𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 20

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The days passed quickly. Maybe it was because of the repetitive cycle of school, training, revision, eat, sleep, and repeat.

You needed a break from this cycle. It was making your soul slowly disntergrate into pieces. It felt as if you, as a person, was slowly drifting away from reality.

As usual, you were in Neito's dorm room studying yet again. He had been nagging you endlessly, whacking the back of your head with his notebook, trying to get you to learn your materials. Despite his suffocating methods of teaching, you enjoyed studying with him.

It was fun.

" Y/n, do you want to go to Fukuoka with me this saturday? I think we need a short break. " Neito blurted, simultaneously doing his work. " Yes. Please. IM SICK OF THIS. " you pouted, flipping your notebook across the table.

" Do your work y/n. You're going to fail. "

You groaned even louder, putting your chin on his arm. " Y/n, get off. I need to study this chapter. So do you. " He glared as he shook you off his arm.

Glaring back at him, you whipped your head back to your books.While you mumbled, " You can do it Y/n..." , Neito shushed you. Apparently, you were being a ' diStRaCTiOn ' and should do your work before you get kicked out.

" I'm going to nap. I can't do this anymore. " you sighed. Waddling towards to bed, the scent of sugar cookies followed you. You turned around, sneering at the blonde. He had just nagged you to do your work and now he wants to follow you to nap? That was not going to happen.

" Neito, I thought you had work to do. "

" I do. But I need a break too. " He replied nonchantly, wrapping his arms around you, leading to the bed. " wake me up in 15 minutes. " He whispered as he slowly dozed off, holding you in his arms.

You were pissed. The plan of refusing him had been foiled even before it began. He had just enveloped you and brought you to the bed, and was now concussed. Annoyed, you rolled your eyes to face him. He had bags under his eyes. Eyebrows creased. His face was strained. Was he okay?

Guess he needed to rest afterall.

" okay. " Whispering back to him. You nestled into his chest,  closing your eyes slowly. His warmth was comforting. Too comforting. You were nodding off and you could not fight against it. Eventually, the both of you had fallen into a deep slumber.

A pounding ringing sound had echoed through the room. You and Neito had fallen asleep for the past 2 hours. The ringing had not stopped. Covering his pillows over your head, you prayed the noise would stop. You wanted to nap for longer.

You felt Neito leave the bed. An empty aura surrounded you.Grabbing the blanket to replace the sudden lack of warmth, you wrapped yourself in a small burrito. The shuffling of his feet were added into the mix of irritable sounds.

" Hello? "

A pause. The ringing and footsteps had stopped. For some reason, the atmosphere felt off. Removing the pillow from your head, you watched Neito speak on the phone. There it was, that weird expression again.

" I'll call you back in 10 minutes. I just woke up. "

Neito put his phone down, walking back to you. " You need to go princess, it's late and I have stuff to do. " You looked at him. He looked so, so, so tired. You just wanted to stay the night with him.

Be there for him.

" Neito, I can stay you know. " you said, reaching out for his hands. " Wish you could. But I can't let you stay here for longer y/n. I need to do some things in private. ", squeezing your hands in consolation.

You reluctantly agreed, preparing to take your leave. " Sorry I can't walk you back to your dorm princess. Text me when you reach there. Stay safe. " he apologised, intertwining his hands with yours again. He pressed your fingers together and released the tension.

The blonde slowly released his grasp, almost as if he didn't want to let go.


ғʀᴀᴜᴅᴜʟᴇɴᴛ ➳ 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘰Where stories live. Discover now