. You feel the world freeze as you look at Chenle's terrified eyes. He was so scared...
          "So, what do you say now?" Jungwoo steps forward a bit, unsure as to where Taeyong was going with this. Sure he was all for the fun and andrenaline, but something this rash would result in war immediately. If war broke out, 127 haven't really gotten their ducks in a row yet, so they'd be just as royally screwed as the Dreamies. Taeyong wouldn't actually... kill Chenle would he? You think back to Kun's words and wince at how correct he had been. Taeying really is unpredictable... You had to stop this, but how? Chenle said nothing, staring down the barrel of the gun before him. God you were so fucking useless.
          "Taeyong." Jungwoo warns the male before him, but is ignored as Taeyong presses the gun harshly against Chenle's head. Chenle winces at the cold touch of the gun before closing his eyes tightly. You don't breath as you take in the scene before you, why wouldn't your legs move to shove Taeyong off?
          "Who is your leader?"
          "We need to get out of here. Who knows if he's called for backup." Jungwoo reasons with the leader, but is again ignored as Taeyong takes off the safety. You look down with your fists tightening further around your bat. You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed before Taeyong speaks up again.
          "(Y/n)." You eyes shoot up to meet Taeyong's. He nods and motions for you to come closer to him. You do as told before Taeyong hands you the gun. Your eyes widen as you look down at Chenle. His breath picks up as you look him in the eyes. Taeyong rests a hand on your shoulder. "Shoot him."
          "Did I fucking stutter? Shoot him."

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