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Harley now knew Roman Sionis was after Jerome, and probably looking for both of them

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Harley now knew Roman Sionis was after Jerome, and probably looking for both of them. Harley knew she was going to do anything to keep Jerome safe, even though she knew he could take care of himself. Harley was pacing around the kitchen trying to think about what she was going to do. She knew Roman wasn't scared of anyone. She put her finger on her chin thinking, "he could be after Jerome because of his brother, Richard" she whispered to herself. She paced to the other side of the room and she stopped, "or he could be after him because of the power J has over Gotham. And he's jealous" Harley whispered again. "Talking to yourself again?" Helena said walking around the corner to sit on the couch. Harley smiled, "thinking out loud is all" she said. Helena put her feet up on the table, "about?" She asked. Harley sat down next to Helena, "Roman Sionis is after Jerome" she said. "Wow, what did he do?" Helena asked looking at Harley. "Either he thinks Jerome killed his brother or its cause Jerome has power over Gotham" Harley said. "I'm gonna guess it's the second one" Helena said getting up. Harley looked up at her, "where are you goin?" She asked. "To your club, Ivy and Cassie are already there. Call me if you need help" Helena said, Harley nodded then Helena walked out of the room.

Harley got up and started to pace again. She walked towards the sliding glass door that lead to the backyard, she was about to turn around but she felt firm hands on her waist. She smirked knowing who it was, Jerome kissed her neck and Harley's eyes rolled back with pleasure. "Let's have some fun" Jerome said pulling up Harley's shirt so that his hands were on her bare skin. "I'm stressed" Harley said shuddering under his touch. One of his arms wrapped around her stomach and the other around her chest while his hand was on her throat. Harley didn't mind she didn't care what he did do her she'd be happy. "About what?" He asked whispering in her ear. "Roman Sionis is after you, I couldn't sleep" Harley said. "I know how to relieve your stress and put you to sleep" Jerome said in her ear, she could feel him smiling. Jerome turned Harley around and kissed her, Harley wrapped her arms around his neck. Jerome bent down and carried Harley to their room.

Harley looked next to her and saw that Jerome was asleep. She got up and wrote a note for him.
Hiyah puddin, went out to deal with our problem. See you soon.
- Harley ♥︎
Harley went into her closet, which is now Jerome and her closet, since she bought him a lot of cloths. She grabbed a short black wig, a skin tight latex body suit with matching boots, and a black trench coat. She put it all on and snuck out of the room. She pulled out her phone and dialed Helena. "Harley? What's up?" She asked over on her end of the phone. "I need yah to meet me at Roman Sionis' club" Harley said. "I'll be there" Helena said. Then they both hung up. Harley walked down the stairs to her car. She got in and drove to Romans club.

When she got there she saw Helena on her motorcycle waiting for her. Harley got out of her car and walked over to Helena. Helena looked over at her, "finally you're here. What's with the outfit?" She asked. Harley looked down at her outfit, "it's a disguise" she said smiling. Helena nodded, "I need you to be subtle, like hide your weapons. Also hide in the corner until I give the signal" Harley said walking into the club. "What's the signal?" Helena asked. "Anything that's fuckin directed in your direction, by me" Harley said.

Harley was dancing on stage, in her black bob haircut wig. No one recognized her. Roman wondered who she was, a beautiful woman with a hot haircut and a rockin body. Helena watched from the dark corner of the room with two guns in her holsters and her crossbow attached to her belt. Roman wanted to say something to the unfamiliar woman dancing in his club, but he didn't know what to say. Roman walked up to Harley and tapped her shoulder, "excuse me miss but I have never seen you here before. I was wondering what a beautiful girl like you would be doing here" he said. Harley turned around with a closed smile on her face, "well I have definitely been here before Romy" she said. Roman smiled, "Miss Quinn please" he said gesturing for her to sit with him in his booth. She grabbed his hand and he lead her to it and they sat down. Roman looked at Harley, "So Harley why are you here?" He asked. Harley smiled but it wasn't real, "well Romy I came here to figure out why you're after Jerome" she said. Roman chuckled, "I'm after Jerome because of his status on Gotham" he said. Harley kept a straight face, "I don't find that funny at all. But if that's the reason then why haven't you killed me?" She asked. Roman smiled, "because you're a girl, you won't do anything" he said. Harley cackled, "you kill Jerome, I will murder you in front of everyone you love" she said. Roman laughed, "you couldn't do anything if you tried" he said. He waved someone over and Victor Zsaz walked up behind him. Harley looked over at Helena, Helena started to walked over to Harley. She joined them and put her hand on her holster. Harley smirked, "you're not the only one with an assassin on their side" she said. Roman looked down and smirked, "touché my dear" he said. Harley leaned forward closer to Roman, "listen Romy I don't care if you're my friend, I will kill you and everyone you care about, if you hurt my puddin" she said. Harley stood up and walked out of the club.

Harley took off her wig, revealing her blonde pig tails with highlights. Helena and Harley looked at each other, "what are you going to do if he doesn't stop?" Helena asked. Harley smirked, "then neither will I" she said turning around and walking to her car and getting in and driving off.

THE ONE THEY WANTED / Jeremiah Valeska / GothamWhere stories live. Discover now