𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11

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Monoma stared at your peaceful face quietly as he slowly slinked away from you. He had thought about what you said to him, as well as vice versa. He admitted to himself he did go over the top but so did you .

Yet, your words were not new to him. So why did he feel so hurt again?

All his life, everyone said his quirk was either good-for-nothing or meant to be a villian. He worked so hard to be where he was now.

Did anyone notice that? He doubts so.

He sat on the couch, pondering of all the ways he could react to you in the morning.

Should he be angry? Concerned ? Apologetic? Sarcastic? Sweet?

It was obvious your words were a huge trigger to his old memories. The ones he did not want to relive.

Especially when he strived so hard to prove them wrong.

He glanced over to you, tucked in warmly under the soft covers of your bed. Your face plastered a warm smile, with the most angelic expression known to mankind, or at least, to Monoma.

To make things slightly better, your insults were old to him. Look where he got himself. The UA hero course. Those insults, accusations and disgust were all proven to himself, and himself only, that it did not matter. He was the one got into the hero course with his own quirk.

Sighing to himself, he opted to push away his feelings of resentment and got back to tending to you , a scaredy-cat who needed someone to sleep with her.

" What a baby. "

Monoma smirked to himself as he glided under the covers and held you tight.  He did not need anyone to tell him that he was someone else. His quirk was his and his only and he was proud of that.

Morning soon came and sunlight came peeking through the windows. You squinted at the sudden glare intruding your sleep. Preparing to sit upright , you felt a heavy arm lugging your body back onto the bed.

Whipping your head back to see the stranger , it was just Monoma Neito, the jerk himself. You heaved a sigh of relief as you tried to pluck his arms away from your body.

Monoma seemed to have woken up too and lunged your body towards him.

He snuggled you tightly, whispering into your ear, " Did you forget about yesterday y/n? You needed me so badly... " . Your face starting flushing as your body heated up in embarrassment.

Memories from last night replayed in your head as you flushed even harder.

Wiggling out of his grasp, you huffed and sat upright on the bed. You literally had just woken up and already had to deal with him?

Monoma shifted his body towards your thighs and placed his head on them. " G-GET OFF ME! " you shrieked as he turned his head and nuzzled into your tummy. " Aw, Y/n, you owe me. Besides, aren't you forgetting something? "

Glaring at his snooty face, you softly muttered with your face heating up more and more, " thanks...and sorry for what i said..i guess... "

" Sorry, what was that Y/n? I couldn't hear you~ "

The blonde was practically mocking you right now. You rolled your eyes and smacked his head. " I know you heard me. Now get off me. " you demanded.

" Ouch, Y/n that hurts. Im going to stay like this for even longer. I need payback for that. "

You shoved his head to the empty side of the bed as you hopped off. Enough with this idiocy. " Y/nnnn I thought you needed meeeee ~ " Monoma whined as you scoffed and headed to the bathroom.

Before you had the chance to lock the bathroom door, Monoma opened the door and cornered you to the sink. He snaked his fingers onto your waist and he looked at you up close. You could just feel his hot breath touching your lips.

" Y/n , your face is swollen and your eyebags are horrible. Are you okay? What happened yesterday? "

Was he being sarcastic or serious? You stared straight into his eyes. Blue-grey colored orbs in all its glory. His gaze was genuine.

" Im fine Monoma. I just get really scared during thunderstorms because I got injured badly when my quirk had first came due to a thunderstorm. I don't want to go details. "

You mumbled as you broke off eye contact with him. You prayed he would stop pestering you and just left you alone. You were not about to think about that night again.He combed your hair with his fingers as he patted your head gently.

" Okay. You're good. That was all i needed to know. " Monoma gleamed as he leaned in towards your face. His rough hand gently touching your jawline , tilting your head upwards towards him.Your heart pumped viciously.

What was he doing...?

You closed your eyes, anticipating for what was going to come next. To your dismay, a warm puff of air tickled your earlobe as Monoma flicked your forehead.

" Y/n.. How many times are you going to fall for the same trick? "

Monoma snickered and interlocked his hand with yours. You wanted to shake off his hand. How many times was he going to keep pranking you? How childish can he be?

Suddenly, your furious thoughts were interrupted with the blonde squeezing your hand with his and letting go.

" Call me Neito. Our new friendship will be a truce between me and 1-A. "

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