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~Pretend she has long brown hair

Brooklyn, Bruce, and Jeremiah went to the cemetery where Jerome was buried

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Brooklyn, Bruce, and Jeremiah went to the cemetery where Jerome was buried. Bruce called Alfred, several times. "Still no answer" Bruce said putting his phone away. Jeremiah was constantly looking around. "Then something's wrong. We should go" Jeremiah said almost walking away. "He was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there" Bruce said looking at Jeremiah. Bruce and Brooklyn started to walk against. Then there was a twig that snapped, causing Jeremiah to stop "What was that?" He asked. Brooklyn turned around "We're almost there" she said. Bruce then turned around. "Just a quick look and we'll leave" Bruce said then they started walking again. "Bruce. Brooklyn" Jeremiah called out, he grabbed Brooklyn's hand. "I don't know if I can do this" he said looking at them. "Just a little further" Bruce said. They walked for another minute and then they were at Jerome's grave. They all stopped when they saw it was dug up. "Oh, God, no" Jeremiah muttered from behind them. Bruce and Brooklyn walked to the whole. "His followers must have dug him up" Bruce said causing Brooklyn to look at him. "He's alive. I knew it. I knew it. We have to get out of here. He's alive!" Jeremiah shouted and then ran away. Brooklyn and Bruce turned around. "Jeremiah!" Bruce yelled, "Jeremiah!" Brooklyn yelled as they chased after him.

Bruce and Brooklyn followed Jeremiahs to some underground tomb. "Jeremiah! We need to leave! It's not safe!" Bruce shouted to Jeremiah while Brooklyn was beside him. "You believe me now? Jerome's alive" Jeremiah said, but Bruce nor Brooklyn could see where he was. "No. His followers dug him up" Bruce said looking at Brooklyn for help. "They're sick! They're also dangerous and they might be nearby" Brooklyn shouted hoping to reason with Jeremiah. "How can I trust you if you won't believe me?" Jeremiah asked. "You can trust us because we're your friends" Bruce said, then Jeremiah came out. "I want you to be my friends, Bruce. You don't know what it was like... ...living underground all those years. And then you two came along and offered me everything. I could dream of" Jeremiah explained while Bruce and Brooklyn slowly walked closer to him. "Because we believe in you, Jeremiah" Brooklyn said. "We're gonna do great things for Gotham" Bruce said after Brooklyn. "We could. We really could. I thought we would" Jeremiah whimpered. "There's no reason to stop thinking that. All we have to do is get out of here" Bruce said. Brooklyn saw the tears in Jeremiah's eyes, she felt bad for him. "First, all we had to do was come to the cemetery. Now all we have to do is leave? See, that's very confusing to me. So, tell me again, Bruce... why'd you really bring me here?" Jeremiah said while he got closer to them. "I thought it would help. I was wrong, but we need to leave" Bruce said. Jeremiah pulled out a gun and shot the ground in front of Bruce and Brooklyn, then jumped back. "What the hell are you doing?!" Bruce yelled. "You think I didn't know what was happening from the moment you suggested coming here?" Jeremiah asked gun still raised. "Jeremiah, what are you talking about?" Bruce asked. "Stop pretending to be my friend! I know what's really happening. You can fool everyone else... but I know you made a switch. And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.I know it's you. I know it's you, Jerome" Jeremiah said pointing the gun at Bruce, Brooklyn really thought Jeremiah made it through but he didn't. "Jeremiah, give me the gun" Bruce said, but Jeremiah fired the gun again. "Turn around, brother. You too, Brooklyn. I said turn around!" Jeremiah yelled. They obeyed, Brooklyn looked at her brother, she would protect him even if it costed her, her life. "You killed my friend Bruce and made his sister think it was still her brother. Now it's time to put you back in your grave. Walk!" Jeremiah said pushing them. They walked out of that place.

They walked back to Jerome's grave. "Just a little bit further, brother, then you'll be back in your grave" Jeremiah said while still holding a gun to there backs. "You're stronger than this, Jeremiah. You know these ideas are just the insanity gas talking" Bruce said. Brooklyn knew to just keep her mouth shut. "I won't let your lies fool me any longer!" Jeremiah said. They made it to the grave and Jerome's body was sitting up against his head stone. "Oh, god" Brooklyn whispered as her voice cracked, she looked away from Jerome, she couldn't see the body of her ex-best friend. "Wh-What's happening?" Jeremiah said looking at the body of his deceased brother. "Now do you believe I'm not your brother?" Bruce said, Jeremiah raised the gun back to Bruce. "Jeremiah, listen to me! Jerome's followers are doing this! Nothing else makes sense. He sent them instructions to torment you" Bruce explained while Jeremiah examines Jerome's dead body. Brooklyn decided to look at him. "How fake. Yes. I can see quite clearly where you cut off poor Bruce's face and stitched on your own" Jeremiah said then looked at Bruce. "But... I am a man of science" he said reaching into Jerome's pocket and pulling out a shaving blade. He looked back at Bruce. "So let's have some evidence, huh? Hmm?" Jeremiah said slashing at Bruce, but Bruce dodged it.

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