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Jerome and Harley were successful with interfering with Roman's plans, but now he was after both of them

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Jerome and Harley were successful with interfering with Roman's plans, but now he was after both of them. Harley despised the fact that Roman thought she wouldn't do anything, to protect Jerome.

Harley was at the house. Jerome was running errands, Ivy and Cassie were at the club, and Helena was getting lunch. Leaving Harley bored and at the house. She was running around the house and doing cartwheels too. She was getting bored to she decided to go out. She ran and grabbed the keys to her bike, since Jerome took the car. She road around and stopped at a diner. She put her keys in her pocket and started walking to the door, but before she could opened it a black bag was put over her head. Harley was confused, "what the fuck?" She said. Someone picked her up and threw her in a car and then it started driving. Then she blacked out.

Helena opened the door to the house, stepped in and then closed it with her food in her hands. She set the keys to her motorcycle down on the table by the door. Helena walked in the kitchen and set down her food. "Harley?!" Helena yelled. She wondered where Harley was, she knew she left her there and her bike was gone. Helena thought maybe Harley was sleeping, so she went up the stairs and to her room and found that she wasn't in there. Helena started to get worried, she knew Harley could handle herself but she still got worried for her best friend. "Harley?!" She called again. 'Where the fuck is she?' Helena thought.

The bag came off of Harley's head, she woke up and realized she was tied down. She tried to get loose but it was no use. There was at least 5 guns pointed at her. "Well, well, well Miss Quinn. I have you in my stronghold" Roman said from behind Harley. He walked up to her and sat down on his sofa across from her. Victor Zasz walked up to Roman and gave him a bucket of pop corn. "Hi Romy" Harley said with a smile. Roman imitated a smile, "you interfered with my business Harley, you know what that means" Roman said with a smirk.

Jerome got back to the house and walked through the front door. He walked into the kitchen and saw Helena sitting on the bar stool with an empty take out box in front of her. She looked at Jerome and stood up, "woah, easy" Jerome said with his hand up. Helena waved him off, "do you know where Harley is?" She asked. Jerome didn't know what she was talking about, "what are you talking about? Isn't she here?" He asked. Helena shook her head, "when I got here she wasn't here and her bike is gone" she said. Jerome paced around, "I think that Sionis got to her" he said with anger. Helena shook her head, "fuck" she muttered. Helena and Jerome paced around the kitchen, "we need to tell Ivy, she can tell the followers that broke us out of Arkham" Helena said. Jerome nodded and they headed to The Diamonds Club.

Ivy and Cassie were sitting at a table close to the stage, watching Dinah perform again. Jerome and Helena walked up to them, "Harley's missing" Helena said. Ivy's and Cassie's head snapped to them, they both stood up. Cassie was the first one to say, "what do you mean she's missing?" She asked. Helena stepped forward, "when I left the house she was there, when I got back she was gone" she said. Cassie looked at Jerome and Helena, "do you have idea what might have happened to her?" She asked. Jerome stopped forward, "I think Roman Sionis has her" he said. Ivy looked at him, "the guy that threatened you two?" She asked causing Jerome to nod. "The thing is we don't know where he would have gone with her. We are completely in the dark Roman has many lots and places that he owns" Helena said in a worried tone. Cassie, Jerome, Ivy, and Helena thought about it for a second. Cassie's eyes widened, "I know where he took her" she said. They all looked at her, "where?" Jerome asked. "The Black Mask Club" Cassie said. Helena looked at Ivy, "we'll need the followers" she said. Ivy waved her off, "no we don't, if Harley is tied up then we need to get her untied, then she'll handle all of it" she said. Jerome and Cassie nodded, Ivy, Jerome, and Cassie are the ones who knew how Harley fought. Then they made her way to the Black Mask Club, but before Cassie grabbed a metal bat.

Roman got fed up with Harley and tried to punch her but she dodged it, which made him more angry. Roman waved Victor over, Victor got out his knife and pressed it to Harley's face, "I warned you" Roman said. Victor pressed harder, "Wait! Wait!" Harley shouted. Victor stopped and looked at Roman, Roman waved him off. Roman leaned down to Harley's level, "what is it?" He asked. Harley looked into his eyes, "if you hurt me, J will kill you" she said. Roman smirked, "I'd like to see Jerome try" he said and turned around. Harley shook her head, "not Jerome" she said. Roman turned back around and looked at her, "Jeremiah is a vegetable, and you're with his resurrected brother. Do you really think he would care about you?" He asked. Harley nodded, "when you're in love with a woman you'll do anything for her" Harley said. Roman nodded and waved all of his guys over to him, all six of them.

Harley was sitting, and then she felt hands fiddling with the ropes on her wrists, she looked over and saw Ivy and Cassie untying the ropes. Once they were untied Harley looked at Ivy, "do what you do best" she said then her and Cassie ran back into the dark.

Roman came back, "alright any last words Harley?" He asked. Harley smiled, "yeah, you shouldn't have left me alone for that long" she said causing Roman to give her a confused face. She head butted him and stood up. "Harley!" Cassie yelled. Harley looked at her and Cassie threw her, her bat. Harley grabbed it and turned back around and smiled. She ran to all of the man and started fighting them. She knocked one out with the bat and used him a shield while the other guys were shooting at her. She grabbed the dead guys gun and shot at the others. Three guys were left. She got behind one of them and jumped on his shoulders swinging him around, Harley bent backwards on the guys shoulders and shot the other guy with the gun, killing him.

Harley got off of the guys shoulders and shot him

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Harley got off of the guys shoulders and shot him. Harley turned around and shot at the guy but she was out of bullets. Harley shook her head and threw the gun. Harley threw her bat at the ground and it bounced off of the ground and knocked the guy out.

Harley walked over and grabbed the bat

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Harley walked over and grabbed the bat. She turned around to see Roman and Victor gone. Harley screamed out of frustration, that he had gotten away again. Jerome, Ivy, Cassie, and Helena came out of the dark and looked at Harley. Jerome ran over to her and hugged her, he looked at her face and got mad looking at the cut Victor gave her was still bleeding. Harley grabbed his hand, "I'm fine" she said. Helena walked up to her, "I can see what they were talking about. You have the skills of an assassin, you're better than me" she said causing all of them to laugh and they left the black mask club.

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