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~ Pretend she has brown hair

Bruce and Brooklyn went to Jeremiah's after they had agreed to meet him, to talk about the generators

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Bruce and Brooklyn went to Jeremiah's after they had agreed to meet him, to talk about the generators. "Jeremiah, I didn't think you could get the generator program working so quickly" Bruce said as all three of them walked around the generator. "You ready for a demonstration?" Jeremiah asked the two, Brooklyn nodded. "Okay. You hit that switch there, and the facility will be disconnected from the power grid" Jeremiah said, Bruce went over to the switch and turned it off. The room was completely black, but Brooklyn was never afraid of the dark, she always felt comfort within it. Then the generator started to glow blue. Brooklyn watched in amazement when all the lights slowly turned on. Jeremiah watched Brooklyn smile, and he started to feel butterflies. "Ambient energy" Brooklyn whispered, "No cables or wires of any kind. It's clean and stable. Harvested from microtremors and air density shifts. It's... It's virtually without costs" Jeremiah explained, Brooklyn looked at him with wonder in her eyes. "And with the prototypes at Wayne Labs-" Bruce said "We could power all of Gotham" Brooklyn finished. "You've kept this project a secret, yes?" Jeremiah asked looking between Brooklyn and Bruce. "No one outside of Wayne Industries knows it exists" Bruce said. "It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on. I know better than anyone" Jeremiah said walking over to them. Then Jeremiah walked past them.

"Arkham Asylum sent me Jerome's personal effects. And amongst them, I found his diary" Jeremiah said holding up the diary for Bruce and Brooklyn to see. He put it down on the table and flipped through the pages, Brooklyn was the first to walk over to him. "It's a catalog of his fantasies and goals. Every twisted vision he ever had" Jeremiah said flipping through the horrifying pages. Brooklyn looked down at him. "Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time reading it" Brooklyn said, she knew what went through Jerome's mind. "He was obsessed with torturing and murdering me, James Gordon, and Bruce. About what he was thinking about when you visited him. And if he had been just the least bit sane, he would have destroyed us all. And Gotham would be in ruin" Jeremiah said then he flipped another page, but Brooklyn's hand stopped him. Jeremiah looked up at Brooklyn, they noticed how close their faces were to each others. "Your brother is dead, Jeremiah. It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world" Brooklyn said looking into his eyes. "Yes. Yes, he's dead. I still have trouble believing it" Jeremiah said, "Me too" Brooklyn whispered quietly. Bruce's phone started to vibrate. "Who is that?" Jeremiah asked, Brooklyn looked behind her at her brother. "It's just Alfred" Bruce said then answering the call. Jeremiah looked at Brooklyn and she looked at him and smiled. "You know, you were his top obsession. He dreamed about you, he was determined to make you his. Did you love him?" Jeremiah asked, wondering if he had a chance with her. "I did love him, just not the way he wanted me to. He was a friend and nothing more. When he died I lost my only friend" Brooklyn said looking down, she already missed Jerome, even if he was crazy. "I'm your friend" Jeremiah said looking at her, she lifted her head and looked at him and smiled "You'd be the only one" she said. Then Bruce hung up on the phone. "Lunch plans" Bruce said, but Brooklyn knew there was no lunch plans, she knew when her brother was lying. "That was a lie. You're lying to me, Bruce?" Jeremiah said in a hurt tone. "You're right. I'm sorry. It seems some of Jerome's followers are causing trouble" Bruce said looking at both of them. "Shit" Brooklyn muttered under her breath. "Oh, my God. I was right" Jeremiah said. "No, Jeremiah..." Brooklyn started. "I was right. He's not dead. Bruce, he's not dead. He's alive, and he's coming after me!" Jeremiah said. "Jeremiah, easy. Easy. You're not thinking clearly. Come on, this isn't like you" Bruce said as both of the Wayne's walked up to Jeremiah. "I need to tell you two something. After Jerome died, he left one last final trap for me. He sprayed me with his insanity gas" Jeremiah said, both Bruce and Brooklyn's eyes widened and the started to back up.

Brooklyn thought that the one chance she could have had a normal relationship with a guy, Jerome had to ruin it. "Special mixture, just for you, brother," he said" Jeremiah said. Bruce walked away thinking about what to do. Brooklyn stood there looking at Jeremiah. "I can't stop seeing him... ...clawing his way out of his grave, coming for me. And even though I know it's not real, it... feels real" Jeremiah explained sounding scared. Brooklyn wasn't any other girl, she wasn't scared of anything. She walked up to Jeremiah and grabbed his hand, he looked up at her. "And I can't control myself" He said looking down at her. "What if... What if I could show you he's dead and buried" Bruce said from behind them. Jeremiah looked up and looked at Bruce, and so did Brooklyn. "How?" Jeremiah asked. "We go there, to his grave" Bruce said walking up to the two. "No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no" Jeremiah said, walking around the table away from them. "Jeremiah, listen to me. Your brother took away your greatest strength, your mind, and turned it into a trap. But if you can see the reality, you can be freed from that trap" Bruce explained, Brooklyn agreed it did sound like a good idea. She wanted Jeremiah to stop being so paranoid. "You really think that would work?" Jeremiah asked looking at Bruce. "I do" Bruce said looking at him. Jeremiah focused his attention to Brooklyn, she nodded at him. "Then I'll try. You're a good friend, Bruce. Both of you are." Jeremiah said walking past them.

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