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Harley walked down to the pool in the chapel, to talk to Jeremiah about what she saw in the dark zone

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Harley walked down to the pool in the chapel, to talk to Jeremiah about what she saw in the dark zone. But she saw Ecco and Jeremiah. "What's goin on?" Harley asked, causing Jeremiah to turn around. "Ecco says you've been conspiring against me" Jeremiah said causing Harley to raise her eyebrows, "Oh did she now" Harley said waking down the stairs. "And you'd believe your assistant over your girlfriend. The woman who makes you feel like your the only man in the world, the girl who's name you moan in bed" Harley said looking at Jeremiah and getting up in his face, Jeremiah growled at her sexually. "You wouldn't die for him" Ecco spoke up. Harley looked at her with anger with her eyes wide. Harley walked over to her, "You wanna test that bitch" Harley said inches away from Ecco's face. Jeremiah intervened "Ladies please, let's test it. Who would die for me?" Jeremiah asked holding up two guns. Ecco and Harley grabbed the guns, Ecco puts the gun to her head, "I would die for you" she said pulling the trigger, Click. Harley smiled and giggled her girlish giggle. "I would die for him too because, He." She put the gun up to her head and Click. "Made." She put the gun under her chin and Click. "Me." She put the gun to her cheek and Click. Ecco started to feel afraid, she knew now she shouldn't have lied about Harley, she shouldn't have pushed her buttons, Harley scares the crap out of her. Jeremiah started to get turned on because of Harley's actions. "Thing is Ecco, behind every successful man there's a badass broad. That's me, you're just in the way and you endlessly piss me off. He doesn't love you because, He." She put the gun to her head again and Click. "Loves." She pulled the trigger again and Click. "Me." She pointed the gun at Ecco and shot her in the head.

Harley smiled and cackled as she watched Ecco bleed out to her death. Harley looked at Jeremiah and he was smiling, she waltzed over to him and he grabbed her waist and dipped her like in a dance and pulled her into a heated kiss, they pulled apart and Harley grinned widely "I love you" Jeremiah said. "I love you too Puddin" Harley said giggling. She loved her puddin and would do anything for him. "I should have never trusted her" Jeremiah said looking at Ecco then down at Harley. "It's okay, just know, Never. Doubt. Me. Again" Harley said slowly as she dragged her hand down Jeremiahs chest down to his belt and gripped it, and pulled him closer to her, grazing her lips against his, teasing him. "By the way, we have a problem" Harley said looking up at her boyfriend. "What kind of problem my dear?" Jeremiah asked in an angry tone. "There was a mass shooting in the Dark Zone" Harley said also angrily, Jeremiah raised his eyebrows "Your zone?" he asked causing Harley to nod. "My top person that kept me updated is dead along with her group" Harley growled looking away from Jeremiah. "Do you know who did it?" He asked looking down at her, Harley turned her head to face him again, "Barbara Kean, likely over Jim Gordon. Since there is a bounty on his head, but not on mine. Penguin knows better, people wouldn't hunt me, my followers would kill him for threatening me" Harley said smiling. "You should go talk to Barbara" Jeremiah said caressing Harley's cheek. "I was, but I thought why not come here first and fill you in, but I didn't plan on this happening. But I did enjoy it" Harley said pointing at Ecco. "You know since you killed her, you're going to have to host the initiation for my followers" Jeremiah said looking at Harley, she smiled "Anything to keep you happy puddin" Harley said smiling and giggling. "That's my girl" Jeremiah said, "There's one tomorrow night, be there and perform it" Jeremiah said, "Yes, Mistah J" Harley said with her cute accent. She smiled and walked away from Jeremiah, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, and encased her in a heated kiss again, she put her hand on his cheek and he put his hands on her waist, then they parted again and Jeremiah looked down at her. "Be careful" he said causing Harley to smile "Always" she said, "Can I get a pet?" Harley asked. "Yes, but only if it's dangerous" Jeremiah said, Harley smiled, and kissed his cheek "thanks puddin" she said and then walked away.

Harley went to the exotic animals shop. She went through aisles of exotic animals and none of them caught her eye. The guy that was following her, showing her the animals was very creepy and was constantly hitting on Harley. Harley was getting angry, because everyone knew she was Mister J's property. The last animal in a cage caught her eye. It was a hyena, Harley gasped and jumped up and down clapping and giggling. She put her hands on the cage and the hyena sniffed her hand and licked it. "Hi, baby" Harley said in a baby voice smiling. The guy looked at her "I take payment in kind" the man said leaning closer to Harley. The hyena even started to growl at the man. "Oh, you do now" Harley said as she turned to the man. "Mmhmm" he muttered. Harley smiled "well I'm Mistah J's Lady, so I don't pay for nothing" Harley said. She pulled out her gun and shot the guy in the head, she noticed that the hyena laughed. She turned back to the hyena and laughed with it. Harley opened the cage and the hyena sat in front of her, Harley bent down and started to pet her new friend. The hyena then turned around and started to eat the guy she shot. "I think I'm going to name you Bud" Harley said smiling. Harley walked and Bud followed her and didn't leave her side.

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