Part 13

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          You pop each of your shoulders back as you stretch and wipe your face with your towel. This morning, Jaehyun had gotten you from your room as soon as the sun rose. He reminded you that today you'd be continuing training as usual, no more rest. For some reason today, he was extra rough with you , most likely from the lack of practice yesterday. He sits down and hands you a small wrapped up box. You stare at it in confusion before looking back up at him. Jaehyun rolls his eyes and places the box on your knee.
          "Open it." You gently grab the box and untie the small bow keeping the lid in place. You slide the lid off and smile down at the blue clock that lay inside of it. You pull it out and notice it already has batteries inside and ready to be used.
          "Thank you." You mumble out, admiring the tiny clock. It wasn't much, but it was cute and you were definitely thankful for it. Jaehyun hums lightly before resting back on his arms and looking at the ceiling.
          "Now I don't have to wake you up and you won't be late to missions."
          "I really appreciate that Jaehyun. Thank you."
          "So, you're going with Mark today?" You nod slightly, noticing the small huff of annoyance that Jaehyun lets out. Was he mad?
          "Something wrong with that?"
          "I... it's just..." He ruffles his hair in frustration before getting up and grabbing his towel to wipe his forehead. "He's been acting strange... Him and Taeyong. It's driving me insane." Your eyes widen as you cover your face with your towel so he doesn't see your shock. So this fight, it was effecting everyone? If Taeyong and Mark are so 'this gang is family' then maybe you could use this to use.
          "I can get that. They've been at each other's necks since I got here."
          "It started way before that. Maybe... I don't know... six months ago." Huh, its been that long?
          "Uh, sorry but (y/n)? We need to go now." You turn and smile at Mark as he enters the room. Jaehyun nods at the younger male slightly before heading to the door.
          "See you later." You hum and run over to Mark, walking with him down to your room to change into the new clothes you were given and quickly wash off the sweat from your training. As soon as you are done, you head to the garage where Mark is talking with Johnny.
          "So sad you aren't coming with us." He laughs and hops into Jaehyun's cop car. You roll your eyes and enter Mark's truck. Mark also joins you in rolling his eyes and you let out a laugh as he begins to back out of the garage before Jaehyun and Johnny. He turns down the radio slightly and his face turns cold. It reminds you of the face he made when you first told him your secret.
          "I went early and did the deliveries. I'm taking you to the new base."
          "New base? You found one already?" Mark takes a turn onto a street relatively close to the 127 base and parks the truck next to this rundown shop that seems to be all boarded up.
          "It's temporary, but it'll do."
          "It's so close to 127." Mark lets out a sigh and just walks straight into the building, no secret knocks, no secret password, nothing.
          "Yeah, but it's the best we can do. We had to get Chenle out of there and to a place we could help him." He pushes aside a curtain and it reveals Haechan and Renjun sitting and talking. Their attention turns to the two of you and you wave slightly. Haechan nods his head in recognition, but Renjun just stares intently at you.
          "So this is the chick that shot Chenle?" Mark glares slightly at Renjun's harsh words, making the boy cower away.
          "I'm sorry. Taeyong threatened me. He said I passed his stupid test." You look down at the floor and shake your head, you feel your hands tremble slightly as you think back to that moment. You think about your hand on the trigger and the moment you pulled it. You remember Chenle's scream and the way Taeyong had looked so happy. You feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes before a soft pat on your head breaks your train of thought. You look up with wide eyes as Haechan smiles down at you.
          "We know. Chenle told us." You let out a sigh of relief and smile weakly at them. Renjun rolls his eyes and looks down at the papers he had before him.
          "Whatever, unless you have any useful information I could care le- ow!" Renjun rubs his shin lightly as Mark glares at him playfully.
          "Your attitude is getting annoying."
          "He's right though. I do have some information." All three men look at you with expecting eyes. Haechan sits back down and gestures for you to do the same. You all sit at the relatively small round table that's is sure to give you splinters if you touched it.
          "What happened?"
          "Taeyong... the reason he's so hellbent I'm taking you down isn't because of competition. That's only part of it."
          "What do you mean? He doesn't care that we're stealing business?" You shake your head and lean back slightly on the rickety chair. You huff and cross your arms.
          "From what I was told by Doyoung is that Taeyong made this gang not just for money but to have a family." You bite your lip as you look down at your lap, unsure how to word this all.
          "Take your time." Mark breaths out, his eyes watching you carefully.
          "Doyoung told me Taeyong had a hard time in foster care. He was beat and his family left him behind. The reason he's so hellbent is because he found out the Dreamies was created by one of his own members. His family. He's starting to remember everything that happened when he was a child, and that makes him reckless. He has PTSD." Renjun let's out a small hum as Haechan sits there quietly, mulling over what was just said. Mark leans back and runs his hands over his face in distress. He caused this? It's his fault that Taeyong is reliving the worst part of his life all over again.
          "Doesn't mean he had the right to break our shit and ou-" Renjun is kicked again, this time by Haechan as he motions over to a stressed out Mark. Renjun's lips form a tight line as he watches his leader mess with his hands, a nervous twitch he developed a couple of months ago.
          "It's not all too bad though."
          "What do you mean?"
          "Jungwoo... he knows about you. Well that I know you. He wants to end this stupid feud. He protected me when I lost the papers about you guys." Mark's eyes widen at your statement before he begins to mess with his hands again. Could they really trust Jungwoo? He was known for causing trouble.
          "Does he know about me?"
          "No, Mark. Only me. He says he just wants his family back." Mark smiles, this time one that isn't strained as he looks at Haechan and Renjun. He could understand Taeyong. He truly loves these guys. They are his little brothers. Taeyong used to be like him too, but then all the corruption and greed got to his head. He lets out a sigh and stands up. All three of you follow the leader's movements and he walks across the room and to another curtain divider.
          "I'll talk to Jungwoo."
          "Are you insane!?" Haechan yells out, looking at Mark like he has two heads. Mark couldn't be serious, could he? "What if that's what he wants? For you to reveal yourself!?"
          "Then war will come sooner than later." He draws back the curtain to reveal Jaemin, Jeno and Jisung sitting on a couple of sewed up beanbag chairs. Chenle sat on rolling chair in front of them. His arm was in a sling to keep him from moving his shoulder too much. Your eyes water as Chenle looks over to you with a smile. He didn't hate you? You loose it. You begin to let the tears fall from your eyes, shocking all of the men in the room. Chenle lets out a hearty laugh before walking over to you and hugging you, rubbing your back soothingly.
          "Why are you crying?"
          "I'm so sorry!" You cry out and hug him tightly. Renjun's hard gaze from earlier disappears as he watches the interaction. Maybe you weren't as bad as you seemed. Chenle pulls away and leads you back to the chair he was sitting in. He sits down and you sit next to Jisung on the beanbag.
          "I actually have something to tell you, (y/n)." You wipe your eyes lightly as you sniffle and nod at Chenle.
          "I was researching what Mark asked us to, and I found this." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out some papers. He hands them to you and your eyes widen. The title of the article read 'Man comes from different dimension? Hoax or reality?' There was no mention on who the man was, just an identification number and his gender, age and height.
          "Where did you find this?"
          "Government data bases. Looks like they were doing an experiment with dimensions and space. This article was written but the person who wrote it mysteriously disappeared." He holds his hand out to Jisung and gesture for him to be handed something. Jisung sighs and pulls out $5, placing it in Chenle's palm.
          "Can't believe you found something first. Never bet money to this cheater." Jisung grumbles out.
          "So there's someone out there like you?" Mark asks, reading the article with you. Everyone aside from Haechan looks at Mark with wide eyes. What?
          "Like them? Wait... are you saying they came from a different dimension?"
          "Is that what you had us research that?"
          "You're joking right?"
          "There's no way that's actually possible..."
          "WILL YOU ALL SHUT IT!?" Haechan yells out and rubs his temples in annoyance. He was getting a fucking headache from their bickering. You let out a small laugh before handing Mark the rest of the article.
          "Yes. I did. In my dimension, you aren't hands, but rather idols. I know it seems silly but you guys are friends with Nct 127 and Wayv." Jaemin scoffs.
          "You're our of your mind."
          "You can believe what you want Na Jaemin, but I'm telling the truth." Jeno and Jaemin freeze and you look at them with wide eyes. What did you say wrong? The others shared confused glances.
          "What did you just say? Did you say Na Jaemin?" Jeno asks, confusion written all over his face.
          "What's wring with it?" Chenle gives the two older males a weird look before glancing at Mark. Mark just shrugs, before it hits him. Is... is that Jaemin's surname?
          "It's my surname... no one in the group knows it besides Jeno." They all look at you and you roll your eyes, only feeling slightly uneasy at their scrutinizing gazes.
          "I told you all, I'm not from this dimension."
          "What was your dimension like?"

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