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"Barbara and the Sirens control an area around their club

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"Barbara and the Sirens control an area around their club. It's the only place in Gotham not suffering for food, or booze. Barbara trades mainly in information. It's women only, but men can buy windows of time. Word is... she enforces her rule with an iron hand. And to date, there have been no confirmed sightings of Jeremiah Valeska and Brooklyn Wayne, now going by Harley Quinn after he sprayed her with the inanity gas. Barbara claims that Harley Quinn goes to the Sirens club to have fun, to dance, and go crazy. But no one will even try to do anything to her because she's crazier than Jeremiah, and people know that she's his property so if they touch her they die" Jim said to the people over the radio. "Why do you think she doesn't hide?" The person on the radio asked Jim. "Because she has top respect in Gotham, she gets things done. And people are afraid of her, unless you're one of her friends, like Barbara and Scarecrow are and she's supposedly charming" Jim explained. "Harley is usually seen roaming in the Dark Zone, she's respected down there" Jim continued.

Harley has gotten a new look. She had gotten tattoos resembling, Jeremiah. Like on her left shoulder she got "Daddy's Lil Monster." (Just look up all of Harley Quinn's tattoos from suicide squad). She had dyed the tips of her hair, one side blue and the other pink. Everyone respected Harley because she does peoples bidding's for them, most of the time. Barbara and Scarecrow have became her friends but Ivy is Harley's best friend.

Harley is currently at the Sirens club where she is frequently, she's in the glass box where dancers dance, but she's dancing with another girl that was dancing in the box. A guy was looking at Harley very sexually, Barbara walked up to him "She's off limits" she said next to the guy. "Why? I don't see a sign on her saying she is taken" he said looking at Harley. Barbara grabbed his face and made him look at Harley's tattoos. "See her tattoos, Daddy's Lil Monster and the word Puddin every where on her. Yeah that's her boyfriend, Jeremiah Valeska" Barbara said. The guy looked frightened as his eyes widened "Oh she's J's girl?" He asked. "Yep so quit staring at her before she or he kills you" Barbara said and the man walked away. Harley looked at Barbara and winked, Barbara knew that if she was friends with Harley then that would give her immunity, even though she did think of Harley as a friend. Harley got out of the box and walked over to the bar, where Barbara was. "So what did that creepy man want?" Harley asked, "You" Barbara said looking at Harley "It's crazy how some people don't know I'm Mistah J's girl" Harley said and Barbara nodded. "So what are you having?" she asked waving at the wall of alcohol behind her. "Green Fairy!" Harley said excitedly, "One shot of Absinthe it is" Barbara said walking behind her and grabbing the full bottle of Absinthe, since Harley is the only on crazy enough to drink it. Barbara poured the shot and Harley quickly downed the shot and smiled, she always loved the taste of her favorite alcohol. "Thanks Babs, I'll be on my way" Harley said turning around and walking. "Be careful Harls" Barbara said. Harley turned around and bowed "when am I not?" Harley asked then giggled at the end. Then she walked out of the club and into her Purple Lamborghini. She stole it from The Wayne's, their alarm was easy to get by.

It was black before until she got a paint job in it

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It was black before until she got a paint job in it. She also stole a motorcycle, and she got it painted a blue, purple, pink duo chrome color. (In the chapter called POISONED). Harley always loved that art of theatrics and being dramatic. She started to drive through Gotham. She saw a helicopter, "is that a chopper?" She asked herself. Then she saw it get shot down. She knew where it landed, Lo Boyz territory. She sped over there, before the GCPD got there. She got out of the car, but not before grabbing her holder and her love-hate gun that J, got her as a present for being a good girl. She walked to the entrance of the abandoned warehouse, the Lo Boyz heard heels clacking on the concrete. They looked at Harley with her very short dress. "Harley, long time no see" one of the boys said. "Hi, boys" Harley said smiling walking over to them. "How have you been?" Another one asked looking at her. "Pretty good, whats in there?" Harley asked. The Boyz looked at the chopper, "food, medicine and ammunition" they said. Harley smiled "would you please do me a favor?" Harley said pouting her lips and baring her puppy eyes. "Anything" the leader said looking at Harley. "Would you please load two of the crates of amo into my car?" she asked smiling. "Anything for you Harley" they said and they obeyed, they came back and said that it was done. Harley heard a car enter the warehouse, Harley was not in eyesight. "Hello. The Lo Boyz, is it? I suspect you know who I am" Harley knew that voice, Penguin the limp that shot her puddin. "This ain't your turf, bird man" One of the Lo Boyz said. "Be that as it may, I'm here to claim that" Penguin said pointing at the chopper. "Like hell" He said then Penguin ordered his guys to kill them. Harley stepped out and Penguins guys stopped, once they saw the gorgeous blonde.

"Do you always let other people do your dirty work?" She asked coming out from behind the dead bodies. "Harley Quinn" Penguin said turning around. "In the flesh" Harley said bowing. "You certainly have changed your look, you look good" He said, Harley smiled at him but it wasn't genuine. "Are you sweet talking me? Trying to get out of this, because you know what I'm capable of" Harley said, she pulled her gun out and pointed it at Penguin. "Or are you aching for another bullet in your stomach, I bet I can get this bullet in the same place, I never miss and my aim is on point" Harley said smiling and giggling. "No, I'm okay with not having another bullet wound" Penguin said putting his hands up, knowing not to under estimate the woman, knowing she's crazier that Jeremiah. "Goody, than I'll be on my way" She said grabbing one of the gun from the bodies on the ground. Harley walked through Penguins guys and their eyes watched the woman walk away as her hips swayed in a sexual way, "That is one crazy bitch" One of Penguins guys said.

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