Alternate Ending: Doyoung

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                                                          ~ 3 years later~
          "Ah shit." You blink in surprise as Doyoung comes out of the basement, smoke pouring out the door behind him. He coughs a few times, leaning against the wall of the hallway trying to catch his breath. You finally shake yourself out of your surprise and make your way to the male, helping him stand straight and checking for any injuries.
          "What happened? Are you okay Doyoung?" The male chuckles, brushing you off lightly before letting out a few more coughs.
          "Accidentally cracked a smoke bomb's shell."
          "Nice going dumbass." You hit the male on his shoulder, making him rub the area in slight pain. He laughs, his gummy smile making his eyes turn into sideways crescent moons.
          "Sorry to make you go into mom mode." You roll your eyes at his mocking tone. Ever since you decided to stay with NCT, Doyoung labeled you as the mom of the gang. You are always fussing over the smallest of things, causing the male before you to laugh and compare you to how a mom acts when her children get hurt. You, of course, deny his accusations but he still finds it fun to tease you, especially when he gets the others to join in.
          "You're so childish." Doyoung hums, peaking around you and staring at the basement door, most of the smoke had cleared out into the hall, making it seem slightly eerie. It almost reminded him of horror movies right before the main character is attacked. He pulls out a walkie that is attached to the loops on his jeans before switching it on, the sudden static noise causing you to jump. Doyoung laughs at your reaction, earning another painful whack to the shoulder.
          "Hey Hendery, can you open the garage door. I set off a smoke bomb by accident. Let some fresh air in here."
          "Roger that." Hendery mutters through the walkie before Doyoung shuts it off. He turns to you, his head tilted in a curious manner.
          "Anyway, what did you come here for?"
          "Oh well... You had been cooped up working on weapons for Jungwoo, Taeyong, Jeno and Xiaojun's mission for twelve hours so I was coming to check on you." Doyoung smirks down at you, pushing your shoulder in a playful manner. You send him a glare, already knowing where this was heading.
          "So... basically you were in mom mode?" You scoff, kicking his shin. The male lets out a yelp, nursing his shin from the not so gentle kick you delivered to him.
          "Fine, I take back my offer to buy you food." You grumble, turning away from the male to head down the hall. Doyoung's ears perk up at the mention of food and is quick to match your stride.
          "I take it back, buy me food." You laugh and bump shoulders with him, turning to enter the garage. Hendery waves at the two of you before going back to playing a game with Chenle and YangYang. You grab a pair of keys from the rack and unlock a small black car. Doyoung is quick to steal the keys from you and slide into the drivers side of the car.
          "Hey, I wanted to drive!"
          "Shut up and get in the car." You let out a grumble, but slide into the passenger side anyway. Once Doyoung starts the car, you play with the radio, trying to find a station worth listening to. You finally settle for a station that plays kpop song. Turns out some idols that were in your world are still idols here in this one, which was absolutely baffling to you, but you try not to think about it too much. You hum along to B.A.P.'s song, One Shot, while looking out the window. It honestly didn't take long for you and Doyoung to arrive at a small cafe he frequents. You both get out of the car and enter the cafe. One of the people working immediately recognizes Doyoung, smiling at the male and flipping their hair. You almost snort at their attempt of flirting.
          "Hi Doyoung! Getting your regular today?" He hum, ignoring the girl then turns to me.
          "What do you want?" You scan the menu quickly, just settling for some pastries and a small hot cocoa. Doyoung orders the food, allowing you to pay for it, smiling in happiness about the fact that he doesn't have to waste his money. The cashier continues to flirt with Doyoung, even going as far as asking for his number. You let out a snort when he gives her a phone number, but one you recognize as Johnny's, not his. Once the overly happy cashier gets the phone number and you get your food, Doyoung hurriedly ushers you out the door and to the waterfront across the street from the cafe.
          "I can't believe you just did that." Doyoung laughs, pulling out his sandwich from the bag and taking a bite. He leans against the railing separating the two of you  from the water.
          "I always try and avoid her, but somehow when I finally think I've figured out her shifts she changes them." You almost snort up your hot cocoa, choking on it as the male laughs at you, almost choking on his sandwich as well. Heh. Karma.
          "Looks like you have a stalker." You pull out your pastry and take a bite before looking out at the water. "Actually, make that an angry stalker now..."
          "Eh, maybe she'll finally get the hint." Both of you settle into a nice silence, finishing up your drinks and food quickly. Well, more like Doyoung finished quickly after working twelve hours straight with no food. You took your time to eat your pastry.
          "Thank you." You tilt your head to the side, confused for his sudden thanks.
          "It's fine, I don't mind buying you food." Doyoung laughs, kicking the dirt before shaking his head.
          "That's not what I meant. I know I tease you for it a lot, but you really do take care of us. Thank you." You bump shoulders with him, a small smile gracing your features.
          "It's the whole reason I stayed. You guys mean a lot to me." Doyoung hums, heading back to the car and sliding in the drivers side. The ride home is a lot more quieter than usual, both of you just enjoying the others presence. You had gotten a lot closer to Doyoung these past three years. He couldn't thank you enough for what you did for NCT, but he definitely tries. He doesn't always share his feelings and he does pester you a lot, but he's beyond grateful for you. You never openly express your feelings of gratitude for him either, so you can't really blame him. You look up to him immensely and you'll never stop seeing him as a powerful leader and a good friend.
          "Can you click the button to open up the garage?" You shake your head, emptying out all your thoughts before clicking the button in the car to open the garage doors. You watch as they slowly lift up to allow the small black car inside. Once the two of you are inside the garage, you note that it's pretty much abandoned. Hendery, Chenle and Yangyang must have left a while ago.
          "I'm going to head back down to the basement. See you later." Doyoung hangs up the car keys, heading to the door but you grab his sleeve, pulling him back. He raises a brow, his face suddenly turning a bright scarlet at your next actions. You bring your face up to peck his cheek, a rose colored hue spreading across your own cheeks. Without another word, you scramble past the male and down the hall to our room so you can curl up and die from embarrassment. Doyoung stands frozen, a stupid smile on his face that reaches his eyes. He brings one hand up to touch the spot you kissed him, only to feel the tingling static of slight embarrassment. He starts down the hall after you, the weapons could wait until tomorrow.

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