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"There isn't a single part of Bruce Wayne's life that we don't know about

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"There isn't a single part of Bruce Wayne's life that we don't know about. His joys, his disappointments, his desires" Harley said looking Selina up and down, while smiling. Harley still had the gun pointed at Selina. "But just like Bruce wasn't ready to embrace his true self, looks like you aren't either" Harley said smiling. "Maybe. But one thing Jeremiah did teach me is I...hate having a gun pointed at my face" Selina said while hissing the word hate. Selina smacked the gun out of Harley's hand. Harley swung her leg at Selina but she dodged it. Making her back against the wall with force. Harley walked up to her and threw punches at her but she dodged all of them. Selina caught Harley's punch and swung her against the pool wall. Selina punched Harley three times, but then Harley kicked Selina in the stomach causing her to get pushed back. "Oh, puddin, aren't you delicious" Harley said then she licked her teeth. Selina grabbed Harley and punched her and kicked her. Then Harley cartwheeled away from Selina. Harley grabbed a gun and started to fire at Selina but they were all blanks, until the last one. Selin grabbed Harley and threw her to the ground. Selina grabbed the gun Harley had and hit her with it. "Don't call me puddin" Selina growled. Selina grabbed Harley by the neck and put the gun up to Harley's head. "There you go, Selina. I knew you had it in you. All it took was a little kick in the pants" Harley said innocently. "Where's Jeremiah?" Selina asked. "Selina, drop the gun" Bruce said at the top of the stairs. Harley looked over at him, "Oh-oh, your boyfriend's worried. But I still don't think you have what it takes" Harley said smiling. "Yeah? Well, let's see what happens when someone deserves to get shot in the head" Selina said pushing the gun further into Harley's head. "Selina, stop!"" Bruce yelled, Harley grabbed the gun out of Selina's hand and stabbed her in the leg. Harley got up and ran to the hallway with the gated door, whilst Selina followed her while limping. Then the gate closed and and Selina grabbed onto it with her claws. "By the way ask your boyfriend, I was going easy on you, you little brat" Harley said smiling, she turned around and cackled while Selina yelled in frustration.

Harley led the recruits to the tunnels where Jeremiah was, Harley walked to Jeremiah and saw Bud sitting next to him eating someones leg. She smiled, Jeremiah had his hands on his waist, he turned around and saw Harley and he smiled at her. She put her bat down on one of the crates, along with her mask. She had ditched her cloak and her jester hat. "Are these all the recruits?" Jeremiah said looking at all of them, Harley looked at them too. "Well, I thought you would want quality over quantity. Not everybody can pass a .38 caliber test of faith" Harley said smiling, Jeremiah grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. They smiled as the both thought about Ecco. "Yes... you certainly have set a very high bar for devotion" Jeremiah said grabbing her hand and they started to dance. "Oh. Almost forgot. Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls... Or is he the sidekick?" Harley asked herself while giggling. "Anyway, they tried to infiltrate our little operation here" Harley said, Jeremiah looked at her with a confused look. "Oh?" Jeremiah asked. "Oh. And Curls can walk, really well, especially..." Harley said, Jeremiah twirled her away from him. "for a paraplegic" she said and Jeremiah pulled her back to him. "I guess I'll have to talk to Ivy. Ah. And she wants to kill you. A lot, FYI" Harley explained, then Jeremiah dipped her. "If I see her, I'll give you a shout" Harley said holding onto him. Jeremiah looked away in disappointment. "Oh... and kill her" Harley said with a creepy grin. Jeremiah looked back at her and returned the smile. Jeremiah bent down and kissed Harley then they giggled at each other. Jeremiah brought her back up and twirled her. "I love you darling" Jeremiah said, "I love you too puddin" Harley said smiling. Harley turned around and grabbed her bat, but forgot her mask. Bud got up and followed her mother, with the bone of the leg she was eating. "Okay, recruits, let's do like I did at my old house when Mistah J, turned me into Miss Quinn and move out" she said pointing to the exit. Jeremiah watched his girlfriend leave as he bit his lip because of what she was wearing. "My queen" Jeremiah muttered while smiling.

Once Harley was done with the recruits she went back to Ivy, she noticed that Ivy wasn't in the room like last time. The men Harley encountered were dead while the plants surrounded them. Harley then went out to the old oak tree, with Bud of coarse. Harley was right to assume that Ivy was there because she was right, Ivy was sitting in the tree. "Hi Red" Harley said smiling even though she was quite pissed off at Ivy. "Hello Harley, twice in one week I'd say you missed me" Ivy said coming down from the tree and walking over to Harley. "The first time was because I missed you, not this time Red" Harley said with a serious face. Ivy's expression turned into fear, "Why not this time?" she asked. Harley walked up to her and Ivy saw Bud, "New pet I see" Ivy said. "I have come here to ask you about Selina Kyle" Harley said was a curious face plastered on hers. "I don't want to talk about that back stabber" Ivy said turning her back to Harley. Harley smirked, she was going to manipulate Ivy, it's what she does best. Harley walked up behind Ivy and put both hands on her waist, Harley heard Ivy's breath hitch, and her heart speed up. "I am going to get what I want out of you" Harley whispered in Ivy's ear. "Usually I'm the one seducing people" Ivy said breathless. "Not this time Red" Harley whispered again sending chills down Ivy's spine. Harley turned Ivy around and pushed her against the tree, "you say 'backstabber' but you still helped her. She can walk, what did you do?" Harley asked Ivy inches away from her face. "Bruce Wayne set me free as long as I would help her" Ivy said frantically, she knew what Harley was capable of. Harley got closer to her Ivy could feel Harley's breath on her lips, "Any harm that comes to my puddin is on you" Harley said then left with Bud following her.

"You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence" Jeremiah said fanning his self with his hat. Then he got up "So what do we do when we feel like giving up?" He asked. "Dig a little deeper" his workers said. "And what do we do when we can't possibly go on any longer?" Jeremiah asked. Harley was walking up to him with her mask and cloak on. "Dig a little deeper" his workers repeated. "And what do we..." Jeremiah was cut off by Harley stabbing him in the stomach, Jeremiah looked down speechless that harley would do this to him. Then Harley took off her mask revealing that it wasn't Harley at all, it was Selina. "Deep enough?" Selina asked in anger. "Well, Selina, I must say..." Jeremiah strained for his words. Selina stabbed him again. "Don't say anything" Selina said, she stabbed him seven more times. She was about to stab him in the chest but Bruce stopped her. "Selina! Selina!" Bruce yelled. "Let me go!" Selina yelled whole in Bruce's arms. "It's done! It's over" Bruce said looking at Jeremiah on the dirt ground. "Jeremiah!" The workers yelled. "We need to get out of here, now" Bruce said, as he looked around to see all of Jeremiah's workers looking at them. Harley walked in with her bat in her hand and Bud walking next to her. Harley saw the commotion and then noticed Jeremiah on the floor. Harley felt a surge of pure rage flood through her. "No!" She screamed. Her scream rang through the tunnels. She ran over to the three infiltrators, she hit Selina in the head with her bat causing Selina to get knocked out. Then Harley ran over to Jeremiah, and he looked up at her "puddin stay with me" she said with tears rolling down her cheeks. Harley looked at Bud "get em' baby!" She screamed, Bruce looked at Harley "you're all dead" she whispered. Bud then chased them out of the the building. Bud then came back with a cloth and gave it to Harley, Harley knew Jeremiah was still alive and she had to keep it that way. Bud sat next to Harley and whimpered at Jeremiah. Harley stitched him up, picked him up and laid him on a stretcher she stole. Harley made it her goal to make Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne and his butler suffer, just as she has.

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