Alternate Ending: Chenle

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~ 3 years later~

          "Jisung! Jeno! I swear to god." You hop around on one foot, your right shoe having just been thrown up into a tree. It had just rained out the other day and as a prank Jeno and Jisung decided to snatch your shoe while you were just sitting in the garage and throw it out the window. It was sunny now, but the grass was still very much damp. You smirk as you hear their distance screams. You sent Pineapple after them as soon as they threw your shoe, so you definitely got your revenge.
          "Need some help?" You almost fall down as Taeyong speaks up from behind you. Even after all this time he still has the habit of sneaking up and scaring the crap out of you.
          "My shoe is in that tree." He nods, jumping up and grabbing your shoe from the low hanging branch. He hands it to you, keeping you steady as you slide it back on to your foot.
          "Thanks Taeyong." The male waves his hand dismissively before heading back into the garage. He stops by the door and turns back to you.
          "Jaehyun and Yuta wanted to talk to you about a mission. They said they'd meet you in the lounge."
          "Ay, ay captain." You stretch your arms before whistling for Pineapple to stop chasing Jeno and Jisung. The dog happily bounds over to you, letting out a small bark. You giggle and pat his head before heading back into the garage. You reach into a small bin and pull out a bone, tossing it over to Pineapple as a treat before making your way into the hall. You peak your head into the lounge and wave at Yuta and Jaehyun who were playing pool with Lucas and Xiaojun.
          "Hey." Xiaojun greets you handing you a water, which you gratefully accept.
          "Hey. I'm actually here to talk to Jaehyun and Yuta about a mission."
          "Oh yeah. We're just doing a small heist. Nothing new. Just be ready for 6 tomorrow morning." You nod, pointing out a move for Jaehyun to take so he could win the round of pool before smirking and leaving the room. Yuta lets out a groan of frustration as Lucas complains about Jaehyun cheating. Jaehyun justifies it by saying he was already going to make that move before you had said anything. Xiaojun just laughs at their pain. You shake your head, chucking at their childishness before turning down the hall and bumping into a figure. Your water pops open and squirts all over the poor male.
          "Oh my god, Chenle! I'm so sorry." He lets out a sigh and shakes his head, pulling the fabric away from his body the best he could to stop the wetness from touching him.
          "No it's fine. Now I need to change though."
          "Come into my room, I have a shirt Jungwoo gave me you can use instead of going all the way upstairs." Chenle nods, following you into your room, small drops of water echoing in the hall as he walks. You open your door and let the male in before shifting through your closet for Jungwoo's shirt. You smile in triumph as you find the navy blue shirt before heading over to your basket and pulling out a small towel for him to dry himself with. You turn around with the items in hand before letting out a scream and throwing them at the head of the now shirtless Chenle.
          "Was that necessary?" He laughs out, starting to dry off his torso with the towel as you turn your head to the side with a slight pout.
          "Could have at least warned me..." You grumble, slightly looking at the male drying himself off. You frown as you note the small scar on his shoulder. You knew what it was from and your heart clenches lightly at the sight of it. That was you. You did that to him.
          "It's healed pretty nicely huh?"
          "I... Uh..." You blink in surprise, your face turning red for being caught staring. Chenle laughs, walking over and grabbing your hand. He places it on the scar lightly before smiling at you. You flinch upon touching it, your frown becoming deeper.
          "I'm fine. It wasn't your fault." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you run your fingers over it. You smile lightly before nodding at the male.
          "You're right. It did heal nicely."
          "Now I have a cool battle scar I can show off. Maybe I'll start wearing sleeveless shirts." You laugh, shoving the male lightly in a playful manner. He feigns a hurt expression before standing up straight again.
          "You're so stupid." Chenle hums, still standing in front of you.
          "(Y/n)... Thank you for staying. For everything really." You smile sadly up at him before running your hand over his scar once again.
          "Even after three years you still thank me. Even after I hurt you." Chenle grabs your hand, running his thumb over it lightly. A light pink dusts his cheeks as he looks at you. He never got to be alone with you like this and most of the time if he did he was always too chicken shit to say anything.
          "And even though I said I forgive you, you still won't forgive yourself." You squeeze your eyes shut, your mind replaying his scream of pain. You could only imagine what would have happened if you had let Taeyong take the shot. Would Chenle even be alive if you did?
          "I know. I just still feel bad. You know I'm not one for violence outside of training." Chenle intertwines his fingers with your before cupping you're cheek and wiping away the tears you didn't realize were there.
          "I know." You look up and smile at Chenle, your cheeks heating up from being so close to the still shirtless male. You squeeze his hand lightly, causing him to smile and lean his forehead against yours. "I like you (y/n)."
          "I know." Chenle's face heats up as he pulls away from you. You laugh, your face just as red as his. "Jisung ratted you out." Chenle laughs, leaning his forehead back against yours. He rubs your cheek with his thumb before leaning in and connecting your lips. He pulls away, laughing again, half out of embarrassment, half from thinking about his next sentence.
          "He's so dead. I'll kill Park Jisung." Both of you laugh before he kisses you again.
          "I forgot to tell you to pack a bag since the mission is far aw- Oop." Yuta pops his head into your room, smirking at the flustered faces of you and Chenle. He winks at the half naked male before looking at you. "Make sure you guys use a condom~"
          "Yuta! You pervert!" You shout out and throw Chenle's towel at the door. So much for alone time.

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