Part 16

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          "Bring the Dreamies here. We'll plan together." Taeyong's word shock most of the people in the room. You look over at him with wide eyes before smiling at him. He sits down and looks at you with a stern stare. You could tell this was hard for him but after seeing what his actions have done, he realizes it wasn't the Dreamies that caused this divide, it was him. This is his growth as a person and something in you feels proud that he's realizing his mistakes.
          "Are you serous?" Johnny looks at Taeyong to see if there's any alternative meaning or reason behind his words, but there is nothing. He seems genuine and true.
          "Yes. We won't do anything. Maybe..." He looks at Mark before turning away in slight anger before composing himself. "Maybe we can find a way to work together."
          "I'll get them. I'll be back." Jungwoo and you help Mark stand shakily before he nods at you with a small smile. He grabs the keys Yuta hands him before the two of them leave to retrieve the Dreamies. Jungwoo gives you a grin, his eyes showing his thanks. You shake your head dismissively because you didn't do much. Both of you turn to Taeyong and the rest of 127 and WayV.
          "What do we do now?" Xiaojun steps forward and leans against the table. He looks over at Kun before glancing at Taeyong wearily. He seems unstable, but also like he's changed with what's been said.
          "The obvious. Send these two home." Taeil speaks up and looks over at you and Ten. Ten smiles happily but you look down. Jaehyun comes over and pats your head. You smile up at him then nod at Taeil. You get to go home... but why does that hurt a little bit?
          "What do you know about the laboratory?"
          "We know where it is, but if its been reestablished, then there might be a lot of security." Kun mutters out and leans against the table. Taeyong nods before letting out a sigh. He looks at all of us the  stands once again.
          "This is going to require all of us. For now, I just need Taeil, Johnny and Doyoung to start planning. Everyone else is dismissed." He waves his hand at you and then you all begin to exit the room. Kun nods as well and motions for Xiaojun and Ten to follow him. The rest of WayV follow you out of the conference room and into the halls. You all just stand around looking at each other before Lucas speaks up.
          "There's no use in just sitting around. Let's try and make ourselves useful by counting supplies, getting cars ready, and training." Hendery nods and looks over at Jaehyun. Jaehyun kicks himself off the wall and smirks.
          "You can follow me to the gym if you'd like." Hendery and Lucas both smile at the male before following him up the stairs.  Winwin and YangYang look at Jungwoo before he lets out a sigh and starts to lead them to the storage area. He smiles at you before you shake your head, a small frown gracing your features.
          "Are you coming (y/n)?"
          "No, I'll wait for the Dreamies. Come and get me if you need anything." Jungwoo smiles sadly before leading the other two males away. You make your way to the cars and stare at the doors. Wow. You couldn't believe that this all worked out. All of those times you chose to put your trust in Taeyong and do as he said really worked out in the end. You let out a small hum before leaning back against the wall and stare at the cars. This is it. If they pull this off you could go home. But did you want to?
          "Waiting for me to get back? How sweet?" Yuta's voice breaks your train of thought and you jump lightly at how close his face is to yours. You look beyond him and smile at the Dreamies. They look around with curiosity but also with unease. Mark smiles at you regardless of his bruised face before patting your head. Yuta looks around and let's out a sigh. "Where are the others? Still in the conference room?"
         "No. They're either in the gym or storage unit. They're getting ready to raid that laboratory."
          "I'm guessing Taeyong and Kun are still in there though?" You nod at Mark and stand up to greet the Dreamies. Jeno pats your back in a friendly manner before leaning against your shoulder.
          "Yeah. Them and their second in commands."
          "Okay. Haechan and Renjun come with me. Yuta can you show them to the training grounds or storage unit?" Yuta lets out a small huff before glancing at the younger males. He rolls his eyes and motions for them to follow him. Most of them do, but Chenle lags behind.
          "Is what Mark said true? There's someone else like you?"
          "Yes. It's how we got Taeyong to drop the topic of war. Be wary though, I'm not sure if this is just a temporary thing." Chenle smiles and gives you a small hug, careful not to hurt his shoulder. Your eyes widen, but you return the hug. Sometimes you forget how young he actually is.
           "Thank you."
           "I didn't even do anything." Chenle laughs and separates from you.
           "You opened up a door for them to talk instead of fight." He pats your head, something most of them seem to love to do before making his way out the door to follow after Yuta.
           "I opened a door?" You mumble lightly before glancing at the spot Chenle once stood. What should you do? How could you help them? You scrunch up your nose in frustration before a small laugh makes you jump.
           "You look cute with your nose scrunched up like that." Jungwoo hums out before entering the garage. You tilt your head and glance at him with curiosity.
           "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the storage unit?"
           "Yuta is with them." He sits down next to the keys before looking over at you with his bright smile. You smile back before joining him on the seats against the wall. He pokes your forehead and laughs at your small glare. "You going to tell me why you look so conflicted?"
            "I... don't know." You look down at your lap and play with the hem of your shirt. Why were you conflicted? You miss home, that's for sure, but you also love these guys. You haven't been here long, but after everything that's happened you feel so close to them. It almost feels like you are meant to be here.
           "Look, I haven't known you long... but whatever is wrong... you can tell me. You're one of us remember?" You smile before looking up at Jungwoo. His eyes hold no playfulness and his face is stern. This is only the second time that you've seen him this serious and you let out a sigh, knowing he's not joking around.
           "I just don't know what's holding me back. I have a life. I have a dog to take care of, a dream, family, friends..." you lean your head back against the wall and let out a sigh. "But at the same time I feel like something is tying me down here."
           "Then don't go." You look over at Jungwoo with wide eyes only to be met with the side of his face. He stares straight ahead with the tiniest of smiles on his face. He fidgets slightly in his seat as he feels your eyes on him. "Stay with us."
           "I know we can't force you and that you're not used to being in a a gang... and I know that you get uneasy with how brutal things can be... but you could stay." You smile lightly at Jungwoo and numb shoulders with him. He jumps lightly before letting out a small chuckle. "I'm serious though. You could stay here with us."
           "I don't know..." Your smile slowly falls as you stare ahead of you. Jungwoo looks back at you and his lips tug into a frown at your confused expression. He wants to be selfish and tell you to stay here. Stay here with 127 and make everything better. Ever since you showed up life has been a little more exciting and a little more fun, something he always attempts to do. But at the same time, he knew that you had your own life and your own friends. This isn't where you were supposed to be, but he would try his hardest to make it where your belonged.
          "You don't need to find the answer now." Jungwoo shifts so he can face you and pats your head. You smile and look at the room before you. We're you being selfish? You really didn't know anymore what you wanted to do. Jungwoo asking you to saptay definitely isn't helping in this situation. The door to the garage opens and you both smile at Haechan's face. He smiles widely at you before eyeing Jungwoo lightly, still uneasy in the presence of the 127 members.
          "Everyone can come back to the conference room now."
          "Sure thing." Jungwoo states as Haechan nods and leaves to go tell the others. Jungwoo stands up and helps you get up as well. "Let's go." 

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