Alternate Ending: Jaehyun

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~ 3 years later~

          "Dammit." You let out a puff of breath as you grab Jaehyun's arm and twist it around, kneeling on his back. You smile triumphantly as the male below you pushes up, but is unable to move from this current position. You make the mistake of easing up on the male before he flips around and pins you to the ground instead.
          "How many times have I told you never to let your guard down?"
          "About ten million times." You blow a raspberry in his direction before he pushes himself off the floor. You get up on your elbows and glare at the male before you. Even after three years he was still as brutal as ever and almost impossible to beat. You smile, thinking back to when you told them all you'd stay. As soon as you got back to the base Jaehyun pulled you into one of the longest hugs you had ever been in. He had the biggest smile on his face when he had pulled away, cupping your cheek and pressing his forehead against yours. Your face heats up as you remember it. He was so gentle and kind, just holding you close, but not doing anything that would make you uncomfortable.
          "Well, you gonna accept my hand or stay on the floor?" You face burns a brighter red as you shake yourself out of your thoughts. You grab his hand and he hoists you up.
          "Go and get changed, I have somewhere to take you."
          "What?" He pushes your forehead with two fingers before smirking at you.
          "Just do as I say." You pout and pick up your water, heading down the stairs and to your room. You mumble a small profanity as you trip on a wii remote laying on the ground before looking over to a sheepish Chenle.
          "Heh, my bad, I may have dropped that." You throw the remote at his head and he laughs, backing back into the game room with Yuta, Jisung, and Jeno.
          "Honestly, I feel like a mom sometimes cleaning up after them." You laugh to yourself before making your way into your room. A quick shower and a change of clothes did you some good in order to relax your tense muscles after your training session. You slide on your shorts and tucked in an oversized t-shirt that Jungwoo had lent you. A knock on the door makes you jump but you smile as Jaehyun walks in. He had changed into some jeans and a t-shirt, a pair of nikes adorning his feet.
          "Ready to go?" You nod and follow Jaehyun out and to the garage. He slides into the drivers side of his cop car as you slide into the passenger side. Your leg twitches as you watch all the passing trees, looking back over at Jaehyun, he had a ghost of a smile on his face. He taps along with the stereo as he drives forward, your destination unknown, at least to you.
          "Where are we going?"
          "Hush up, we're almost there." You let out a sigh as you watch Jaehyun pull into a small parking lot. He parks the car and gets out before opening your door.
          "My, what a gentle man." He shoves you playfully before pulling you along with him. He leads you down a short path, covering your eyes. "Jaehyun- I cant see."
          "That's the whole point." You grumble before he leads you to wherever he wanted. You both stop as he slides his hands away from your eyes. A breath of awe escapes your mouth as you marvel at the scenery before you. The whole city could be seen from your spot on top of the hill.
          "Why are we here?"
          "Today is the anniversary that you decided to stay." Jaehyun hands you a small box. You smile, remembering when he gave you your alarm clock. The wrapping paper had images of little puppies and a big red bow sat on top.
          "What's this?" He pushes it into your hands, smiling at you.
          "Just open it." You laugh and quickly unwrap the box, tossing the trash into a bin nearby. You slide the cover off and let out a gasp. A necklace with the letters NCT sat inside. It was beautiful, that was the only thing that could escape your mouth. The chain was thin and delicate, complimenting the cursive letters.
          "Jaehyun- how much was this? You shou-"
          "Will you just shut up and let me put it on you?" He chuckles and slides the necklace out of the box, turning you around. He places the necklace around you before clasping it together. You turn back to face him with a bright smile, your fingers brushing over the letter gently.
          "You look beautiful." Your face heats up as he brushed a strand of your hair behind your ears. He smiles down at you before grabbing your hand in his.
          "Thank you, it means a lot to me. You guys have really become my family."
          "You were family as soon as you appeared to us." Your heart beat quickens as he leans in closer, his forehead resting against yours. It reminds you of that day three years ago, only this time, the energy felt different. "I don't think we ever thank you enough for being here and helping us put our family back together."
          "You don't need to thank me, I would have done it regardless, even if it killed me." He laughs as his right hand cups your face, his thumb brushing over your cheeks. 
          "That's why you're stupid." You pout and stick your tongue out slightly.
          "How rude, even if we're so close you still take the opportunity to-" Your eyes widen as Jaehyun's lips connect with yours. You smile into the kiss, your eyes slowly fluttering shut. His left hand cups the other side of your face as your hands place themselves against his chest. He pulls away, his eyes staring into yours. A gleam of happiness shining behind his orbs. You smile sheepishly up at him before kissing him again, wrapping your arms around his neck. One of his hands stays on your face while the other holds your hip. You pull away from him, slightly out of breath before pushing him and laughing.
          "What was that for?" He laughs out, watching as you slap your reddened cheeks.
          "You kissed me to shut me up!" Jaehyun laughs before grabbing you and pulling you close to him.
          "It worked didn't it?"
          "I hate you." He kisses your nose before grabbing your hand and leading you down the trail again.
          "No you don't."
          "You're right. I don't..." I love you is what you what to say, but that can wait for another day.

[ill be writing more alternate endings soon!]

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