Part 10

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        You let out a yawn and stretch you arms above your head. Small tears form at the corners of your eyes before you wipe them away and swing you legs over the edge of the bed. You get up, dressed, and ready within twenty minutes, taking your sweet time since there was no practice today. You open up your door and smile at the little muffin wrapped in some foil with a note from Mark. It read that he saw you were still asleep so he left it outside. He even included that if the muffin was gone, it was probably Jungwoo that took it. You laugh to yourself and unwrap the muffin, taking small bites as you wander down the halls. You stop in front of the infirmary and peak through the door, seeing Xiaojun asleep on one of the beds and Kun reading on his own bed.
          "How are you feeling?" You jump lightly at Taeil's voice from behind you and you smile at him. He was slowly bumping back up your list after your very first encounter. Just thinking about it made your side hurt...
          "I'm okay, a good nights rest was all I needed." He hums before walking into the room and sitting at his little desk, motioning for you to follow him. You enter the room and bow lightly at Kun, who nods at you quickly before going back to his book.
          "Can you wake up Xiaojun, he's been asleep for forever." He huffs out, organizing some papers on his desk before eyeing the sleeping male. "Honestly, how can he sleep for so long and with so much noise around him?"
          "That's his special skill." Kun chuckles from his bedside and shakes his head at the sleeping boy. You gently shake Xiaojun's shoulder and smile at his sleeping face. Dammit, (y/n), don't fangirl. You did okay when it came to Jaehyun's abs, don't lose to Xiaojun's sleeping face. He shuffles lightly before stretching, accidentally whacking you in the face. You let out a squeak and back up, nursing your nose with a slight pout. Xiaojun shoots up and bows repeatedly.
          "IM SO SORRY!"
          "Gosh he's so loud..." Taeil grumbles before handing Kun a small cup of antibiotics and pain killers, ignoring the two of you in your apology battle.
          "So doc, am I free to go?" Taeil nods before handing Kun some water as well.
          "Yeah, just don't do anything too strenuous."
          "Not strenuous? That's not in Kun's vocabulary." That comment earns Xiaojun a small smack on the back of the head. You laugh lightly at the two of them before Taeil mutters about how immature and stupid they are. You look over at Kun and then at his side.
          "How did you even get shot in the first place?" You sit in a chair next to Kun and he shrugs. He lightly touches his side and smiles before letting out a sigh.
          "A basic infiltration mission with 127. We got into a pinch and the guy had a gun." He lets out a small snarl before hopping off the bed and stretching lightly. "We didn't realize. He aimed at Johnny, but I jumped and pushed him out of the way." He shakes his head and allows Xiaojun to help him with his jacket.
          "We usually do missions like this with 127. They want to keep tight in case war breaks out." Xiaojun huffs, ruffling his hair and leaning against the doorway.
          "Yeah, with the Dreamies. It's getting pretty intense." Kun follows after Xiaojun, standing in the door way. "I think we should be wary. We don't know what could happen. Taeyong is unpredictable."
          "Watch what you say." Taeil stands behind you, a hand on your shoulder and smiles at the two men before him. You could feel the intense energy radiating off of him.
          "Just stating facts. See you later doc." The two leave the room before Taeil pulls on you lightly. You quirk your head up in his direction with a confused smile.
          "Can you bring some paperwork to Taeyong's office?"
          "Uh yeah, but where is that?" Taeil chuckles before grabbing a pile of papers and placing them in a small folder.
          "Second floor, right across from the gym." Taeil hands you the folder and heads back to his desk, scanning through some more paperwork. "It's never ending." He grumbles. You laugh quietly before making your way out into the hall and up the stairs. You look to your left and see the doors to the gym. So that entire side of this floor is the gym... and the other is... offices? You walk down the hallway and look at the labels on each of the doors. The first door reads Yuta and it is left open slightly. There's a whole bunch of monitors and electronics in his office. The second door is Doyoung's office. It wasn't open so you couldn't see inside, unfortunately. You reach the third door and look at Taeyong's name. Guess this is it. You knock lightly and hold the folder out in front of you. No response.
          "Taeyong?" You call out, turning the door handle and opening the it. No one. You let out a small sigh and walk into his office, placing the envelope on his desk. You look around and note that his office is relatively clean and organized. He had multiple file cabinets and his desk only had a few piles of paperwork with his laptop neatly put away in one corner. You eye his chair. Now isn't the time to be silly... but... that chair looks so comfy...
          "Darn it. No guts no glory." You hop onto his chair and spin around, letting a little chuckle escape your lips. With what happened yesterday and what's been going on in your life,it's nice to let go like this every once in a while. You let out another laugh as you spin around again, letting the tension in your muscles relax.
          "Having fun?" You stop spinning immediately and stand up, bowing slightly to the male in front of you. He lets out a chuckle and leans against the doorway.
          "I'm so sorry! It won't happen again."
          "You make me question why we were so concerned about you in the first place." He walks past you and slides onto his chair, motioning for you to sit in one of his spare ones. You nod and sit down across from him, fiddling with your fingers. You shift your feet uncomfortably and wait for him to speak. "Why are you in my office anyway?"
          "I brought some things up here for Taeil." Taeyong hums and picks up the envelope before shuffling through the papers. He looks back up at you briefly before looking back down and smirking.
          "Johnny told me what happened yesterday. Good job." He places the folder back down and leans forward on his desk. His hands rest beneath his chin as he closes his eyes in thought. "You protected Kun well. I spoke to him and Xiaojun before they left. We've earned some respect. They were impressed..."
          "I didn't even do anything..."
          "On the contrary, you killed an enemy for a man you did not know." He stands up and makes his way around the desk, leaning back on it and in front of you. "That takes guts and he was impressed, but he also told me how you threw up after." You laugh nervously and rub your hands together. Your mind flashes back to that moment. The moment you pulled the trigger and ended that man's life. Did he have a family? If you didn't shoot would you have died? Would Kun have died? What will the other gang do now? Will they seek revenge? You jump lightly as Taeyong flicks your forehead.
          "Don't think too much." He pushes off his desk and waves his hand for you to follow his lead. He walks out of his office, closing the door and heads for the stairs. You keep up with his pace, not sure what he wants you to do. He leads you to the garage, nodding at Jungwoo before cracking his knuckles and grabbing some keys. Jungwoo smirks down at you and winks, his smile as big as always.
          "Hey (y/n), are you coming with us?"
          "What?" You tilt your head in confusion before looking quizzically at Taeyong. He lets out a chuckle at your expression and unlocks one of the cars in front of him. He opens up the passenger seat and throws the keys at Jungwoo before leaning over the hood, a smirk playing at his lips.
          "You're coming with us on a mission."
          "A mission?" Jungwoo opens the back door on the drivers side for you. You smile and thank him before slipping into the car and buckling up.
          "Yes, I want to see you in action. You have a couple of choices here." He leans back into his seat and turns his head to look at you.
          "And my choices are?"
          "Distract with Jungwoo or come with me." He snickers and rolls his window down a bit before looking back at you. "All up to you sweet cheeks." Sweet cheeks? Oh god... you're going to get killed... 

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