𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 8

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" Y/n , you and Neito seem bored. Why don't the both of you finish your soup and explore the island? After all it is just for the six of us. " Your mother gleamed as she continued to talk to the rest of the adults.

You glanced at Monoma , the boy seemed bored of out of his mind. Nudging the boy to leave with you , the both of you quickly left the table.

Skipping away to the outdoors , the both of you strolled along the beach. The smooth and fine sand particles filled the in between of your toes as the majestic blue ocean formed waves that crashed melodically.

Kicking the tan particles , you shuffled your way to the shore , enjoying the gusts of fresh wind. You turned your head to see Monoma. He was staring into the distance of the never ending sea. His eyes looked so distant.

How was one so close , yet so far at the same time?

Within the span of 3 days of knowing each other , he had already provoked , harrassed , travelled with,  and even cooked for you. It was honestly too much to process at once , but yet , it already happened.

You realized you actually did not know Monoma that well. He seemed like a nice friend , at least to his 2B classmates.

Facing back to the sea , you asked , " Hey , why do you hate 2A so much ? We did nothing to you. " You heard Monoma click his tongue. " Y/n , your class is full of boastful people who can't seem to keep their ego in check. Do you really need to ask why I hate your class? "

What? Sure , Bakugo was very egoistic to others but the rest of the class were practically saints. Who was he to tell you that your class was boastful?

Turning to face Monoma to reply , he continued rambling. " 2A this... 2A that. Villians are always attacking your class , practically the centre of attention! " He was jealous because we encountered more attacks? Anger was bubbling through your body. It was not like 2A wanted the attacks. Horrible events rolled one after another since the USJ attack and all he could think of them were boastful schoolmates ?

" If you ask me , Bakugo should have just left to be a villian. He's the worst one out of you lot. Initating violence , constantly shouting , and sending death thr- " That was the last straw. You activated your quirk to make the boy out of balance. How dare he.

Bakugo was trying. Trying to become a better person , a better friend , and also, a better hero. Who was this obnoxious boy to tell you that Bakugo should have been a villian. He does not even see the effort Bakugo puts in. Sure , it seems very little , but it takes alot for him.

Monoma skidded across the sand , shielding his eyes. " Aw , is the poor little slut getting angwy because i made fun of her boyfwend? " He mocked as he regained his balance. You ran towards him and shoved him back to the ground. " You. Don't. Know. Shit. " you hissed as your glared down to him.

Monoma stared right back into your e/c eyes , returning the same expression. Sitting upright on the sand , he yanked your leg and made you slam your back onto the sand. Pinning you down , he growled , " Watch your mouth you little bitch. I notice everything. Im not fucking stupid like you 2A idiots. "

You struggled against his tight clasps , activating your quirk to push him off. Jokes on you though , Monoma had copied your quirk at the right time and forced a pulse too , negating your quirk.

" You're just a fraud. Stop saying you're a better version of others when in reality you're just an off brand one. "

You lashed out. Monoma piercing gaze darkened. The blue in his eyes seemed to have faded into a full grey. He soon released you and looked at you solemnly.

" I know. "

Scoffing at him, you added on,  " For your information, Bakugo is not a villian and will never be. I trust him. Everyone does. So don't talk to me ever again unless you're intending to apologise. "

You turned your back on him and strided away . Enough was enough. You just wanted to understand him and become friends. Was that too much to ask for?

ғʀᴀᴜᴅᴜʟᴇɴᴛ ➳ 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘰Where stories live. Discover now