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Roman had changed his mind, since the people that he paid couldn't capture Harley he decided that he and only he would catch and kill her, but with some help

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Roman had changed his mind, since the people that he paid couldn't capture Harley he decided that he and only he would catch and kill her, but with some help.

Harley woke up the next day and felt the place where Jerome would be but he wasn't there. Harley got a little worried and got out of bed. She walked down the stairs, he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. She walked outside, he wasn't in the back yard. She walked around the back yard to the pool she saw Jerome swimming around in the pool. Harley smiled as she walked over and sat at the edge with her feet in the water, "morning swim, I see" she said. Jerome turned around and looked at her, he swam over to her and put his hands on her thighs. Harley put her hands on his face and kissed him. Jerome and Harley pulled away from each other, Jerome smiled, "No, J don't do it" Harley said. Jerome grabbed her waist and pulled her into the pool. Harley cackled as Jerome had her around his waist like she was a baby.

Ivy, Cassie, Dinah, and Helena were at the club preparing for it to open. Helena, Ivy, and Cassie were pulling down chairs under the tables while Dinah was testing the microphone on stage. Ivy was about to open but someone walked through the door. Roman walked in and looked at the club, "nice club you go here" he said walking around. Cassie has a tight grip on her katana. Roman didn't notice her action, "it's all modeled after Jerome and Harley. What a shame that they'll be dead in the next 48 hours" he said turning on his heel to look at the four ladies. They all glared at Roman, "you did not just come into our club and threaten the woman who is family to us and the person she loves most" Ivy said with attitude. Helena grabbed the her crossbow but held it behind her back. Roman smiled, "oh I did" he said. Cassie stepped forward drawing her katana out, "then you better get out before we kill you" she growled. Roman chuckled, "if you stand beside her, I'll come for you too" he said. Dinah stepped forward, "oh we're counting on it" she said. She met Harley a couple of times and she grew really fond of her. Roman nodded and turned on his heel and walked out. Cassie put her katana back and Helena put her crossbow back in the holster, "he's got some nerve" Helena said. The girls faces each other, "agreed" Cassie said. They all thought about what Roman said. They all looked at each other, "we have to tell Harley" Ivy said causing all of them to nod.

Harley and Jerome were making lunch until the house phone started ringing. Harley jumped off of the counter and walked over to the phone and answered it, "Psychopath Residence" she said in a girly tone. "Harley, we need you and Jerome to come to the club now" Ivy said in a frantic tone on the phone. Harley heart picked up, "okay Red we'll be there" she said then hung up. Harley walked over to Jerome, "whats wrong?" Jerome asked. Harley turned the stove off and grabbed Jerome's hand, "we need to go to the club now" she said. They got into the car and headed the the club.

They walked in and saw all the girls standing together. Harley stepped forward, "what was so urgent?" She asked. All the girls looked at each other, "Sionis was here" Cassie said. Harley's eyes widened, "Roman was here? What happened?" She asked. Ivy stepped forward and looked at Harley, "he threatened you, then we threatened back, then he threatened all of us" she said. Harley scoffed, "Red, how could you? I don't want all of you to get hurt. Now he's coming after all of us" she said. Helena walked over to Harley and put her hand on her shoulder, "what do we do?" She asked. Harley looked up at her, "we wait and see what his first move is" she said. Cassie gripped her katana, "or I could kill him with my katana, it traps the souls of the people I kill and damns them to a painful afterlife" she explained. Harley's eyebrows furrowed, "huh?" She muttered. Cassie stepped forward and drew her katana, a smoke of skulls radiated off of it. Earning Ooo's from everyone. Harley waved it off, "No, it needs to be me or J. It's our fight not yours" she said. Dinah stepped up, "he made it our fight when he threatened you two" she said. Harley smiled and looked over at Jerome, "what do we do?" She asked. Jerome put his hand on her waist, "it's your call not mine, they listen to you not me" he said. Harley looked back over at the girls, "okay here's the plan."

The phone line rang, then Roman answered, "Roman Sionis" he said. Harley sighed, "Hey Romy" she said. She could hear Roman chuckle on his end of the line, "Miss Quinn what can I do you for?" He asked. Harley inhaled, "you can have Jerome and I, but you stay away from my girls" she said. Roman smiled on his end of the line, "you have a deal Miss Quinn, I will leave the little Birdies alone" he said. Harley sighed in relief, "you have to give me your word" she said. "I give you my word, I run this city. Hell, I'll even put them under my protection" Roman said chuckling, he was just happy that he was going to get to kill them. But he knew they'd put up a fight, so he had to call back up. Harley closed her eyes and released the breath of air she was holding, "Find. Meet us at Amusement Mile. The Booby Trap. At dark" she said. Roman set down the phone on his end and clapped once in victory then grabbed the phone again, "you've got a deal Miss Quinn" he said. Harley then hung up. She looked over to everyone, "Let's blow this popsicle stand" she said smiling.

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