Part 19

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          "Xiaojun I swear to all things mighty I will kill you." You laugh lightly as Xiaojun pokes fun at Kun for looking like a 40 year old man going through an existential crisis. Xiaojun could tell immediately as soon as you were all told to hop in the cars and start moving out that you were tense. The car in front of you held Yuta and the rest of the Dreamies aside from Mark and Haechan. The car behind you held Johnny, Doyoung, Taeil and Taeyong. Xiaojun rolls his eyes before leaning back in his seat. The truck was a three seater and Kun insisted you sit in the middle because otherwise he'd end up killing Xiaojun before they even got to the laboratory.
          "Okay, stop bugging the poor man." You chuckle and bump shoulders with Xiaojun before grabbing the walkie attached to your hip. It was right next to your gun holster. "Hello, how close are we?"
          "Well my dearest, it happens to be right in front of us. We're going to stop here to park and give directions for you all when you get there." Yuta speaks out and you all nod along to his instructions. You watch as the car in front of you pulls over to the side of the road and the rest of you all continue down it, the tension becoming thicker as you get closer and closer to the laboratory. You feel the adrenaline start to kick in as you all park your cars and unload the ammunition. You are armed with a couple more guns as well as a small grenade. You barely feel anything as you armor up to invade a government facility. This is crazy right? You're insane right now right? Taeyong turns on his walkie and places it near his lips.
          "Okay Yuta, tell us where to go now."
          "There should be a trap door where you're standing. Yuta hacked into it and it shouldn't set off an alarm." Chenle chimes in through the walkie. Taeyong nods and motions for you to all follow him. Him, Lucas and Jungwoo open up the trap door. They all look down in anticipation before Ten let's out a sigh.
          "Let's just get it over with." He jumps down and lets out a small fall to let you all know it's safe.
          "Well let's just go." Kun mutters and hops in after Ten. You nod at Taeyong before hopping down as well. Eventually all of you are standing together in the hall, keeping your guard up as you navigate the them. Yuta, Chenle and Jisung continue to hack into the cameras to guide you all around, trying to avoid as many guards as possible. Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, WinWin, and YangYang wait by the cars in case you needed back up. The rest of you were down in the halls of the facility.
          "Take a right here." Jisung tells you all, but immediately curses under his breath, a couple of the guards decided to double back into a hall they already came from. "Be careful they're doubling ba-"
          "Hey!" Gunfire. Mark grabs you and pulls you behind a wall before cursing under his breath. "Stop!" The guards yell at you all before continuing to try and shoot you down.
           "WinWin! We need backup!" You yell into your walkie when Johnny and Taeyong give you the okay.
           "We're on our way!" You here Jeno call back from his walkie before you run with Xiaojun to find some cover. You peek your head out from behind a wall before taking aim and shooting at the legs of one of the guards.
           "Nice shot." Doyoung mutters, a proud smirk adorning his lips. He peeks over your shoulder and lets out a small breath before shooting the same guy right in the head. He smiles as you look at him in awe. He felt a little proud about that one. After a couple more shots the gunfire quiets down.
           "Okay guys. Where to now?" Johnny breaths out, checking to make sure everyone was okay and not harmed.
           "It's just down the hall to your left." Yuta smiles in satisfaction before high-fiving Chenle and Jisung. "We make a good team." 
           "Don't celebrate just yet." Taeyong mutters as you all near the large metal doors to the laboratory.
           "Right. I'm unlocking them now." Jisung smirks and mumbles through the walkie before a loud click meets your ears. The large doors slowly open, revealing the larger laboratory inside. Taeil's eyes sparkle with curiosity as you all cautiously walk into the laboratory. The men and woman in white coats let out alarmed screams and begin to rush around, but freeze as you all hold them at gunpoint.
          "No one moves and no one gets shot."
          "You... I know who you are..." Kun scoffs before pointing his gun at who you assume to be the head scientist.
          "Good. Then you probably know why we're here. Who fired up the machine again?" The scientists around the room seem surprised, but not the one standing right in front of Kun. He eyes Ten before letting out a sigh and dropping his guard.
          "No one call security." This causes an uproar amount the scientists but when Taeyong shoots into the air, they all quiet down.
          "Smart move." Doyoung mutters from beside you. You all keep you weapons raised. Johnny, Haechan, and Lucas stand by the door, making sure to send out a warning if they see guards. Yuta, Jisung, and Chenle, also continue watching the cameras for any approaching guards.
          "Some kids must have broken it. Looking for a thrill." The scientists mutters out before rubbing his temples in annoyance. "They set off the machine then ran when the alarm went off. We came back here to collect our data and then turn off the machine completely before destroying the facility."
          "The machine, it brought someone here."
          "What?" The scientist looks at Kun in shock before he nods at you to step out. You stand next to Kun and bow slightly to the man in the white robe.
          "My name is (y/n). I appeared here randomly about a week ago."
          "I see..." He goes over to the large computer in the middle of the screen before pulling up coordinates. "This area look familiar?"
          "Our base..." Taeil is able to recognize those coordinates immediately.
          "When those kids were fooling around they pressed random buttons. They must have put in your base's coordinates as the spawning point."
          "So that's why I appeared in your storage unit..." You mumble out, glancing slightly at Taeyong and Johnny in wonder. The scientist then looks back at Kun before looking over at you then at Ten in slight confusion.
          "I'm assuming you want something. That's the only reason you'd break into a government facility. If it's your pay from your last mission, or to bring someone else to this world then I'm sorry, but-"
          "Send them back." Taeyong steps up this time, a look of determination across his face. "They miss their home. They never should have been ripped away from that." You smile sadly at him. You understood just how much the word home meant to him. He understands what it means to loose your home and to not be able to replace it.
          "Well... that's surprising." He mutters out but then eventually nods. "I can pull up the data from the last two travels. Since you have us at gun point, then there's no reason for me to deny." You smile lightly at Ten and his over excited expression before smiling brightly at Mark and Jaehyun. Jungwoo gives you a sad smile before holding your hand. You smile up at him as well and squeeze his hand in reassurance.
          "Show me how you do it." Taeil mutters with mild interest, following the scientist like a lost puppy. Doyoung snickers at the older male's behavior before shaking his head. You all just stand around and wait as the scientist works on the computer. Taeil watches intently, listening to every word that he was being told. You could suddenly feel your heart beating and the blood rushing through your ears. This was all too much. Were you really about to go home?
          "We'll start with the one from four years ago." Ten perks up before there is a sudden wind in the middle of the laboratory. The other scientists watch in awe, only having been told about the experiment, never actually seeing it in action. You watch with amazement as the small portal opens up on this type of launch pad thing. Inside the portal were vast mountain peaks and grasslands. There was all types of birds and small critters that sniffed the portal in curiousity but dared not come closer in fear of being harmed.
          "That's it. That's the land of the Gems." Ten mutters, tears pricking at his eyes. He hadn't seen those beautiful mountains and animals in four long years. Even from where he stood, he could smell the green grass, hear the songs of the forest, and feel the magic of the gods.
          "Go." Hendery mumbles, a sad smile gracing his features. Ten gives the boy a small smile before pulling him in close and hugging him. Soon the rest of WayV join in the hug, silent tears being shed at the thought of losing their member for good.
          "I'm sorry I couldn't replace him..."
          "Don't be. You gave us a chance to finally say goodbye." Kun hugs the male tightly before shoving his shoulder in a playful manner. "Now I have to deal with Xiaojun as my right hand man though." Said male lets out an offended grunt as you all chuckle softly at the exchange. Ten finally wipes his tears before approaching you. He holds out his hand, letting a small white rose form in his palm. The scientists around him let out small gasps, but you both ignore them, somewhat in your own worlds.
          "Be brave." He smiles sadly before placing the rose behind your ear and hugging you. "Choose what makes your heart happy." He pulls away and gives one last bow before entering the portal. You all smile as he takes in his surrounding, overjoyed to be home. He turns, and waves goodbye before the portal finally closes. Then nothing. Nothing.
          "Now onto the most recent one." Once again, there is a sudden burst of wind before the portal opens up again. This time it showed a small bedroom. Nothing much had changed since you last saw it and you smile sadly. You unconsciously release Jungwoo's hand as you step forward, emotions hitting you from every angle in your brain. It hurt. You let out a small chuckle as your dog Pineapple peeks through the portal. He looked like he has been fed recently and your heart skips a beat. Someone fed him... That means you were definitely considered missing at home. You look back and you see them all smiling at you. Some held a small hint of sadness, but nonetheless they were happy. You could go home.

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