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~ Pretend her hair is brown

~ Pretend her hair is brown

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"Harvey. Jeremiah Valeska wasn't inside the bunker when it blew" Alvarez said walking over to Harvey. "How do you know?" Harvey asked with concern looking at his fellow cop. "'Cause he's outside, and he's not alone" Alvarez said, Harvey followed him outside to see Jeremiah in a mob boss outfit, with his followers behind him. "What the hell?" Harvey shouted. "You might not recognize Jerome's followers, as I've given them something of a makeover. But I assure you, they're as loyal to me as they ever were to him. More so. 'Cause I accomplished something my brother never could: killing James Gordon" Jeremiah said standing his ground. "Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" his followers chanted in respect to him. The GCPD drew their guns and pointed them at Jeremiah. "You're a liar!" Harvey shouted at him. "Not so fast" Jeremiah said while pulling out a detonator out of his pocket. "I have bombs planted around the city, just like the one that killed Jim Gordon" Jeremiah said. "Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" his followers chanted. "All you need to know is, if I hit this detonator, Gotham is blown back to the Stone Age" Jeremiah explained holding the detonator for everyone to see. "If I pull this trigger, your brains are blown through the back of your skull" Harvey threatened. "Dead man's switch. You're familiar. It's another little something I took from my brother, except mine's a bit more advanced. You shoot me, my thumb loosens, and then boom, boom, boom, boom. No, you will do what I say" Jeremiah explained as he got closer to Harvey. "You're more sick than your brother" Harvey said causing Jeremiah to chuckle.

"Don't compare me to that short-sighted psychopath. He just wanted to destroy things. Me, I'm a builder. I'm gonna create a new Gotham in my image. But every artist needs a blank canvas, so... all of this has to go. I detonate the explosives in six hours. I want the city empty when I do" Jeremiah explained, looking away from Harvey. "You need us to evacuate Gotham in six hours? That's impossible!" Harvey yelled, causing Jeremiah to look at him. "Then everyone who dies screaming, who watches their loved ones crushed before them, will have you to thank, Detective Bullock. Look... nobody has to die. Well, except for these people" Jeremiah said pulling out a second detonator. "I know seeing is believing, and I do want you to believe me, so..." Jeremiah said then he pressed the button and the old clock tower blew up, and Jeremiah dropped the detonator which is now useless. "Oh, my God! Get officers on the scene now! Go!" Harvey yelled pushing officers forward. "Six hours, Detective. The clock is ticking. I also know that while you were searching for James Gordon, you were also searching for Brooklyn Wayne and you still are. But I can assure you, she is safe in my custody. If you try and look for her, I will detonate the bombs as soon as I get her to safety with me" Jeremiah explained to Harvey. "She has nothing to do with this, so let her go" Harvey said still with a gun to Jeremiah's face. "Actually she has everything to do with this, a king needs his queen" Jeremiah said smiling, knowing she couldn't say no. "You're just as obsessed with her as your brother was" Harvey said with anger in his eyes. "It's not obsession it's love, Detective Bullock, something you would never know. She hasn't even started struggling yet, something tells me she doesn't want to be found or set free, or maybe it's because she feels the same way about me as I to her" Jeremiah explained then turned around and walked away.

Bruce had gone to the GCPD after he got out of Jerome's grave to the fact that he couldn't find Brooklyn or Alfred, both of them weren't answering their phones, seeing that Jeremiah took both of them. Bruce's phone started ringing. "Alfred, where have you been?" Bruce asked. "No, not Alfred. I hope you didn't catch a cold in my brother's grave. I know those things aren't exactly designed for the living" Jeremiah said on his end of the phone. "What have you done? Where's Alfred?! Where's Brooklyn?!" Bruce practically screamed on the phone. "Such anger. Some people... not me, of course... might consider that ingratitude, considering all I've done for you, all I'm still doing for you" Jeremiah said walking as his followers followed him. "You mean lying to me? Using my company to build bombs? Kidnapping my sister? Trying to kill me?" Bruce asked, mainly thinking about his sister. "Bruce, let's get something straight. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. I'd have put a bullet through your brain and left you to rot in that grave. But I meant what I said. You're my best friend, and today I'm gonna prove it to you" Jeremiah explained on the phone. "You are insane. And you killed Jim Gordon" Bruce said almost in angry tears. "And if you don't want your manservant to die, too, you will follow my instructions to the letter. 71 Welling Avenue. Be there in an hour. Tell the police and I'll know. Just like I know that's where you are right now. Don't worry Bruce, I won't hurt your sister, her life means a lot to me" Jeremiah said on the phone then hung up, speaking of Jeremiah was thinking about visiting her.

Jeremiah walked looking at recording of Bruce, running around. "Oh, Bruce. You are about to have a very transformative experience. I envy you. Call our friend. Tell him to kill the butler. He's no longer necessary" Jeremiah said walking down the stairs, to see people. "Oswald Cobblepot. Barbara Kean. In my stronghold" Jeremiah said walking off of the stairs closer to them. "Not one step closer, Mr. Valeska" Penguin said. "And is that my dear Jongleur with my core relay in his hand and a grenade taped to his mouth?" Jeremiah asked. "Indeed, it is" Penguin said smiling. "Huh. Well, it seems you have the upper hand" Jeremiah said taking off his hat. "Undoubtedly. And now...we have our own demands" Oswald said smiling again. Jeremiah sat down in the chair they had prepared for him. "$50 million. That's what you want" Jeremiah said. "It's a nice round number" Oswald said. "I don't quite have that on me right now" Jeremiahs aid looking down at his pockets. "You gave the mayor six hours to evacuate Gotham. An impossible task. Let him buy another hour. He will save thousands of lives. $50 million will seem cheap" Oswald explained. "I see. I play the villain, you get away Scot-free and rich. I get you the money, you give me back my core relay" Jeremiah said. "That is usually how a handoff works. Yeah" Barbara said nodding her head. "You drive a hard bargain, but I'll see what I can do" Jeremiah said. "Just like that? After knowing your brother, I expected something more..." Barbara said. "Insane? I'm nothing if not sane. And reasonable. Two things my brother never valued. Which is why I'll be successful where he failed. Well, that and being... vastly more intelligent. Now, to see about your money" He said pulling out his phone and opening it. He stood up and dialed the number. "This is Jeremiah Valeska. I'd like to speak to the mayor. I have additional demands. Yes, really. $50 million, unmarked bills. I'll tell you the location" Jeremiah said walking away. After a couple of minutes Jeremiah spoke again. "Would you believe it? They put me on hold. Well, there's always plan number two" Jeremiah said pulling out a bazooka and firing it. "Get down!" Barbara screamed, "Wait!" Oswald yelled putting his hands out. After the smoke and rubble had cleared, Oswald was the first to speak up. "Are you out of your mind?!" Oswald yelled. "Why do you keep insisting I'm insane? What's insane about having a backup plan? Something Jongleur never knew about. And, so you know, this building is within the blast radius. And because of your interference, I'm gonna detonate the bombs as soon as I'm far enough away to observe the destruction in peace" Jeremiah said with anger at them. "No! You promised the city six hours!" Barbara yelled. "And whose fault is it that I changed my mind? Tell our men to rewire the bombs to work in direct sequence. And, the rest of you, kill these idiots" Jeremiah said looking back at them and running, running straight to Brooklyn. When he detonates those bombs, he wants Brooklyn to watch Gotham fall with him.

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