Chapter 14

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"Hey babe how this dress look on me?", I ask as I walk out the dressing room inside Rue 21.

He bite his lip looking me up and down. I automatically assumed that meant pretty damn good.

"Thanks" , I say going into the dressing room changing back into my clothes and  taking everything I tried on. August decided to treat me to a shopping spree cause I love shopping and malls. We've been here for an hour and I already got 15 huge bags of clothes , 7 boxes of shoes, and three purses one Prada and the other two Gucci. I honestly feel like a princess today.

"Hey Nijah", I hear August say taking me out of my thoughts.


"You hungry yet cause I am?"

"Sure let me gather these clothes" I say taking a armful of the clothes trying to walk out the dressing room dropping   everything. I notice August laughing at me getting up to help.

"So not funny", I say trying not to let out a laugh.

"It really is yo lil bitty ass trying to carry a bundle of clothes bigger than you", he says still laughing.

I roll my eyes and ended up letting out a laugh trying to be serious with him. After we pick up the clothes we go check out and walk to the food court when we were walking some dudes started staring really hard at me. I looked back ,but didn't stare. They were pretty cute though, but I already got me a somebody. As we continue to walk they call out to me yelling "Aye girl". I notice August grip getting tight and look back at the guys that were talking at me and hushed as soon as August looked at them with a evil stare.

"I know they better stop looking at you tho ", August says and I  just stay quiet. He turned back around and I look too just to see them turning their heads as we look at them and out of no where August crash his lips onto mine giving my butt a squeeze. I was surprised by that, but kissed back. It was soft and his lips are juicy as well. He pull our lips apart looking back at the dudes that was staring at me and smirk. He grab me by the waist and we continue to the food court. To be honest that really turned me on and I didn't know August gets jealous like that, yet it was cute. We finally make it to the food court and both get a subway sandwich leaving the mall . The ride back was silent besides the fact that the radio was on playing different songs.

I decide to break the silence by starting up a conversation ," So August I didn't know that you get jealous", I say while smirking. He sit quietly for a second ,then answer.

"I do when a nigga staring at my lady and see that I'm with her too sorry if I embarrassed you or whatever"

"You didn't, I liked it", I say." You're really cute when you're upset, but you was gripping my hand pretty tight back there"

"I'm sorry I just don't like niggas staring like I gotta bad chick that you want, but you ain't gon have her"

I laugh at the fact he so blunt about it all. I like that he the type to protect his girl from anything, every thing, and anyone. I've been waiting for a guy like him and now I got and to top it off he's famous and I never saw this happening and if I did it was just a perfect life scenario that every other fan girl have.

When we get back to August house we watch a little T.V. until its time for him to take me back to the house. I give him quick kiss or at least what I was trying to do before August deepened it. I pull away from the kiss saying goodbye and watching him drive off. I knock on the door to see Sharlise aunt in front of it. Uh oh.

She looks at me confused probably wondering where the hell I been. If I tell her she might tell my mom and knowing how protective my mom is and her thinking that August is a negative influence she will bring me back to St.Louis in 2.3 seconds and I can't have that. I can't have her taking away  the piece of my life that I've been looking for. Not now.

"Nijah where have you been?", she ask raising a eyebrow.

I was reluctant to answer, but I did anyway. " I was with a friend"

" You have friends down here?"

"Yeah just friend I met a little while ago when they visited St . Louis "

"And your friend or shall I say the boy you was with cause I don't think a girl bought you all that stuff", she say looking at some of the bags in my hand and next to me on the floor I can't believe I totally forgot about that stuff.

I let out a sigh of defeat, "Okay a boyfriend I met him in St.Louis, but he lives down here"

"Oh child I'm responsible for you right now and Sharlise told me a lot of good things about you too girl I don't want you getting into no trouble and all you had to do was tell me. I know you young girls be having your boyfriends so just tell me next time don't hide it ok", she say smiling at me.

"Yes" ,I nod my head and thank her taking all of my stuff one by one upstairs to my guest room. I sit on the bed and look at the ceiling day dreaming and stop once I hear a voice. I turn my head to see Sharlise staring at me shaking her head with a smirk I'm assuming she heard her aunt Cathy and I conversation.

"Oh shut up ", I say throwing a pillow at her.

"Ha that's why you missed wench", she say throwing it back hitting me in the face. " So August took you shopping?"

"Yep and it was awesome", I say cheesing like a goof ball.

" Yo spoiled ass, but I'm happy for you though"

"Thanks boo", I say hugging her

"Yeah yeah yeah only if I had a boyfriend" she say laughing.

What she mean if girl you do got a boyfriend or whatever Keith means to her. I just can't get over the fact that she had sex with Keith. She despises Keith or at least I thought and that it's her best friend crush since the 8th grade even though Keith acts as if Lila is invisible it's still wrong and it makes me question their friendship, hell even ours.

"Hey Shar, if you had a boyfriend you'll tell me right?"

"Yeah why?"

"No reason", Even though there is a reason I just don't want to ask cause I don't want to cause any drama or ruin our friendship or will I ruin all three of ours just by not admitting to what I really know.

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