Part 18

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          "Good morning." You peek you head around the corner and smile at Lucas and YangYang. The two of them sat in the gym, stretching and just chatting as you enter the large area. Both of them smile at you and stand before making their way over to you.
          "Good morning. Ready to start warming up?" Lucas stretches his arms out before surveying the equipment around them. "You guys sure do have a lot of stuff." You hum and look at all the training equipment. He was right about that, but also that's what 127 were known for. They were definitely known for their strength in combat.
          "How about a couple of labs around the gym until the others get here?" YangYang suggests while you start stretching with them.
          "Yeah, that sounds good. There's a speaker over there if you want to play music." You point over at the speakers in the corner of the room. Something you noted is that Jaehyun loves listening to all kinds of music while the two of you train. It was kind of fun to listen to all the new genres he found. YangYang goes over to the speakers to plug his phone in, selecting a playlist he has for days like these. Lucas helps you stretch your back before YangYang finally comes back over. Then all three of you start off in a small jog.
          "So about your world... we're we really idols? That guy Jeno told us that's what you said." Lucas decides to speak up a bit as the three of you run around. YangYang had apparently set up little hurdles before hand to help you guys warm up.
          "Hmmm, yeah basically. I know it seems weird but it's true."
          "I bet you were lame Lucas." YangYang teases the older male, causing them both to sprint a little faster so Lucas couldn't hit him. You let out a chuckle and slow down your pace before leaning on your knees to catch your breath. You look at the clock on the wall and realize it's almost six.
          "Hey guys, drink some water. Cool down before training starts."
          "How will training work?" YangYang asks between gulping his water. You shrug your shoulders and looks at the door as it opens. Jaehyun, WinWin, Hendery, Mark, and Taeil walk into the room. You blink lightly in surprise at seeing Taeil but smile when he begins complaining to Jaehyun about how he doesn't want to be there. You laugh at this, realizing he was probably forced to because he was going to be heading inside for the infiltration and needed to be prepared to fight.
          "(Y/n), you're going to spar against WinWin. Taeil, you're against Hendery. Mark you're with Lucas. YangYang you're with me. Let's go." Jaehyun orders out before patting your back and heading over to YangYang. The poor boy looks at you worried before you give him a thumbs up. He's toast...
          "Try not to destroy me." WinWin smiles at you sheepishly before standing in front of you. "I'm a spy, meant to be on the down-low and not fight with people."
          "Don't worry, you'll still be able to walk after." WinWin let's out a sigh and readies himself. His stance wasn't that great, but it was a start. The best part of a fight is being completely on another level and not even feeling like you're there. You feel yourself swing and kick and punch but it doesn't feel like it's your body that's doing it. You loved the natural high you got from fighting, the fact that you didn't have to think and your body would just do what it needed to survive. You let out a few huffs of air before eyeing WinWin. He didn't have a lot of strength, but he was nimble and fast. He could dodge better than you were used to, but his physical attacks were weak. You had noted a couple of weak points on him. He couldn't handle low attacks. Anything below his hips was too hard for him to block and avoid. He also had trouble when someone came from behind him. After a while, you begin to get bored and sneak behind the poor male, kicking his legs out from beneath him and pinning him to the ground. Both of you breath out heavily and you release him, rolling over to your water and chugging it down.
          "Damn. I think that's the hardest I've ever worked out before." You chuckle and toss him a water bottle before standing back up.
          "There's a couple things I noticed when you fight. Keep your legs open wider. Your stance is too stiff and leaves you open for lower body attacks. Also watch your back. When someone comes from behind you react slowly. You can't just rely on your speed, you need to beef up if you were to ever get in a real fight."
          "You know your stuff..." He mutters out and smiles at you. You were definitely not a damsel in distress and that was something that 127 should be proud to have. People like you were hard to find. It is just a shame you'll be leaving soon.
          "I used to box. Wanted to do it professionally."
          "Hey guys, sorry to steal (y/n), but it's time for gun training." You look back at the door and smile at Doyoung. You wave at WinWin before making your way towards the door. Doyoung nods at you and eventually you're both making your way down the familiar halls and to the back of the building.
          "Are we doing this outside?"
          "Yeah, we have a small shooting range you can use." Doyoung opens up a small case on one of the walls, making sure to punch in the code as quick and efficiently as possible. A few racks pop out of the wall, revealing multiple guns. This place never seemed to surprise you with how high tech and cool it was. Doyoung hands you a small pistol and grabs one of his own. "Don't take the safety off until I've shown you how to shoot it."
          "Okay." You manage to muster out and stare down at the pistol in your hands. Blood. You scrunch your eyes up tightly and your breath quickens. Blood, so much blood. You remember the image of the man falling to the ground after you pulled the trigger. You remember the cry of pain Chenle let out when you shot him. So much blood. You jump lightly as Doyoung rubs your shoulder.
          "Are you okay?"
          "Yeah, sorry. What were you saying?" You listen quietly as Doyoung explains how to properly hold the gun and how to shoot it. You try your best to focus, but those images keep popping up in your head. You let out a shaky breath as Doyoung tells you to take off the safety and shoot the dummy across the field. You nod slowly and shoot the dummy, more in its chest than head like Doyoung wanted you to. He lets out a sigh and takes the pistol from your hands.
          "You're actually not that bad. Try not to sweat it. Go back inside, we're done here." You blink up at Doyoung with wide eyes.
          "Are you sure? We didn't even do muc-"
          "Don't. I can tell you're having a panic attack." He puts the guns back in the rack and smiles at you. "Your natural skill is good enough to protect you. Besides, we'll be with you so it's not that big of a deal." You smile at him gratefully before heading back into the base. You let out a small breath and lean against the wall. This. This was the part about this world that you hated. How could you, if you decided to stay here, deal with all of this?
          "Oh? Is training over already?" You smile at Ten and nod your head before kicking yourself off the wall.
          "Yeah, hows everything going for you?"
          "Good. Yuta, Chenle, and Jisung found the map. We'll be heading out soon." Ten crosses his arms, a bright smile adorning his features.
          "You're going to go home, how do you feel?" Ten laughs and rolls on the balls of his feet before leaning against the wall next to you.
          "I feel ecstatic. Like I'm on the top of the world." You smile and bump shoulders with him. It felt nice to see him so happy and in a good mood. This made all your previous anxieties fade away into nothing.
          "So what are you up to now?"
          "Heading to talk with Kun and Xiaojun. Speaking of meeting with someone, I think Jungwoo was looking for you." Both of you stand up straight and nod at each other before smiling at each other.
          "Alright thank you. I'll go head off to meet with him." You start down the hall and to the garage where Johnny, Taeyong, and Jungwoo we're getting the cars ready. You nod at them and give Johnny the side eye as he approaches you. You stop his hand before it even gets close to your ass.
          "Ah, so quick to realize I'm going to give you a small love tap."
          "It's not a love tap, it's an aggressive butt smack." You grumble out and make your way over to Jungwoo and Taeyong. Taeyong waves at you absent-mindlessly, not caring about the oil on his right cheek and shirt. He slides back under the car he was working on,  it really caring about your presence. He looks like one of those greasers from a movie and it makes you laugh quietly. Jungwoo puts down a few cases, of what you assume to be weapons, as he walks over to you.
          "How did training go?"
          "Okay. I was able to help WinWin out a bit. Also Doyoung brushed up my gun skills." Taeyong scoffs and slides back out from under the car.
          "No doubt you still suck." You blink at him in annoyance but nod anyway.
          "Yeah, but I'm trying." Taeyong wipes his hands on the towel thrown over his shoulder before getting up off the ground.
          "Doesn't matter anyway. You'll be gone in less than 24 hours." You hum and look at your feet. That kind of stings a bit.
           "Well, lets not worry too much about that!" Jungwoo cheers and bumps shoulders with you. You smile up at him before catching the small pack of bullets he throws your way. "Help me load these in the truck." You smile and hop around the vehicles to help Jungwoo load up supplies. There are a lot of guns, bombs, and ammunition lining every wall inside the truck. You guess this mission would call for it, but it's still terrifying to know they have this much power. Johnny comes and leans against the truck to tap your shoulder.
           "Looks like we'll be leaving soon. Who are you riding with? Kun and Xiaojun have an extra seat or you could ride with Taeil and Jaehyun."
          "I'll ride with Kun and Xiaojun."

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