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Harley was walking through an abandoned store when she heard something fall off of the shelf

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Harley was walking through an abandoned store when she heard something fall off of the shelf. Harley quickly pulled her gun out of her holster. Harley walked down the aisle and didn't see anyone. She heard a noise come from behind her, she turned around quickly and had her gun out and pointed at a little girl with a dark red hoodie on and a beige hat on, maybe 15-16 years old. "I'm sorry, don't kill me. I'm just looking for food" the girl said rather quick. The girl looked up at Harley. "Holy shit you're Harley Quinn!" the girl exclaimed. Harley put her gun away and smiled. "So you know me, whats your name kid?" Harley asked looking at the kid. "Uh, Cassandra Cain, I'm a big fan" the kid said. Harley smiled "I like you're name but imma shorten it, I'm gonna call you Cassie. And thank you for being a fan. But I'm just here to get dog food and medical stuff" Harley said turning around and walking down the aisle. "I want to be like you, can you teach me?" The girl asked following Harley. Harley thought she needed more friends. Harley turned around quick. "Number 1... no one is like me. Therefore you cannot be me, but I can be your mentor" Harley said walking to the dog food and grabbing the bag. "What's the dog food for?" Cassie asked next to Harley. "My hyena" Harley said walking away with the three bags of dog food, Harley has a lot of strength for a girl her size. Then she found the first aid kit for experienced users. Cassie followed Harley to a car parked outside. Harley opened the back and placed the bags down. Then closed the hatch back and walked to the driver seat. Harley say down and Cassie stood outside. Harley looked at her "are you coming or not?" Harley asked. Cassie hesitated, Harley rolled her eyes "Cassie, we're in Street Demons territory. If you don't get in the car, they will kill ya" Harley explained. Cassie's eyes widened and got in the car. Harley locked the doors and started the car and started to drive. "Where are we heading?" Cassie asked. "Dark Zone, pumpkin" Harley said. She heard a bike behind her. She looked in the rear view mirror and saw someone following her. She saw them raise a gun. Harley pulled out the Dynamite next to her and lit it. "Hey, throw that behind us" Harley said handing Cassie the dynamite. Cassie threw it out the window and the bike blew up. Hadley turned back to face the road while cackling. "You are as crazy as they say" Cassie said looking at Harley. "Yep, so kid where are your parents? Got any family?" Harley asked Cassie. "My parents were murdered, I'm an orphan" Cassie said causing Harley to look at her. "Same here kid" Harley said, remembering her parents were killed.

Harley and Cassie got back to Harley's apartment. Consisting of, pink and blue wallpaper, a fridge, oven and stove, all the things you would find in an ordinary apartment, but crazier. Harley set down the dog food, and Bud ran up to Harley howling, happy to see her mom come home. "Oh hi, baby I'm home" Harley said in a cooing voice. Cassie looked frightened staring down at the hyena. But Bud didn't growl at Cassie, she walked up to her and started to sniff her and Cassie pet her and Bud let it happen. "Huh, I thought she only liked me and Mistah J; but she likes you too" Harley said smiling, then she walked to the fridge and pulled out two beers, and turned back around to look at Cassie. "You drink, right kid?" Harley asked, Cassie nodded, she knew there are no rules or laws in Gotham anymore. Harley walked over to Cassie and gave her the beer. Harley walked over to the couch, she grabbed two daggers and threw them at two pictures on the wall behind the couch, a picture of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, newspaper picture and a wanted photo of course. Cassie watched as Harley did that, "You really do hate them don't you?" she asked as she walked Harley sit on the couch. "Yep, they hurt my puddin" Harley said, she then patted the cushion next to her. Cassie smiled and sat next to Harley. "Is Jeremiah Valeska actually dead?" Cassie asked looking at Harley. "No, because I saved him" she said, Harley grabbed her beer off the table in front of her and opened it with her teeth and then spit out the bottle cap, causing Cassie to laugh. Harley grabbed Cassie's beer and did the same thing.

Harley and Cassie talked about things and got to know each other. Harley found out that Cassie's parents were murdered because he father owed money to Falcone, and didn't pay up so Falcone had one of his men kill both of her parents but left Cassie to suffer. Harley sympathized with Cassie because Harley's parents were murdered to in an alley, but she can't remember their names or what they looked like, or the cause of it. She was completely in the dark, also Harley's birthday is on the day of their death, isn't that just tragic. Harley started to paint Cassie's nails red and blue, but then she realized the time, she had to get back to the tunnels to see Jeremiah. Harley stood up "I'm sorry Cassie but I have to be somewhere" Harley said grabbing her bat and her gun. "Oh, okay when will you be back?" Cassie asked, she liked Harley, their relationship kind of felt like mother and daughter. "I have no idea, but hopefully I will be back, um but you can stay here" Harley offered. "Really?" Cassie asked in disbelief that she would be staying in Harley Quinn's separate apartment. "Yeah, but I'm taking Bud with me" Harley said. Harley whistled over to Bud and she walked over to Harley. "I'll see you later kid" Harley said waving as she walked out the door.

Harley got to the tunnels and walked over to the workers and she saw that they had broken through. Harley walked over to Jeremiah. "Puddin. Wake up. Wake up" Harley said pushing on Jeremiah. "Ouch" he grunted. Harley back away, "Oh! Stitches still sore, huh? Never would have happened if you wore that armor I prepared" Harley said smiling. "You care too much about me" Jeremiah said. "You care a lot about you, you are my boyfriend after all" Harley said causing Jeremiah to smile. "I told you I had to let Selina thrust the knife into my flesh at least once" Jeremiah said sitting up and Harley helped him do just that. "Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see" Jeremiah said smiling. "I get it. Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne needed to think you were dead, puddin" Harley said. "Yeah. Right" Jeremiah said, then he pulled Harley onto his lap and she put her arms around his neck. "I take it you have news?" Jeremiah whispered at Harely. "All systems go" Harley said smiling. "Well, then lead the way" Jeremiah said, "Oh!" Harley exclaimed, she got up and leaded the way with Bud following them. They both walked up the stairs. "Doctor. I'm hearing good things" Jeremiah said. "The bandages are ready to come off. Your misses thought you'd like to see the results" The doctor said. Jeremiah looked at Harley, "Indeed, I would" he said. The doctor unwrapped the two people. Harley awaited Jeremiah's reaction. Jeremiah's eyes went wide, as he started to bend down to their level. He giggled causing Harley to smile. "Oh, you two look beautiful" Jeremiah said with his hand over his mouth. He lifted the lamp to their faces, "Oh... I love family reunions, don't you?" he said smiling.

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