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~Pretend she has brown hair

When they got to the Square, Jerome was on stage with a guitar

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When they got to the Square, Jerome was on stage with a guitar. "Why are we waiting? Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting Someone's gonna die!" Jerome sang then he saw them. "Well. Look who decided to show up. We were starting to get nervous. Especially, the mayor here. My guests of honor, please, take your seats onstage" Jerome said pointing behind him, looking directly at Brooklyn, and noticed how close his brother was standing next to her. Brooklyn and Bruce looked at Jim, and he nodded. Bruce started to walk to the stage, and then Brooklyn followed behind him. "Come on. Don't be shy. We don't have all day" Jerome said while we walked. "Hi, brother" Jerome said looking at Jeremiah, this caused Brooklyn to roll her eyes. Then gun fire could be heard all around them. Bruce, Brooklyn, and Jeremiah stopped. "I had my guys take up the best vantage points last night. So they've been watching your little SWAT team all day" Jerome explained looking at Jim. For some reason, Brooklyn knew this plan wasn't going to work. "Now, Bruce, doll face, brother dear" Jerome said waving them to the stage. Brooklyn turned around and looked at Jeremiah, she knew he was scared. She walked to him and grabbed his hand, "You're going to be okay" She said, he looked down at their hands holding and then back to her and gave her a weak smile. They turned back around and started to walked to the stage. "Get up onstage. It's time to get this party really started, huh?" Jerome said.

Brooklyn, Bruce, and Jeremiah sat down, Brooklyn in the middle, Jeremiah on the right of her and Bruce to the left of her. The lunatics put the explosives on their necks. Jerome stood up behind Brooklyn. "No parent will admit it, but everyone's got their favorites. Right, brother?" Jerome said looking at Jeremiah. "The one who cleans their room, does their homework, doesn't try to kill everybody. Little Mr. Perfect here. Yeah. He was that guy. He got adopted by rich folks. Went to the top schools, then, a top college. Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung every day. Do you know how big those things are, folks? But I know something that Mommy and Daddy, they never knew" Jerome explained looking at Jeremiah. "You're as crazy as I am" Jerome stood up and walked in front of his brother. "It's in your DNA. See, we got the same blood running through us. We are practically identical" Jerome said cutting the tie on Jeremiah's wrists. "You are a killer. It's your nature" Jerome said. "Now this one" Jerome said pointing at Brooklyn and walking over to her, knife in hand. "She's crazier than us" He said, Brooklyn looked up at him with hatred in her eyes. "The dark side she has is, darker then the night sky of Gotham" he said, Brooklyn tried to keep her calm, but some anger slipped out. Her hands balled into fists. She looked over at Bruce "it's okay" He mouthed and Brooklyn relaxed her hands. "I always enjoyed those Arkham visits doll face, maybe a little too much" Jerome said by her ear smiling, her eyes widened. Bruce and Jim just found out about those visits because of what he just said. Brooklyn could feel the confused look on Bruce's and Jim's faces. "But I see the way my brother looks at you. Apparently, the Valeska brothers can't get enough of you, and you have a thing for gingers. You already know my obsession with you, my brother must have a little crush on you" Jerome explained. Brooklyn looked over at Jeremiah, Jeremiah looked at Jerome with anger. Jerome walked in front of Brooklyn and crouched down. Their eyes met each other's. "All you need to do is show Gotham who you are meant to be, who you were born to be. The insane person that hiding in there" Jerome said pointing to Brooklyn's head. "Never going to happen" she whispered to him. "You're a killer, a maniac. Accept it, gorgeous. You're as crazy as the loonies in Arkham" Jerome said causing Brooklyn to roll her eyes at him. "Both of you stop trying to fight it. Take your best shot" Jerome said handing the knife to Jeremiah. Brooklyn looked over at Jeremiah and was worried for him, she knew Jerome wouldn't let him off this easy. Jeremiah yelled in anger and Jerome punched him and Jeremiah fell to the floor. Jerome started to kick Jeremiah in the stomach. "That was so good! I love you!" Jerome grunted as he kicked and hurt Jeremiah. Brooklyn looked down at Jeremiah, and she started to tear up. "J, stop! If you stop I'll do what ever you want" she yelled. Jerome smiled at Brooklyn and walked over to her. "Anything?" He growled, "Anything" she answered. He cut the ropes on her wrist and she stood up, he grabbed her waist, and she put her hands on his arms "You and me baby" He said. Brooklyn knew Jim was coming, "I'm sorry. You are my very best friend" Brooklyn said with her watery eyes, he looked at her with a confused face. She ducked down and Jim shot Jerome from behind her. Jerome fell to the ground and Brooklyn ran over to Jeremiah, she put her hand on his head and the other on his arm. He held his stomach in pain as he grunted, "Don't move, just breathe" she said in a calming voice. As she stroked his hair, he looked up at her and gave her a small smile.

Brooklyn, Bruce, Jim, and Harvey walked up to the car with Jerome's body on the smashed top. Brooklyn knew she couldn't see Jerome like this because she actually cared about him. They walked up and Brooklyn let a tear run down her cheek for the dead maniac. Her breath began to stutter, out of complete shock and sadness. She looked up and saw Jeremiah walking towards them from the other direction, she quickly wiped the tear away, Jeremiah and Brooklyn made eye contact and she gave him a quick smirk and then let her face return to normal. Jeremiah looked at Jerome's body and wiped a tear away, as he walked right past the Wayne's. "Mr. Valeska" Bruce called putting while he turned around to face Jeremiah. Jeremiah turned around to face him, while Brooklyn kept her eyes on Jerome. "I meant what I said about your work being of importance to this city. Let Wayne Enterprises fund your work with a grant" Bruce said. Brooklyn heard everything her little brother said and she smiled. "Thank you" Jeremiah said shaking Bruce's hand. Bruce turned around and left Jeremiah standing there, to walk over to his sister. "I'll meet you back at the house" he said putting his hand on her shoulder. She nodded and Bruce walked away.

Brooklyn heard footsteps behind her. "Did you know him well?" Jeremiah asked from besides her. "Yes, very well. He was my only friend" she said still looking at Jerome's dead body. "A friend who tried to kill you" Jeremiah said looking at her, Jeremiah knew he liked her from the first time he saw her. The gorgeous brunette attracted many boys and men, but the Valeska's had a thing for the eldest Wayne sibling. Brooklyn looked up at Jeremiah realizing he was right next to her. "He would never hurt me" she said looking at him, getting lost in his eyes. "Mr. Valeska-" Brooklyn said but Jeremiah cut her off "Jeremiah" he said, he wanted to get closer to her and that requires a first name basis. She smiled, which made Jeremiah feel butterflies. "Jeremiah, Gotham is a cesspool of crazy madness and murder. Friends and family kill each other everyday. People look up to the wealthy to do something but we don't, Bruce and I are the only ones trying to make Gotham a better place. With you I think we can achieve the impossible for Gotham" she explained causing Jeremiah to smile. He thought that all rich girls were heartless and not well educated, but Brooklyn wasn't like other girls, he thought, she intelligent and caring. "Thank you" Jeremiah thanked to gorgeous brunette. "For what?" She asked genuinely interested on what he meant, she turned her body so she would only look at him. "For stopping Jerome from beating me up more, and for helping me when we were on stage" Jeremiah said. Brooklyn knew he had never known what help was or feeling save. Brooklyn was a very caring person so she did what she knew was right. "I don't like watching people get hurt, and you're welcome" she said looking at him. He shook his head "Jerome didn't know what he was talking about, about you having a dark side" Jeremiah said looking down at Brooklyn. "Actually he does, he's smarter then you think, because he's right. Even though he's dead I can still feel him here, planning something for me" Brooklyn explained looking down. "He's dead, there's nothing he's going to do to you" Jeremiah said in a genuine tone. Brooklyn looked up at him and smiled, she put her hand on his arm, "I'll see you soon Jeremiah" she said giving his arm a soft squeeze and then walking away. Jeremiah watched the girl he was infatuated with walk away, and hoped he would see her again. Brooklyn walked by Jerome's body, she gave it one last look and she let more tears slip from her eyes. She grasped his cold dead hand. "Goodbye Jerome, I love you, you were my best friend" she whispered as she squeezed it, then let go and walked to her car and she broke down in the car, knowing he was gone for good this time.

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