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~Pretend she has brown hair

~Pretend she has brown hair

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It took almost all night for Bruce and Brooklyn to get to St. Ignatius, they pulled up and the they got out of the car. Brooklyn realized how quiet it was "what if they've already been here" she said as Bruce got out of the car. She looked at the place and noticed it looked dead. "There's only one way to find out" Bruce said. Bruce and Brooklyn walked into the school.

The Wayne siblings walked to the head masters office and opened the door. They both saw a man standing up and looking out the window. "Sir?" Bruce asked walking in but he didn't respond, "Sir?" Brooklyn asked. "Can I help you?" The man asked still not moving a muscle. "Our names are Bruce and Brooklyn Wayne. We're looking for Jerome Valeska" Bruce said walking causing Brooklyn to follow him. "Has he been here?" Brooklyn spoke up over her brother. "I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Mr. Valeska. However, I did speak with his friend, the one with the top hat" The man explained. "Jervis Tetch" Both Bruce and Brooklyn whispered in shock. "Yes, that's the fellow. He was very polite" The man said still with his back facing them, Brooklyn noticed the clock he was standing next to, she also noticed that it was ticking rather loudly. "What did he want?" Brooklyn said drowning out the ticking. "The-the name of a, uh, student who graduated St. Ignatius ten years ago. Xander Wilde. Fine young boy, very bright" The man explained still looking out the window, Brooklyn noticed how Bruce and herself had been taking steps closer to the mans desk. "Did Tetch tell you why Jerome was looking for him?" Bruce asked with concern. Brooklyn wondered who this Xander Wilde is, and why Jerome was so intent on finding him. "No. But he did have a message for you two" The man said turning around and revealing to the siblings that there was a bomb attached to the mans chest. Both of their eyes widened. The man held up a detonator, with his finger on the button. "Listen to me, you're being hypnotized by Jervis Tetch. You don't want to press that button" Bruce explained putting his hand up in defense. "But I have to. He's depending on me" The man said still holding up the detonator. "Bruce. Brooklyn. Step away from him" Jim said, from behind them, Jim was holding his gun up and so was Harvey. Brooklyn felt sympathy for the man, she walked toward him slowly holding out her hand. "Please. Hand me the detonator" Brooklyn said with tears welling up in her eyes, the man looked at her with adoring eyes, no one could say no to Brooklyn, she was simply too beautiful. "I want to. But I can't" the man said about to press the button. "Captain Gordon, look. He's under Jervis's spell" Bruce said, then Jim shot the clock behind the man, but it didn't make Brooklyn jump. The man looked back at them. The man held up his arm and Brooklyn realized the pocket watch he had. "Get down!" Jim yelled. Bruce grabbed Brooklyn and got down to the ground.

After, Bruce and Brooklyn got out side and Jim questioned them, while Alfred stood next to the two. "Who is Xander Wilde?" Jim asked the Wayne siblings with seriousness laced in his voice. "We don't know" Bruce said looking at Captain Gordon. "Did Jerome say anything at his uncle's diner? Anything that can tell us why he's going after him?" Jim asked them. "If we knew that, Captain, we would tell you" Brooklyn said stepping forward. "Would you? How can I trust anything you two say? I told you two not to come here and you did anyway. Damn it, you could have been killed" Jim said stepping forward to the two. "Yeah, all right, Captain. I think you've made your point" Alfred spoke up. Jim focused his attention to Alfred. "And you? Did you know they were going after Jerome?" Jim asked. "Indeed, I did, yes" Alfred responded, causing Brooklyn to smirk with her head looking towards the ground. "If they get involved in this case again, I'll press charges. We clear?" Jim asked, but Alfred smiled and looked at the two Wayne's. "Come on, you two" Alfred said. Brooklyn and Bruce gave Captain Gordon one last look before turning around and heading to their car.

Bruce turned to Brooklyn, "You're stealthier and quieter then I am. Do you think you can follow them and get information?" Bruce asked his sister who gave him a smile in return. "I thought you'd never ask" she said smirking, she knew she would go back to their mansion and get on her motorcycle and follow Gordon all day, to see what she can find out. She did just that, she got her motorcycle and followed Jim and the GCPD.

Brooklyn pulled up to Meyer & Hayes, she had her helmet on so no one recognized her. "Why the hell would Jerome come to Meyer & Hayes?" she whispered to herself. Meyer & Hayes, engineering she thought. "What the hell would Jerome want with an engineer, let alone hunt one down" she whispered to herself again. She saw Jim and Harvey come out of the building. "We need to talk to Brooklyn and Bruce, now" Jim said. Brooklyn's eyes widened "Shit!" She said, she started up her motorcycle and rode away, back to her house.

She got back just in time, she drove the motorcycle into the garage and ran up to the main house. She ripped her helmet off and set it on her desk in her room. Then she ran into the kitchen where Alfred and Bruce were. "What happened?" Bruce asked with concern. "I'll tell y-you later, Captain Gordon and Bullock are coming to the house now" Brooklyn said out of breath. Then there was a knock on the door, Alfred went and got it.

"Let me get this straight. You tell us to stay out of your investigation, and now you want our help?" Bruce asked. "Subtle" Harvey said coming into the room with Jim. "We have reason to believe your father met with Xander Wilde" Jim said looking at Bruce and Brooklyn. "Well, if he did, he certainly would have made a note of it. What was the name of the building again?" Alfred asked by the mobile latter on the wall. "Wayne Plaza" Harvey said. "He was a meticulous notetaker, Thomas. He organized everything by project. Let's see. Wayne Gardens. Wayne Hospital. Aha. Here we go. Wayne Plaza" Alred said taking out the file with the exact project. "All right. Oh, you're bang on the money there, Captain. Xander Wilde. Says he went to meet him to finalize the plans. No address, just the name of the street... Annesley Drive" Alfred explained. "That's out past Buxton by the old rock quarry" Harvey said pointing at Jim. "This man must have been very important if our father went out of his way to meet him alone" Brooklyn said looking at the file. "I'm starting to think he isn't just some recluse hiding from the world. He's hiding from Jerome" Jim said from behind Brooklyn and Bruce. Brooklyn looked at the signature, but while she did. She thought this can't be just some guy, he has to have some importance to Jerome, for Jerome to go to the great lengths just to find this one man.

THE ONE THEY WANTED / Jeremiah Valeska / GothamWhere stories live. Discover now