Part 15

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          "Stop!" You shout out and run forward, pulling Taeyong off of Mark's battered form. Taeyong shoves you aside and throws you to the floor harshly.
          "Don't you dare touch me."
          "I knew! I knew Mark was with the Dreamies! At first I wasn't sure how to tell you all. I was so unsure the entire time! But I always knew." You stand up and eye Taeyong, looking behind him at Jungwoo and Jaehyun. They looked slightly hurt by the news. You smile sadly before staring Taeyong dead straight in the eyes. He falters, shocked to see you look at him with such determination. "I knew because where I came from you guys really are a family. You, 127, the Dreamies, heck even Wayv! You are always together and all friends! A family!"
          "What are you even on about! Is this the same nonsense from before?" Taeyong shouts furiously, fingering the gun in his back pocket. Your eyes hover over the object lightly before looking back up to him.
          "Yes. Yes, because it's true." Taeyong pulls out his gun and points it at your head. The room falls silent.
          "Stop." Jungwoo pushes you aside and stands before Taeyong. "Please. We are a family. We aren't just some gang or mafia. A family. Hear (y/n) out." Jungwoo stares down Taeyong, neither of them moving a muscle before Kun steps forward and rests his hand on Taeyong's gun.
          "I'm curious myself. I'd like to know." Taeyong lowers his gun before glancing over at Mark and Johnny. He nods and Johnny releases Mark, letting the younger male fall to the ground, holding his stomach. You and Jungwoo rush over to make sure he is okay.
          "You don't have much time. Waste it and I'll kill all three of you." Taeyong growls out, eyeing Jungwoo as well, the feeling of betrayal seeping into his body. Was Jungwoo an accomplice? You stand up and reach into your back pocket, pulling out the papers Chenle had handed you.
          "Chenle, the guy you made me shoot gave me these. It's an article about a project where a man was brought from another world."
          "Like what? An alien?" Doyoung speaks up this time, sharing the same confused look with the rest of 127. WayV seems to be all too familiar with the topic, not that you or anyone else noticed. You let out a small breath before shaking your head.
          "No. Almost like... uh... a different dimension." The sound of the safety being taken off of a gun makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
          "You're making no sense."
          "They are actually." Kun steps towards you and looks you up and down. It made no sense to him. He thought the project was shut down, so how was this possible?
          "What are you on about?"
          "Before we became prevalent in the trafficking business, we were hired by this company. They wanted test subjects, so of course we did what they asked. Money is money." You blink at Kun before he takes the papers from your hands. He glances over them before letting out a scoff. "We got rid off the author of this article for them." Your blood runs cold as he utters those words. So they were right, the person was offed because they wrote this....
          "I don't understand." Taeil speaks up this time, the idea of traveling dimensions and science intrigue him. He stands next to Kun and looks over the papers as well. "How did they even do it?"
          "We're not sure. All we know is that they brought things back from a different world. Most were scared and afraid but with one of them, they also brought disease. Remember the outbreak of that virus that killed over half a million people?" Doyoung lets out a small breath of shock, recalling such an event.
          "You're saying that the outbreak was from that?! That's so..."
          "Insane? Yes." Kun looks over at the rest of Wayv and clutches the papers tightly in his hands. "The disease killed one of our members." Again, the room falls silent. What? That's not possible...
          "That doesn't make any sense! You're all here, Xiaojun, Hendery, Ten, WinWin, Lucas, YangYang, and you. How could... wait." Your muttering shock some of the people in the room. How did you know all their names? Is it possible what was being told is the truth? Did you really come from a different world?
          "It doesn't does it?" He lets out a dry laugh and hands you the papers. "We threatened to leave. We didn't want to work with them anymore, but they promised to bring him back... so we stayed."
          "What do you mean bring him back?" Kun looks at Johnny and lets out a sigh.
          "They were losing their funding but we didn't know. So they wanted us to get as many subjects before that. It was the only way we'd stay." Kun looks at you and you just know. You just know.
          "They brought him back from a different dimension..."
          "Yes. At first it was like nothing ever happened, but he started wanting to go home... we couldn't bear it anymore and just wanted to send him back... send him home so he could be happy, but they left and that was that."
          "If they left then why is (y/n) here?" Jaehyun speaks up this time, eyeing you suspiciously. You shrug and look at Kun expectantly.
          "That's what we're trying to piece together. Someone must be at the old site, and activated it again."
          "This still makes no sense." Taeyong growls out and point his gun at you.
          "Wait!" Ten runs in front of you and holds his arms out in a protective manner. He looks back at you then at Taeyong. "Wait. I can prove it."
          "How?" Ten holds his palm out, where a small flower begins to sprout. Most of 127 let out a small gasp. Even the members of WayV watch with awe, still not used to such a display. Taeyong lowers his gun.
          "In my world, we have an affinity with Nature. There were no cities, no electricity, only us and the Earth. We loved it... I loved it." Ten hands the flower to you with a smile. You look at it in awe then back at him. He's like you. He understands what it's like. He misses home too. "If there's a chance they rebooted the project, then this is bigger than some petty war. I'll do anything to go home."
          "How long have you been stuck here?" Taeil asks and stares at him with a twinkle in his eyes. This was all so intriguing to him.
          "Four years." Your heart shatters. You love NCT sure, and you love Mark, Jaehyun and Jungwoo... but four years? No way, you could never. You miss home. You miss Pineapple and your parents. You miss it so damn bad.
          "Fine." Taeyong throws his gun to the side, and hatred coursing through his veins. He's confused and conflicted. This is a big matter, but he still feels betrayed. In a way he wants to be selfish and just go along with it until they figure this all out, then just go straight back to figuring out all these lies and hurt. He looks over to you as you smile down at the flower. He looks at your eyes, and he sees it. That look. That longing for home. He knows better than anyone that home is a special place. He waited all his life to find it and he finally did, with 127. Who was he to deny you?

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