Part 14

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          "Well.. it was nice, kind of." You take a deep breath and look down at your legs. What was your life like before all this? How did you explain it to them without fully sounding like a loser that misses their mom.
          "Take your time." Haechan smiles at you before nodding slightly. You smile back at him and nod, looking at all of the members. They each held curiosity at the story you were about to share.
          "I was a normal teen. No gangs or stuff like that. In fact, I was just a regular A and B student. I lived by myself because my parents wanted me to go to this really good school. They paid for my apartment and food." You smile fondly at the thought of your parents. They were always so supportive of you and your choices. They trusted you and you never broke that trust.
          "So you lived all by yourself? Wasn't that lonely?"
          "Not really. I had a dog named Pineapple." Renjun lets out a snort and you glare at him lightly. "Don't make fun of my naming skills."
          "Sorry." He laughs out and you roll your eyes before smiling again at them all.
          "But yeah, I went to school mostly for Boxing. I wanted to do it professionally. I was on a coed team and one of the strongest despite my low weight class. I had a lot of good friends... I wonder if they miss me. I hope they feed Pineapple..." You look back down and let out a dry laugh. "The funniest part is you guys."
          "What do you mean?" This had all of them on the edge of their seats. They want to know how you know them so well and why.
          "Well you guys are idols. You are in NCT Dream. Then there's NCT 127. Then there's WayV. They're the Chinese unit."
          "So you're telling us that in this weird dimension... that we sing... and dance on a stage?" Jeno quirks an eyebrow at you in a doubtful manner. Him? A dancer? No way. You chuckle and hide your laugh behind your hand, so they don't get too offended by you laughing at them.
          "Yes. You guys are really good. Actually, Haechan was my favorite member of the Dreamies." Your cheeks heat up as you admit that. Was that weird? Haechan chokes on his water bottle before he looks off to the side. Chenle and Jisung poke fun at the older male as Mark just rolls his eyes at their antics. Jeno and Jaemin pester you on what you liked about Haechan so much, to which you told them you liked his voice and his cute personality. This didn't help Haechan's already flustered form and the teasing he was receiving. None of you noticed Make get a call and leave the room.
          "You hear that Haechan? She thinks you're cute."
          "Shut the fuck up Renjun."
          "(Y/n)." You all jump at Mark's stern voice. He starts to grab his stuff and you follow after him, the rest of the Dreamies all looking confused.
          "What's happening?"
          "127, they said it's an emergency meeting." You nod and follow Mark back to the truck waiting outside. Haechan and Renjun stop you before you hop into the vehicle and glance to make sure Mark is busy talking to Chenle and Jeno.
          "Take care of him. He's stressed out."
          "I wouldn't plan on letting him get hurt." Renjun smiles and nods before him and Haechan make their way back to the rest of the Dreamies. You and Mark wave goodbye before speeding your way back to the 127 base. Neither of you waste any time in getting the truck parked and unloaded before rushing to the meeting room. Upon entering the room, you see all the 127 members and all of the WayV members. Kun and Xiaojun nod to you in recognition as the other eye you with curiosity.
          "What's going on?" Mark inquires as you fully enter the room. Taeyong motions for you to stand next to him and you obey. Mark stays put. You eye him suspiciously before looking over at Jungwoo beside you. He smiles sadly before eyeing the rest of 127. What was with that look of pity?
         "We've already discussed with WayV. We're starting the war on the Dreamies." Your eyes widen and your heart constricts as you look at Taeyong in disbelief. Was he serious? Mark shakes his head as he makes his way over the large table that sat in the middle of the room. He leans against it and looks directly at Taeyong.
          "We're not ready. We barely have the resources for something as big as this." Taeyong stands from his chair and points to Kun.
          "That's why we have numbers on our side. WayV has agreed to join us because (y/n) protected Kun." You look over at Kun and he smiles gently before looking back over at Taeyong and Mark. The tension was thick, and unfortunately you could tell why. Doyoung moves from his spot and stands next to Taeyong. He places a firm hand on Taeyong's shoulder.
          "This isn't necessary. Lets just move on plea-" Taeyong shrugs him off and grabs Mark's shirt by the collar. He yanks him closer to his body, eyeing the younger male with hatred you didn't think was possible.
          "I've wanted to address the rat in the room for a while now, but after (y/n) just popped out of no where in our storage unit it was pushed under the rug." Your eyes widen as you look at the two males. They were discussing a rat, that's right. How could you have forgotten about that small detail? Your shocked form stood still, not feeling the multiple eyes that looked at you. You came from no where? Was that true? Why did that sound so familiar to the male standing in the corner? Who were you?
         "Then address it." Mark hisses out as Taeyong shoves him away and to the floor. The male falls with a thud before looking up at Taeyong's menacing stance before him.
          "Mark is the leader of the Dreamies." The room falls silent as Taeyong utters those words. Most of the 127 members share an expression of disbelief and betrayal. Jungwoo looks over to you with wide eyes. You knew about Mark but didn't tell him when he asked you? What was going on?
          "Mark... is that true?" Jaehyun steps forward a bit as he eyes the younger male. Certainly this was a misunderstanding, right? Mark wouldn't betray 127, he wouldn't betray his family!
          "Yes." Mark stands, but only for a small moment before Johnny grabs his arms and holds him. "Yes, I am. I found these kids who needed a place to go. A home."
          "Why not bring them here?" Yuta calls out, his voice cracked slightly as he looks at Mark. You look down at you hands and close them into fists. No matter how horrible Yuta has been to you, it still broke your heart to him him sound so... so weak.
          "And what? Let them become like us? 127 has become toxic. Haven't you noticed that? We aren't a family anymore. We're barely holding together!" Mark lets out a cry of pain as Taeyong punches his gut. No stop. Not again. Please. WayV watches on with pity. They could only imagine what was going through the heads of 127 at that moment. A member, someone that knows you and is considered family, now revealed as an enemy. That is the worst thing to happen to a gang like them. The worst. It's more horrible then when someone dies.
          "You don't get to talk anymore." He punches Mark again. No one says anything. What do you do? How do you handle this? Is this another test?

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