𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 18

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Neito squeezed your hands back, giving you a small smile.

He sat up from the bed and stretched his limbs. Climbing over you and taking out his books,the thud of the stacks of thick textbooks slammed onto the brown table.

" Let's go y/n. WE NEED TO STUDY!!! " Neito shouted into your ear, causing you to jolt. He lugged you off the bed, tugging you to the desk.

" Neito, stop pulling me! " you shouted back, stumbling on your feet. " Can you please pass me my bag? I need my materials to revise. " you grumbled, plopping yourself onto the hard seat.

" Yes, my dearest princess, I shall pass you your precious bag~ " Neito replied as he walked across the room to grab the bag. You peered over the upper shelf where the four frames were.

The last picture contained a white haired girl and a black haired boy with Neito in the middle. Neito looked so happy. His blue grey eyes seemed so blue then. Pure joy was plastered on his face.

In a daze of Neito's childhood image, a light tap on your head brought your attention back to the current blonde.

" I look cute right? " Neito grinned as he placed your schoolbag on your lap.  " Sure, what an adorable little boy. " you giggled as you pulled out your test papers.

Big. Fat. Zeros were scribbled on all of your papers. Wincing at the sight of the horrid red ink, you faced to turn to Neito. His mouth was wide agape. Slowly, a small laughter erupted into a loud one.


You glared at Neito angrily. Smacking his thigh in anger, " NEITO SHUT UP. " you snarled. " Oh my god... You're friends with Bakugou but still managed to get all zeros? " he mocked. " My friendship does not validate my scores. Please shut up and help me. " you mumbled.

" Of course my princess, your saving grace is here~ " he sang as he tried to stop his laughter. The both of you soon went through all the questions through your math tests and revised on the basic formulas and equations. Surprisingly, he was actually smarter than you thought.

" Y/n, how are you so bad at this? " Neito questioned, shocked at the lack of your knowledge. " I don't know.. I swear I studied.. " you sighed, putting your head down in disappointment

The setting sun casted an orangey-yellow shine into the room. You leaned back onto the backing of the chair, giving yourself a big stretch. Neito laid his head on the table, watching you silently.

You were his joy.

" Neito, I should head back to my dorm now. Dinner is waiting for me with 2A. " you said, gazing right back into his eyes. The blonde nodded his head as he helped you to pack up your materials.

He trailed after you as you began to take your leave.
The both of you slowly walked towards 2A's dorm building in comfortable silence.

As you reached the entrance, Neito intertwined his fingers with yours yet again and gave it a tight squeeze. " Goodbye my princess~ I shall miss you~ " He said in a british accent, putting his hand on his face for dramatic effect. You rolled your eyes at the lame boy.

" On a serious note, come study with me again y/n. You need ALOT help. " he said as he poked your cheeks. " Okayyyyyy " you replied, knowing the boy was right.

He chuckled as he waved goodbye to you, watching you step into the building, safe and sound.

As you skipped into the living room, Kirishima greeted you. " Y/n! Can we talk after dinner? I need to ask you something. Ill pass by your dorm later. " he whispered. You nodded your head and went to your room to wash up.

Today, Momo and Tokoyami were in charge of dinner. They had cooked some black bean noodles for the class. The aroma of the black bean sauce wafted through the living room. It smelled heavenly.  All of you dived into the food, gouging the bowl out.

Soon, you cleared your bowl out and took your leave.
Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero all trailed behind you. Bakugo had left already though. As he said, " I don't lose in anything. " and that goes for eating dinner too. The 5 of you washed your dishes and headed into your room.

Sitting in a circle, Kirishima heaved out a deep breath. " So... I gathered all of you today to tell you something. " All eyes were on the red haired boy. " I like Bakugo...and I want to confess to him but I don't know how. " 

The room fell into a dead silence.

" KIRI IM SO PROUD OF YOU! THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US! " Mina squealed, breaking the silence, as she gave him a big hug. Everyone started hugging Kirishima too, congratulating him.

You and the rest racked your brains hard. Bakugo was a tough nut to crack. It was honestly hard to tell what he would want. Would he want something extravagant? He was always going on doing things at your best. At the same time, he hated large scale events. He was a pretty private person afterall.

It was Bakugo they were talking about.

Everything needed to be just right.

ғʀᴀᴜᴅᴜʟᴇɴᴛ ➳ 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘰Where stories live. Discover now