Part 3

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   "Well? I don't have all day." Taeyong leans his body against the wall, watching your small form on the ground before him. You shakily stand back up on your feet, rubbing the blood off and onto your pants.
          "Mark. I'll go with Mark." He eyes you for a moment before nodding, almost reluctantly.
          "Very well. Here's your room." He points to the door in front of him before giving you a small wave, "Mark will be here tomorrow morning to get you." And just like that, he's gone, leaving you alone in the hallway.
          "Okay then, he's definitely scary as all hell." You open the door to the small room before letting out a small sigh in happiness. At least it didn't look like a prison cell or looked dusty and unused. It seems to you that they kept this place well kept. You wander into it, shutting and locking the door behind you, afraid of what would happen if just anyone could walk in and out of your room. The walls were blank and had a gray color to them. They weren't all that friendly looking, but they were at least not made of brick like the hallway and storage unit were. The bed had a small navy blue sheet thrown over it with some baby blue pillows.
          You sit down and smile at how comfy the bed actually was compared to the hard ass one in the medical room. You lay down and cover yourself with the thin sheet before closing your eyes. You made the right choice, right? Mark seems to be the most friendly out of all the members so far. He definitely didn't see you as a threat, but the way that Taeyong looked at you after you choose Mark makes you question yourself.
          You let out a sigh and roll over onto your stomach before face planting into the pillows. There's no reason to worry and stress over it right now. This will all be a problem for the morning, if you were even still here in the morning. Who's to say this isn't all a very realistic dream. You squeeze your eyes shut before allowing yourself to fall asleep.
          Mark sighs as he makes his way down the hall before stopping to see Taeyong waiting for him outside your door. He stops right in front of the older male and eyes him with caution.
          "There will be no slip ups today." He steps closer to Mark and glares, "if something happens, you'll confirm my suspicions." Mark gulps before Taeyong brushes by his shoulder, almost knocking the boy down.
          "Do I make myself clear?"
          "Yessir." Mark glares in front of him, his fists clenching slightly before letting go and shaking his head. He waits until he can no longer hear the footsteps of Taeyong walking away from where he was. He turns to your door and tries to open it, confused as to why it was locked. He gives it a couple of knocks before it swings open, revealing you in a new outfit and a confused look.
          "Why do you look so freaked out?"
          "Ah, sorry." You sheepishly rub the back of your head before smiling at him. "I thought it was Taeyong or something. I got... scared." Mark chuckles before nodding.
          "I would be scared too. Now let's go before we get reprimanded." He gestures for you to follow him down the hall. It looks a lot brighter than it did yesterday, probably because it was morning and light other than the tiny lightbulbs were able to come through the barred windows, another detail you missed when walking down them yesterday. He takes you to a room with at least eight or so cars. He grabs a pair of keys before nodding at Johnny who happens to be sitting in the corner reading book.
         "Hop in." He hauls himself up into a red truck before starting it. You let out a sigh before awkwardly passing Johnny, trying not to glare when he smacks your butt before also pulling yourself into the truck.
         "Where are we going?" Mark puts the car in reverse before backing out of the garage and down a small driveway. You could now see the very extensive building before you, amazed at how large it actually was. There was a whole other floor that you haven't seen yet and there was some sort of training grounds behind it all. It was large, but also reminded you of a prison, which seems fitting.
         "We have to pick up some stuff, then we deliver it." You nod, your mind already deciding that this 'stuff' was probably drugs or something else illegal. Mark let the radio play, filling up the silence of the relatively short car ride. You pull up to what looks like a junkyard with people loitering around that didn't look friendly.
          "Stay in the truck, these guys are worse than Johnny and Yuta." You nod, warily watching as he hops out of the truck and to the four guys standing around by some crates and cars. They converse with Mark before looking back at the car and smiling at you, showing their crooked and chipped teeth. You look down at you lap and play with the seatbelt, completely zoning out of whatever was happening around you. You jump lightly when your car door opens, but let out a sigh of relief when Mark smiles at you.
          "Help me bring these boxes to the trunk." You nod and hop out of the car, taking a box from his hands before following him to the back of the truck. You load up seven to eight boxes before Mark waves at the men back near the crates and you both hop back into the truck. You avoid making any eye contact with the crooked looking men as Mark drives away. You look at Mark before looking back out of the window before you. Would it be possible to tell him what was going on with you or would it be unwise to do so?
          "You seem distracted." You jump in your seat before glancing over at mark and nodding.
          "Yeah. I feel a bit weird, it's just... weird and all." He looks at your for a few seconds before focusing back on the road. You can see him bite his lip slightly before sighing.
          "You seem like anice kid..." He shakes his head and pulls into the parking lot of a rundown mill. You quirk an eyebrow, nervous as to why he was suddenly stopping in the middle of no where, "so I'm going to take you somewhere. Get out of the truck."
          "What?" You question him slightly before unbuckling your seatbelt and following him out of the truck and to the doors of the mill. You glance around with curiosity before he knocks three times, stopping for a second, then knocking four more times. You jump when he kicks the door twice before sticking his hands in his pocket and smiling at you warmly. You barely even notice the door open up for him and Haechan standing there as he nods at you.
          "I take in stranded kids like you. Welcome to NCT Dream."
         "Mark, who's this?" Haechan eyes you warily before moving out of the way for the two of you to enter. You smile at the warm looking place, overwhelmed with the homey atmosphere. It was definitely different than with 127. There were fairly lights lining the walls and some computers and game consoles were thrown together with bean bags all over the place.
         "This is (y/n). They'll be joining us, but they're also under the watch of 127."
         "What? What do you mean?" Haechan follows you both slowly before Mark gestures for you to take a seat anywhere. The door closes and you nod at the boy before you.
         "Take a seat. Haechan, come with me, I'll explain." You watch as the two of them wander off to a different room before sitting in a bean bag chair on the ground. It's at that moment that you notice two figures playing what looks like Mario Cart on one of the game consoles. You watch with a small smile before Jisung turns around and scares the crap out of you by throwing his remote at you.  
         "Gees, calm down. Want to play a round?" You blink at him in confusion before he rolls his eyes.
          "We saw Mark bring you in, so we have no problem with you." Chenle chimes in from beside Jisung, still focused on the screen before him.
          "Oh, okay. Um yeah, I want to play a round." You grab the remote from beside you and sit closer to the two boys before Chenle presses the start button. You laugh lightly as they begin to button smash, trying to cheat and distract each other while you just coasted through the race course. Only when you stole first place, did the two of them pull you into their little shenanigans of distracting and cheating. You let out a small breath of relief at your first place in the race before sticking your tongue out at them. 
          "No fair! You cheated!" Chenle throws his remote down and falls backwards on his bean bag.
          "Says you!" You choke out laughing at the boy's distressed form before Jisung turns off the console. He gets up and stretched before sitting back down on the bean bag and pulling a lollipop out of his pocket. He offers you one, which you take, before popping the other in his mouth.
         "We all cheated. Just goes to show who the best cheater is." You laugh before popping the lollipop in your mouth as well and getting into a more comfortable position on the bean bag chair. You all stop laughing when Mark and Haechan come back out of the 'office'. Haechan looks over in your direction with a mix of pity and concern.
         "(Y/n), want to come in here for a moment?" You nod at Mark before waving at the two boys on the bean bags. You follow the two boys into the room and close the door behind you.
          "You can sit down." Haechan mumbles, pulling out a chair for you and taking a seat on the desk before him. Mark sits behind the desk with a smile. You pull the lollipop out of your mouth and discard it in the trash bin before playing with you hands.
         "I briefed Haechan on your situation." He nods towards the boy sitting on his desk before looking back at you, "but I feel like there's more to the story than what we know. Want to tell us how and why you are here? What do you know?" You glance at the two boys before shaking your head and laughing a bit.
         "The how, I can answer. The why, I cannot."

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