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~I've thinking that I should start writing stories in 3rd person point of view instead of first person.

Brooklyn and Bruce have been through hell for the past four years, to their parents dying, to Jerome Valeska trying to kill Bruce, to Theo Galavan trying to steal Wayne Enterprises and trying to kill Bruce, to a man hypnotizing people for a living. But no one seemed to be interested in Brooklyn more then paparazzi and Jerome Valeska. When he first saw Brooklyn at that magic show, he instantly became interested in her, and getting to know her.

When Jerome was resurrected and got his face sawed off by Dwight Pollard, Brooklyn knew that Jerome would come after Bruce but this time he was going to come after Brooklyn too, which he did, but Brooklyn with the training of Alfred and her own skills with gymnastics, she was able to defend her brother from Jerome. Which ended up with Jim Gordon putting him in Arkham.

Brooklyn took it upon herself to visit Jerome annually. Jerome surprised at first, but when she continuously came back and talk to him for 30 minutes to an hour, he started to fall in love with her, but she started to understand him more so than start to love him, which she didn't, she always wanted her brother to 100% save, but with Jerome around she knew that would never happen.

The last and final visit she gave him, went like this.

Brooklyn sat down at the table across from Jerome as he smiled watching her walk in. She always looked so beautiful, he thought. She walked in with dark blue skinny jeans and a black coat that went down to her knees. Her hair was as brown as dark chocolate, and her big brown eyes, just like Bruce's. She had it tied up in a high ponytail, while the curls bounced as she walked. Jerome liked the way she looked at him, she didn't look at him with fear nor nervousness, she looked at him with a smirk. He always did love their chats. Yet Bruce, Brooklyn's little brother or Alfred, didn't know anything about her visiting him. She kept it secret, because believe it or not she liked visiting him, seeing him, and getting to know him. She had learned a lot for constantly visiting him, about his childhood and how he felt about killing people.

"Brook, it always makes my day when you come to see me" Jerome started looking her up and down, he really did love when she came to visit him. Brooklyn looked at him with a smile, "I'm glad I could lift your spirits while you're stuck in hell" she said looking at him, she loved seeing him, they actually had become familiar with each other. "You understand me so well" Jerome said staring at the table, "I'm glad I finally do" she said smiling at him. "How is my little brunette Brooky?" he said genuinely wanting to know. "I'm doing fine, J. I'm going to assume that you're doing alright in here" she said holding her hands on the table in front of Jerome. "I've been doing perfect ever since you decided to see me every other day" he said slowly inching his hands towards Brooklyn's. Brooklyn looked away for one second and she felt Jerome's hands on hers. She looked back and Jerome was holding her hands. She looked up at him and smiled. "J, you know I don't feel that way about you" she said looking at him while rubbing her finger over his hand. "I'm in love with you, Brook" he said looking at her. "Jerome, I don't feel the same" she said looking at him with a sad look in her eyes, it hurt her seeing him upset and distraught. Jerome kept his hands on hers, because even though she didn't feel the same he was still in love with her. "I understand" he said adjusting his position in his seat.

"But you listen here Brook, There's a darkness inside of you and it's growing. It appeared when your parents were murdered, and it started growing when I held a knife to your brothers throat" Jerome said getting closer to Brooklyn's face. She decided to playing his game because Brooklyn Wayne was known for her attitude; strong, beautiful, fierce, and feisty. "I don't know what you're talking about" she said in his face, with a straight face. Jerome sat back down laughing. "You keep telling yourself that doll face, but I know when there is a dark side of people, and out of everyone I have encountered, you have the most darkness within you, even more then your brother" he explained while looking a her with a smile. Brooklyn decided to say nothing because she knew if she did she would be feeding into Jerome's obsession with her.

"Silent treatment, huh" he said looking at the brunette with her arms crossed, across her chest. "You know I've never encountered a woman as intelligent and beautiful as you" he said looking at her. She looked down to try and hide her smile and her blush. "You can't hide from me doll face. You just can't, you know you love me" Jerome said. Brooklyn's head shot up "I love you, but not in that way. I could never be with a man who tried to kill the only family I have left" she said looking at him with furious look in her eyes. "Oh, tell me you're not mad at my doll, you know I can't take it" he said in a child's voice, which made Brooklyn chuckle. She didn't deny that Jerome knew how to make her laugh, like no one else did. "When I get out of here and I will, I'm coming after you and your brother. I'll kill him and then Imma drive you mad, Brooklyn Wayne, you'll see. I'm going to be there and you will run into my arms once I make you even crazier then me" he explained while tightening his grip on her hands. She pulled her hands back and got loose from his hold. She stood up from her chair, she looked at him and started to tear up, he just threatened her. "Goodbye Jerome" she said turning her back to him and walking away, ignoring his yells for her to come back, and stay. But Brooklyn wasn't going to come back to see him, but somehow she knew this was only the beginning.

THE ONE THEY WANTED / Jeremiah Valeska / GothamWhere stories live. Discover now