Part 9

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          "Can you help me out with Kun." Taeil mumbles, leading the two new faces down the hall and to the infirmary. You nod and flank the other side of Kun, helping apply pressure and steady him along with Xiaojun. Once inside the infirmary, you both lay him down, making sure to not loosen your hold on his wound.
          "He got shot. Bullet went straight through, skimmed the leg of the guy behind us." Xiaojun mutters and wipes his hands clean of blood, assisting Taeil in grabbing supplies and prepping to sew Kun up.
          "(Y/n), continue to apply pressure." Taeil orders and you nod, smiling down at Kun in an attempt to ease his pain. Taeil makes his way around you and injects Kun with some sort of numbing drug. "Make conversation. Ease him so he doesn't move around. Also, let go of his wound now." You nod and hesitantly remove your hands, watching as blood oozes out of the gun shot. It was large, most likely from a close range shot and a powerful gun.
          "Hey, can you feel anything?"
          "Tch- what kind of question is that?" Kun laughs out, blood dribbling down his mouth. He looks down and squints his eyes in pain before slowly relaxing, the drugs finally kicking in. His lips were pale from blood loss and his face was bruised.
          "Sorry." You mumble, looking over at Taeil, who shifts Kun onto his side. Xiaojun keeps his friend from rolling onto his back as Taeil sews the wound shut on the other side. They gently place the male down on his back before beginning to clean up.
          "Let's pray it didn't hit anything vital." Taeil shakes his head and nods at you in thanks. You shrug, not really feeling all that helpful before looking over at Xiaojun. He nods and holds out his hand, laughing slightly when you stare at it in slight disgust from the blood.
          "Sorry. I'm Xiaojun. You're new aren't yo-" A sudden gunshot alerts everyone in the room. Kun sluggishly tries to sit up in alarm, but Taeil pushes him back down, injecting more drugs into his system to calm him down. Four more gunshots are heard along with shouting. Xiaojun and Taeil shoot up from their spots and move towards the door. Xiaojun nods at Taeil before grabbing a gun from his holster and leaving the infirmary. Taeil turns to you and holds out a small pistol.
          "Do you know how to use this?" You look at him in panic and shake your head. He lets out a small sigh and gently places the pistol into your hands. He removes the safety and points it at the door.
          "W-what do I do?" You stutter out, absolutely terrified of holding such a dangerous weapon. Taeil grabs another gun and preps it before heading towards the door.
          "Protect our injured friend. Shoot anyone who walks through this door if it's not one of us." You don't even get to say anything more as Taeil runs out the room and shuts the it behind him. You look over at Kun and sigh, he was asleep so it's your job to make sure he doesn't get any more injured than he is now. You hold the pistol up, staring intensely at the door as more gunshots are heard, except this time they were closer than before.
          "Over here!" Your finger hovers over the trigger in alarm at the unfamiliar voices. Your heart beats faster with each footstep and gunshot. Your breath becomes slightly ragged and you can feel your palms become sweaty.
          "Dammit. Don't have a panic attack, (y/n)! Not now." You growl at yourself, taking a deep breath and peaking over at Kun. His chest rises and falls slowly peacefully in contrast to the yelling and shooting that occurs outside. Then suddenly... it's quiet. Your arms stiffen, slightly hurting from having them raised up in one position for so long. How long has it been since the noises stopped? It felt like an eternity but you're sure it hasn't been more that one minute. Kun shuffles next to you, his eyes fluttering open as he looks at you.
          "Who are you?" He slurs, his vision still slightly blurry and his side still numb.
          "I'm (y/n). I'm with 127 and you were shot." Kun hums in acknowledgement, his mind still fuzzy. He keeps his head down but looks over at your shaking form. You still had the pistol raised up in a defensive form.
          "Relax your shoulders. If you shook like that you'll hurt yourself from the recoil." You jump slightly but do as you are told, freezing up as the door handle twists. A gun is seen before the person. Something in your gut tells you to shoot when the door opens fully and you do. Flinching slightly at the loud noise that emits from the gun. Your eyes widen as the man stumbles backwards, clutching his shoulder. Your breath hitches as you shoot again, this time aiming for his head. Your heart stops as the bullet hits its target, causing the man to drop. Kun stares at you with curious eyes as you stare dead ahead. Your heart picks back up and you feel bile rising up in your throat.
          "Shit." You grumble out, making your way over to the infirmary's sink and releasing the contents of your stomach into it. You turn it on quickly and rinse your mouth with water before making your way back to Kun's bedside and holding the gun out in front of you again. Kun stares in slight bewilderment. You are a part of 127? If you are then why are you so unfamiliar with a gun? He eyes you slightly before attempting to sit back up.
          "I have to go help." He growls, swinging his feet over the edge of the bed and clutching his side. You set the pistol down gently and shake your head, stopping Kun from moving anymore.
          "No. You'll injure yourself further. I was ordered to look after you." Kun looks up at your face and lets out a sigh before attempting to push you aside. You stand your ground, surprised by the amount of strength he had regardless of the drugs pumping through his veins.
          "Listen, that's good to know but I can handle it." Kun pushes you again, but you push him back down on the bed as gently as you can. Both of you jump at the sound of the door swinging open to reveal a bloody Xiaojun and Taeil. They eye the body on the ground before letting out sighs of relief.
          "Good, you got the one we missed." Xiaojun kicks the body slightly before walking into the infirmary and smiling at a Kun brightly. "And I see you're doing better already." Taeil scoffs and pushes Kun further back onto the bed.
          "You stay over night, just in case we missed something. We don't have the ability to see if it hit anything vital until you pass out or die." Kun laughs, rubbing his side softly before looking at Taeil with a slight glare.
          "You've always had a way with words Taeil." 
          "He sure does." Johnny leans against the door way, kicking the dead body aside with no care. You flinch slightly, your stomach still feeling slightly queasy. Johnny smirks at you and wraps his arm around your waist and bites down on your ear lightly. Your face scrunches up in disgust and you shuffle away from him and towards Taeil.
          "Johnny." Doyoung warns from the doorway before walking in. He nods at you and grabs said male by the arm. "Come help me clean up the mess." He gestures to the body and probably any of the other bodies laying around. Johnny lets out a small sigh before winking at you and helping Doyoung grab the body and pull it out into the hall, closing the door behind them. You stare blankly at the door, your hands trembling slightly. Taeil looks at you with slight pity before he taps your shoulder, making you jump.
          "You should get some rest. It's been a long day."
          "Are you sure you don't need any more help?" Taeil glances at Kun and Xiaojun before shaking his head slightly. He gently pushes you to the door and opens it up for you, cringing at the blood staining the floor.
          "No. We'll be okay here." You nod and wave at the two boys sitting on the bed. They both wave back and then turn to each other once again to talk. Taeil pats your head before closing the door and leaving you to yourself. You stare at the blood on the floor and your hands curl into fists. You flinch slightly at the pain in your palms, looking down to see fresh blood of your own. You walk down the hall before stopping in front of your room. You don't even bother to close and lock the door before stripping down and sliding into the shower. You let the hot water stream down your body as you choke back some sobs. What did you do?
          "(Y/n)?" You stop staring at the blood washing down the drain from your bloody palms and look at the door of the bathroom. You shut the shower off and wrap a towel around yourself before peering out of the bathroom. Mark stands there with some food before smiling at you. He holds the food up and sits on your bed.
          "When did you get back?"
          "About five minutes ago. It's almost midnight and Taeil said you still haven't come out of your room." Midnight? We're you really standing in the shower that long? You look down at your hands and notice how wrinkled they looked before letting out a sigh.
          "I'll be out in a second." You mumble, sliding back into the bathroom and slipping on some comfortable clothes to sleep in. You dry off your hair and make your way over to Mark, accepting the ramen he hands you. You stare down at it, your stomach churning.
          "Eat." He pushes on your hands lightly before pulling his legs up to sit with them crisscrossed on your bed. You grab the chopsticks and take a bite of the noodles, just now realizing how hungry you actually were. Mark smiles in triumph before placing a water bottle next to you as well. "I ran into Jaehyun. He said no practice tomorrow. You both need a break." You nod your head, placing the empty ramen container on the ground before chugging your water bottle.
          "Thank you." Mark shrugs at your thanks with a smile on his face and places both his hands on his knees.
          "I'm heading over to the Dreamies tomorrow. Do you want to come or just stay here?"
          "Actually I'm gonna stay here, check up on Kun." Mark smiles before shrugging.

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