Part 6

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          Your eyes flutter open slowly as a pounding sounds throughout your room. You sit up and rub your eyes before blankly staring at the door. What time is it?
          "(Y/n), it's me. Time for training." You let out a sigh and shake your head, trying to wake yourself up. You had almost forgotten that you agreed to train with him. You get up and throw on some clothes that Taeyong has been supplying you. Johnny hadn't missed the opportunity to tell you they were all clothes left behind from the service girls Taeyong often had over. You roll your eyes at the thought before opening your door and greeting Jaehyun. His face was slightly less swollen.
          "Sorry, I don't really have a way of keeping what time it is." Jaehyun nods, starting to wander down the hall and up the stairs. Something in you felt slightly excited that you would be going upstairs and to the second floor.
           "We're going to have to invest in an alarm clock." He mumbles to himself, opening up a door, revealing a relatively opens space. The room can best be described as a work out room. It is definitely expansive and looks like it is used often. 
          "So this is the training room?"
          "Yes, the outside is being used so, I'm starting here." He leads you over to an open space, most likely used to spar. "Come at me."
          "What?" Jaehyun laughs, pulling off his jacket and reveals a sleeveless shirt. You almost snort, but hold it in. You forgot that he was really muscular. God, did you hate having to hide your inner fangirl in order to not look insane.
           "Come at me, I want to see your natural response." You blink at him before walking slowly and then running, throwing a punch at his face. Jaehyun's eyes widen as he backs up, nearly getting hit. He really didn't expect you to have that good of a swing. It definitely caught him off guard.
           "Did I get you?"
           "Have you fought before?" You kick the ground slightly and nod. Jaehyun pushes some hair out of his face as he studies you. "What? Sensitive topic?"
           "Ah, no. It's just I used to box. I was on a boxing team." You smile slightly remembering all the fun times with your teammates. You would all go to the nearby pizza place to cheat your diets if you won the tournaments. "I wanted to do it professionally."
          "What happened?" Jaehyun readies himself for an actual fight, realizing you weren't as much of a pushover as he originally thought.
          "Uh... well. I don't know... I left?" How do you explain to him you went to sleep in your house and then suddenly woke up here so you can't professionally box anymore? It didn't work out so well when you told Taeyong and Mark.
          "Well whatever it is I don't care." He smirks and motions for you to come at him again, "All I care about is that I have to treat you like a real opponent now." You laugh and ready yourself for another fight. You both stretch yourselves out to make sure that you wouldn't get injured.
          "Just so you know, it's been a while since my last season," You crack your neck slightly, a smile adorning you're face, "so I may be rusty."
          "Doesn't matter if you're rusty or not, I'm still going to kick your ass." Your smile widens slightly as you both circle each other. This is the first time you've felt this welcomed in 127 and you're literally about to fight one of them. Jaehyun sees you as an equal and he's not one to let his guard down.
          He makes the first move, a left hook to your jaw. You dodge just in time, your heart racing in that all too familiar excitement and adrenaline of a good match. God did you miss this. It's been such a long time since you last played. Your season was just about to start in a couple of weeks, but unfortunately you ended up here.
           "Nice dodge." Jaehyun readjusts himself to keep his balance from the miss. You turn around and go back into a defensive position. He made an offensive move so now it was your turn. You begin to run at him throwing a jab, successfully pushing Jaehyun back. He stumbles slightly, his hands in a defensive manner, just barely able to block you. It's back and forth for a while, Jaehyun being able to land quite a few more punches on you than you were able to on him. Both of you were breathing heavily and smiling despite being relatively bruised. You decide to try a straight. You run up and throw your punch, just barely hitting Jaehyun and knocking him down. You put your hands on your knees, smiling down at the boy before you. He laughs, standing up and patting your head, almost like he was proud.
          "Now that was a good punch." Both of you freeze up when Taeyong's voice sounds throughout the gym. You look over at the door, your breathing still heavy, and nod at the leader. He looks over at Jaehyun and smiles. "They really made you struggle huh? Maybe you shouldn't slack off so much Jaehyun."
          "What do you need sir?" Taeyong smirks at your somewhat annoyed expression. You certainly were getting a little ballsy when it came to that attitude of yours. 
          "I don't think you have realized, but it's getting late," He holds out some clothes along with a little bag of things, "go get changed. Meet outside the garage door in a couple of minutes." You take the clothes, wiping some sweat off of your face. You skip down the steps at a fast pace, not wanting to hold them up too long and get yourself in trouble. You make it back to your room and throw the door open before closing and locking it behind you. You walk over to the left corner of the room and open a curtain, revealing a relatively small bathroom. You slide into the shower and clean up, trying to get rid of the sweat from earlier. You turn off the shower and hop out.
          "He gave me stuff to freshen up?" You pull some deodorant and other things out of the bag. Shrugging, you get dressed and put on the nice smelling perfume before fixing up your hair and making yourself look relatively decent. You close the curtain and shuffle uncomfortably in the dress you were given. It was short, really short. You make your way down the hall and stop before the garage, smiling at Jungwoo and Doyoung. Johnny smiles from his spot leaning against the wall and eyes your form.
          "Looking good baby." He slaps your butt lightly, making you yell out and scoot closer to Jungwoo. Taeyong clears his throat and throws three pairs of keys at the boys.
          "You know what to do. Get the stolen goods back, and get the plans about the Dreamies." He opens up the garage doors before starting to head back inside the base. "Jungwoo, (y/n) rides with you, they're going to be helping you out." Jungwoo nods and gets into the nice red car in the corner of the room. You begin to head over to car before Taeyong grabs your elbow.
           "Don't fuck up." You swallow your spit and nod, terrified of the man before you.
           "Yes sir." He lets you go and pushes you towards the red car. You fix your dress again before sliding into the passenger side. Jungwoo smiles at you and starts the car, pulling out of the garage right after Johnny did. He turns on the radio and hums along with the song that comes on, making you want to sing along with him. He definitely has a different energy than any of the other members. He seems more homey and welcoming.
           "Ready for your first mission?"
           "I went with Mark that one time." Jungwoo laughs, pulling into a long driveway and parking the car next to Johnny's. He shuts the car off and throws the keys in his suit pocket.
           "I meant a real mission." He laughs, getting out of the car and making his way around fast enough to open the door for you. He holds out his hand and smiles for you to take it. You laugh as you grab his hand and get out of the car. He slides his arm around your waist and you both begin to walk to the door of the mansion before you.
           "I'm going to tell Mark you said that." He bumps your hip lightly, his eyes swimming with a mischievous twinkle. Jungwoo hands you a small ring, sliding it onto your finger and winking. You give him a questioning look, but he just leads you both to the door and the man standing there checking names nods at you.
           "Two. We're the Choi's." The man looks down at his list of names and checks off a little box before bowing at the two of you. His eyes linger slightly on your legs before Jungwoo coughs, an angry expression in his face.
           "Enjoy the gathering." Jungwoo tugs you along slightly, making sure to keep you close to him and away from prying eyes.
           "Oh Choi Taehyun, it's good to see you, who's the cutie?" A young man makes his way over to the two of you. He smiles kindly at Jungwoo before bowing and shaking your hand, making sure to lightly kiss your knuckles. It just occurs to you how well Jungwoo has made this little character and how under the radar he is.
           "This is Fei. She is my Fiancée." Jungwoo grabs your hand and shows the ring he slipped onto your finger before you entered the mansion.
           "Well you've gone and got yourself hitched already!" The man laughs and pushes Jungwoo slightly.
           "Well, what can I say? I'm not getting any younger." They both laugh lightly and carry on a conversation, Jungwoo's arm never leaving your waist. He sees the way some of these men are eyeing you. He doesn't know how well you can fend off men like that, especially after what happened with Yuta the other day.
          "Thinking about starting a family yet?" You tune back into the conversation and smile, deciding its best to stop zoning out and go along with this little act.
          "Well actually-" Jungwoo was cut off by a loud crash. We all divert our attention to Johnny, who seems to have had himself one too many drinks. At this point, you can't really tell if he's acting or actually drunk. Probably a little bit of both.
          "Oh dear. I'll go see if I can help." The young man excuses himself and makes his way over to Johnny. Jungwoo pulls you along with him and into a small and dimly lit hallway. Both of you head to a pair of glass door and you smile at Doyoung. He waits patiently as you open up the doors and let him in.
          "Good work." Doyoung nods at you and leads the both of you to one of the locked rooms. "I looked at the blueprints and this is where the safe is." He pulls something out of his bad and sticks it in the handle of the door. He moves it around slightly until there is a small click and the door opens. All three of you make your way into the room.
           "Jungwoo, you look for the plans. (Y/n), you're with me." You nod and follow Doyoung to the safe, watching as he plants a little explosive on it. He receives a text and smiles up at you before laughing at your confused face. Wouldn't an explosive cause someone to hear you all? There is suddenly a loud noise in another room as Doyoung sets the explosive off. They blend well with each other and Doyoung smirks at your impressed face.
           "That was amazing."
           "All in a days work. Johnny is reliable... sometimes." You laugh and help him open up the safe. You hold open the backpack, as he slides in the money. He also helps you gather the small guns and ammunition.
           "Is this all of it?" Doyoung nods and throws the two bags over his shoulder. Jungwoo sits up from his spot and gestures to the papers around him then lets out a sigh.
          "Guys, I can't find them." Doyoung nods at you and looks down at his phone.
          "The two of you search, I'll bring these to my van. Johnny said he's about to head out since they're kicking him out." You both nod and begin to search around.
          "Johnny texted. He's out. We gotta go." You nod and toss the papers you were searching through aside. Not caring that you both made a mess.
          "Wait! That's it!" You stare down at them and begin to question yourself. If you brought these papers back you could seriously endanger the Dreamies. Jungwoo and you both freeze when you hear voices. They were coming your way and they were coming fast. You snatch the papers off the floor and head out the door with Jungwoo. You are both greeted with two large men, each with clubs in their hands. One swings at Jungwoo while the other attacks you. You are quick enough to pull out a small taser that Taeyong slipped into your boots. Have to thank him later. You successfully knock out the man before going to help Jungwoo. Unfortunately the second man knocks the taser out of your hands and grabs you, lifting you up.
          "Fuck you!" Jungwoo shouts, shoving the man off you and onto the ground. He grabs your hand and helps you up, beginning to head out the glass doors. You feel your pocket to make sure the papers are still in there, but your heart clenches thinking about the Dreamies. As Jungwoo opens the door and leads you outside, you both hide behind some brush, eyeing your red car.
           "Looks like no one is suspecting anything if they aren't a part of the security. All the partners seem relaxed." Jungwoo comments as you continue to play with the papers in your dress' pocket. What do you do? You clench your eyes before sliding them out of your pocket. This was the right choice. It had to be.

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