Mom ?

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I really do think you should actually consider gettting me help I know it dosent look like It but getting up in the morning sometimes feels impossible I know I should be getting up everything is my mind is telling me to get up but I still don't because it feels like there is this weight so unexplainable it feels like I have to go to hell and back to get up no matter what time I go to sleep I still wake up exhausted most of the time I end up giving in and just laying back down if I even got up and if I don't give in I feel like a zombie for the whole day & idk if everyone feels like this but I used to be able to just get up when my alarm rang I've been feeling like this since sophomore year but it felt more controllable then there is so much more but this is the part that is really effecting my school and sometimes I really am just unable to focus in school

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