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Two months, two months Harley had been in this shit hole

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Two months, two months Harley had been in this shit hole. To Harley it wasn't anything, but to Ivy and Cassie it had felt like forever. They had been working out the plan and trying everything to get the supplies, but at the rate they are going, it would be at least six years till they got her out. Cassie had started training and Ivy had been making more of her poisonous plants that she had used before. They wondered how Harley was doing, all the time.

It is currently 8:35 in the morning. Harley is currently sleeping on her uncomfortable bed. "Bravo 14 open perimeter fence" Griggs said. His men were pushing a wheelchair into the place where Harley was. Harley's highlights had started to fade and her hair had grown significantly longer then the last time she was seen by the outside world. The guards opened the fence, "If she moves prepare to fire" Griggs said. "It's okay this is me being cool" Harley said putting her hands up. She grabbed the guards hand in front of her, she swung her legs around his neck and slammed him onto the ground. One of the guards then tazed her, causing Harley to scream. They grabbed her and strapped her down to the wheelchair. Then they strapped her head down to the back of the head piece. Griggs then started to wheel her down the hallway. The Huntress who had been staying in the room, that was a couple minutes away from Harley's solitary cell. She watched as Harley was wheeled by her room, she wondered where they were taking the insane optimist. Harley woke up only 1/3, of the way to where they were taking her. "Where are we going? We going to Disney World, Griggy?" Harley asked sarcastically, then she cackled at the end. "No, where we're going involves pain" Griggs said chuckling. "How fun, hehe" Harley said smiling. Harley passed the Rec Room, she saw Edward Nygma, he smiled as he looked at her. "Hey, hey riddles!" Harley said with a happy voice. "Good Morning Harls" Ed responded with a smile. Griggs kept wheeling her, he wheeled her into a room with tiles for walls and tiles for the floor. They unstrapped Harley and picked her up and strapped her onto the lay down chair. They strapped her wrists, ankles and head down. The doctor came in with his mask and blue latex gloves on. "Good morning Harley Quinn" He said, "Mornin' Doc" Harley responded with a smile. "So we are going to give you a couple of shocks to the brain to see if it will possibly make you better" he explained. Harley's eyes widened, "no doc I don't need that" she said. "Harry Quinn you are clinically insane, you need this" he said putting the pads on the temples of her head. "I'm going to start you off at 70 volts, and we'll work our way up from there" the doc said wheeling the machine over to where she was, he then put a piece of straight leather in her mouth so she didn't break her teeth. "Alright Miss Quinn, this is going to hurt just a little bit" Doc said setting the dial to 70 volts. Harley braced herself, for the pain. The doctor then flipped the switch sending 70 volts of electricity to Harley's brain, Harley screamed in pain.

Her screams could be heard all through Arkham Asylum, all the way to the man himself's room, Jeremiah Valeska. He was sitting in his wheel chair unresponsive, until he heard Harley screaming. His brain clicked and started working again, he wanted to do something to help his love but he couldn't, he had to keep up the act. But he knew he would kill that son of a bitch that hurt his Harley.

The doctor stopped the shock, and Harley stopped screaming. Harley exhaled, she didn't think it hurt that bad but her screams said otherwise. "Alright Harley, how do you feel? " Doc asked looking down at Harley on the table. "Like I want to feed you to my pet hyena" she growled through the leather in her mouth. "Alright let's raise it to 90 volts" Doc said turning the dial. Harley braced herself, then the doctor flipped the switch. Harley screamed but not for long.

Images were flashing through Harley's mind. Flashes of early Gotham, a huge mansion and two children running around chasing each other. A girl was chasing the little boy, while they were laughing and smiling. She got another memory of the boy and the girl looking at two people dead on an alley floor. She knew who it was, it was the four people in the picture she got for her birthday. It was Bruce Wayne, Harley had heard about the girl named Brooklyn Wayne. Harley focused on the Alley memory in front of her. She saw that Bruce was crying and Brooklyn held in her feelings but had a single tear falling down her cheek. Brooklyn pushed Bruce behind her and challenged the shooter, she had put her head against the gun and the man ran away. Brooklyn turned around and engulfed Bruce in a tight hug as he cried on her shoulder. Brooklyn looked just like her, Harley had put it together, she was Brooklyn, but not anymore.

Then the electricity stopped, but Harley had already stopped screaming. "Alright Harley, How do you feel?" Doc asked looking down at her. "I'm seeing memories, turn it up. I want to remember" Harley said causing the doctor to smile, maybe she was changing. But that was not likely, Harley only wanted to remember. The doctor turned the dial to 100 volts. "Alright, 100 volts is going to hurt" Doc said. Then he flipped the switch and Harley started screaming again.

The she stopped when she saw Jeremiah, but he was different he didn't have his green hair, pale face, red lips, and inhuman eyes. It looked like Brooklyn and Bruce plus their butler, where at a magic show. She saw Jeremiah with Barbara, 'why the hell were they together?' Harley thought. She saw Bruce in Jeremiah's arm with a knife to his neck. Then a man came up behind him and stabbed him in the neck. Bruce ran back to Brooklyn and hugged her.

The it flashed to another, of the Bruce and Brooklyn at the Wayne Manor. Jeremiah had broken in and looked at both of them. Harley then realized it wasn't Jeremiah, it was someone who looked exactly like him, the news caster compared Harley to him, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah's twin brother. Jerome looked at Brooklyn, "My, My gorgeous. Look how big you've gotten" he said smiling at her, running the blade he had in his hand to try and intimidate her but it didn't work. With his stapled face. Then it flashed to a circus, Harley was excited she loved the circus especially this one everyone was killing someone. Brooklyn defended her brother, got a couple of swings on Jerome. "Oh babydoll, you are extraordinary" Jerome said as Jim Gordon put him in cuffs.

Then memories where Brooklyn was at Arkham visiting the clown prince of crime, Jerome Valeska. "Silent treatment, huh" he said looking at the brunette with her arms crossed, across her chest. "You know I've never encountered a woman as intelligent and beautiful as you" he said looking at her. She looked down to try and hide her smile and her blush. "You can't hide from me doll face. You just can't, you know you love me" Jerome said. Brooklyn's head shot up "I love you, but not in that way. I could never be with a man who tried to kill the only family I have left" she said looking at him with furious look in her eyes. Now that Brooklyn was Harley, she knew that was a lie. She did love him, Jerome understood her like no one else did. It took everything she had to not be with him.

Then it flashed to her, Bruce and now Jeremiah with bombs around their necks, Jerome kicking Jeremiah. "J, stop! If you stop I'll do what ever you want" Brooklyn yelled. Jerome smiled at Brooklyn and walked over to her. "Anything?" He growled, "Anything" she answered. He cut the ropes on her wrist and she stood up, he grabbed her waist, and she put her hands on his arms "You and me baby" He said. Back then in her mind she wanted to be with him so badly. "I'm sorry. You are my very best friend" Brooklyn said with her eyes watering. Harley couldn't believe it, she was in love with her puddin's brother before him.

The doctor turned off the electricity, Harley was unresponsive. She was deep in her memories. "Goodbye Jerome, I love you, you were my best friend" Brooklyn whispered as she squeezed Jerome's hand, then let go and walked to her car and she broke down, knowing he was gone for good this time. The doctor tried to wake Harley by shaking her. He took the leather out of her mouth, and I strapped her thinking that he killed her.

Harley opened her eyes and shot up from her laid down position. She was out of breath. She looked down at her hands, "Jerome" she whispered.

THE ONE THEY WANTED / Jeremiah Valeska / GothamWhere stories live. Discover now