Part 8

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          You take a chug of the water Jaehyun hands you before sitting down on the floor, cringing slightly at the sweat dripping down you face. Jaehyun lays down on the floor next to you and places his arm on his forehead, his chest rising and falling as he takes deep breaths. "I'll admit, you definitely got me with that punch. I'm going to have a bruised jaw." You laugh and place your water beside you, leaning back on your arms.
          "Sorry, I got freaked out that you were so close. It was reflex."
          "Your reflexes hurt." He grumbles lightly, a chuckle escaping his lips. Jaehyun stands up and stretches before helping you stand up as well.
          "You ready for your mission?"
          "Yeah, it's just getting some files. Easy stuff." He drinks from his water before throwing a towel around his shoulders. "Are you ready to build a bomb?"
          "I just hope I don't blow us all up." You grab your towel and wipe down your face, making sure to wipe away all of the sweat. Jaehyun laughs and pushes you lightly.
          "Don't worry, he won't let you." You scoff, not completely motivated by his words. He definitely does not have a way with words, he lacks them. That's one thing you've noted about Jaehyun so far. He uses actions and his fists rather than words.
          "Alright, I'm gonna go shower and change. See you tomorrow morning." You wave at the male before heading down the stairs and to your room. You smile at a passing Jungwoo before he stops you and pokes your forehead.
          "You owe me." He whispers softly before making his way down the hall. What? You owe him? Is he... is he talking about the papers you left behind? You knew it. He realizes what you did. That could be either really dangerous, or really good. Depends on what Jungwoo does with this information and how much trouble he can cause. He loves trouble. You let out a huff before shaking your head and sliding into your room. There's no point in dwelling on it now. He was too vague to jump to conclusions, although that is the only reasonable option... You hop into your shower and scrub up fast, before turning it off and drying yourself. You grab a sweatshirt, one that Mark has supplied you, and a pair of sweatpants that Taeyong threw at you. A knock at your door makes you jump slightly, pulling on your hoodie faster and opening the door.
          "Hey, good to see you're up and ready." Doyoung gives you a smile before beginning to walk down the hall. You close your door and follow after him, just looking down at the floor. Doyoung is quiet. You're not quite sure where you stand with him, although he does seem to like you, or at least tolerate you.
          "So where and how do we build a bomb?" You speed up your stride to match with Doyoung. He looks over to you before sliding out a keycard and winking. You raise an eyebrow when he stops at a door, one you had seen every once in a while, but never really questioned. He slides the card before pressing a series of numbers until there is a small click. The door slides open slowly.
          "This, is our weapons storage." He leads you down the stairs to a basement like area. It's lined to the brim with guns and bombs and knives. "Only three of us have keycards. Me, Taeyong and Johnny." You nod, still mesmerized by the sheer amount of arm power they carried in this basement.
          "Wow." You breath out as Doyoung smiles at you. He seems relatively proud of this collection.
          "Okay, so basically I'm just going to be asking for some tools and you'll give them to me." Doyoung begins to take out some tools and supplies, placing them all on a metal table. It reminds you of a morgue table, which seems to add gloom to this already terrifying, yet impressive room. You watch quietly as Doyoung begins taking the gunpowder and stuffing it in some cylinder containers and sealing them up tight. You hand him screws and pliers and whatever else he asks for, amazed by his skill and knowledge.
          "How did you learn all this stuff?"
          "I taught myself. I've had some trial and errors." Doyoung places the halfway made bomb down before lifting his shirt slightly. You stare wide-eyed at the huge scar on his abdomen. He laughs at your expression and puts his shirt back down, focusing back on the bomb.
          "How did you manage to do that?"
          "It was one of the first gigs we had. We were new and kind of reckless. It was just the three of us back then... Me, Taeyong, and Johnny." He hands you the pliers and you put them down on a bench nearby, "hence why we're the only ones with keycards."
          "Taeyong... He's..."
          "Scary?" You look up from staring at the floor and nod. You're a boxer, you've dealt with scary guys ten times your size, but Taeyong, regardless of his average size, terrifies you. It's just this look in his eyes, this hardened look, that shakes you to the core.
          "Yeah. I just don't get him." You hand him a screwdriver before leaning back onto the bench, "It's like one minute he's trying to kill me and the next he finds me interesting."
          "Taeyong is like a kid. He hates losing, which is why he's so hell bent on getting the Dreamies." Doyoung closes the bomb up and places it on one of the nearby shelves, making sure it is secure before heading back to the table and pulling out some more supplies.
         "What do you mean?" Doyoung sighs before fully facing you, a serious look on his face. Your throat dries up at his stern expression before turning your eyes away, unable to meet his.
          "When the Dreamies first showed up, nothing really happened." He leans against the table, "They were just kids, but suddenly more people started to seek them out over us. That pissed Taeyong off, especially since we got some intel that one of them may be one of our own members."
          "So you've been losing business. That's why?"
          "That's not all there is. Taeyong is a loyal guy. He's been one of my friends since we were kids. He's stubborn and doesn't like liars." Doyoung laughs and runs his hand through his hair. "I know that seems childish in some ways, but Taeyong has been through a lot. He grew up in foster care, moving around all the time and they always told him 'It'll be okay, things will get better' but they never did. He went from one abusive household to the next until we met Johnny and we all ran."
          "I... I didn't know that." You mumble and look at your hands. So this group is like a family for him... A family he never got, so it must hurt a lot to know one of your own family members is plotting against you. You let out a sigh. Mark is doing the same thing with the Dreamies so why can't they just join forces? Is that why you're here? Does the universe want you to solve this somehow? Doyoung says Taeyong is like a child, so maybe you just have to help him grow up and look past his ego and everything else to fix this. It would take a lot of work, but it would be worth it... 
          "No one knows besides me and Johnny. Don't let Taeyong know I told you."
          "Do you really trust me?" Doyoung laughs and shakes his head, leaning on the table and pushing some screws around.
          "Not completely." He pushes himself back up and looks you in the eyes, a small smile gracing his features. "But I feel like you're here for a reason. Maybe it's to destroy us or maybe it's to help us. Only time will tell." The door suddenly swings open, revealing a disheveled Johnny. He is out of breath and there's some blood on his shirt.
          "There's been an accident, we need everyone in the garage, now." He turns back around and rushes up the stairs. Doyoung and you share a look before carefully placing everything on the table and rushing up the stairs. He closes the door behind you both and begins to run with you to the garage. Johnny is seen with Taeil and Jaehyun, helping someone out of a police car. Your breath hitches when you see Kun and Xiaojun step out. Kun is holding his side, blood soaking his clothing as Xiaojun helps to apply pressure.
          "What happened?" Taeil asks, leading them towards the door.
          "We were comprised on our joint mission. Kun pushed me out of the way." Johnny breaths out, looking slightly guilty. Jaehyun pats his shoulder.
          "I was able to get to them and turn on my sirens to get here faster." You nod slightly, helping Taeil open the door.
          "What do you guys need help with?"

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