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~Pretend her hair is brown

Bruce and Brooklyn drove to the diner called Zach's

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Bruce and Brooklyn drove to the diner called Zach's. "Jerome has to be here" Brooklyn said. "He should be here if he wants to get revenge on his uncle" Bruce said. "Okay we go in there and-" Brooklyn stopped as soon as she felt handcuffs on her wrist. Bruce had handcuffed Brooklyn to the seat belt buckle, which it is impossible to get a handcuff off. "Bruce" Brooklyn said looking at him. "I'm sorry, I can't let you go in there" he said looking at him big sister. He unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door. "Bruce you son of a-" Brooklyn's words were cut off by Bruce closing the car door. Brooklyn watched her brother walk into the diner.

Bruce walked into the diner and saw Jerome being held in a choke hold, and his uncle watching. "What the hell are you doing?" Bruce asked with concern. The owner, Zach, turned around to face Bruce. "Get out of here, kid" Zach said. Bruce took a step forward "No" he said,, he was thinking about his older sister in the car. "Look, kid, I appreciate a concerned citizen and all, but this is Jerome Valeska, the psycho who broke out of Arkham tonight. And what we're doing is giving him what he deserves" Zach said angrily looking at his nephew. "No one deserves that" Bruce said looking between the three men. "You tell him" Jerome said struggling to even get the words out. "Shut up" Zach yelled at Jerome. "Stop. Call the police, and they'll come for him" Bruce said looking at them. "Ah, geez. Let him go" Zach said, the big guy let Jerome go. "And get rid of the kid" Zach said pointing behind him.

Brooklyn watched in fear as the man came closer to her brother. She looked at the handcuffs, and panicked, she didn't know what to do, but she wanted to save her brother. She yanked on the hand cuffs and nothing happened, she looked up and saw that her brother was struggling with the guy. "Oh my god, think, think, think" Brooklyn said pounding on her head. Then it hit her like a brick. "Oh, you shouldn't have let me get that industrial piercing" she said. She unscrewed the top backing to the piercing. and she pulled it out by the other end. She looked at it and it was the perfect size to pick the lock of the handcuff, it took er a little bit but it finally unlocked.

"We'll do that instead. Yeah, yeah, do your thing" Jerome said pointing the gun at both of the men in front of him. All of a sudden, a hooded figure came into the diner, a hood over their head and a mask covering the lower half of their face. "Get out of here it's not save for you!" Bruce struggled to get out. The figure lifted their finger and waved it back and forth, signaling "No." the big man that was choking Bruce focused his attention to the hooded figure, everyone in the diner did. The guy started to walk over to the person, but the person didn't move. The guy threw a punch but the person caught his fist in their hand, pulled the man closer to the and punched him in the face, the man seemed to be dizzy after it, which meant this person had more strength then the man. The guy stood up and threw punches left and right, but the figure dodged each one. He swung again and the person went under his arm and punched the guy in his ribs. Bruce and Jerome wondered the same thing, who is this hooded person? The guy had the wind knocked out of him, the guy then grabbed a knife. The hooded figure turned to Bruce with a hand out, Bruce grabbed the metal bar that the guy had been choking him with, and he threw it to the hooded figure, they grabbed it and turned back to the man. The guy came at the figure but the figure grabbed the knife and threw it behind the counter out of reach. The dark figure twirled the metal bar in their hand, and swung it at the man, it cut his eye. Bruce got behind the counter, to get out of the way of the hooded figure and the man fighting. The figure jumped up and swung their leg at the man's face, their foot made contact with the guys face, and he fell to the floor knocked out and with blood in his mouth. The figure walked up to the guy and looked at him, the person tilted their head, and lightly tapped the side of the man making sure he was out cold, which he was.

The figure backed up, back toward Jerome. Bruce jumped over the counter to face the hooded figure. Bruce and the person made eye contact, "Who are you?" Bruce asked looking at the person. The person took off their hood, revealing a full head of chocolate brown curls. Jerome recognized that hair, his eyes widened. Bruce knew that hair too, then the person took off the mask over the lower half of their face. "Next time, don't handcuff me to the seat belt in the car. You getting choked could have been avoided" Brooklyn said with attitude, Bruce was astonished he didn't know Alfred trained her that well, but he also remembered her time in gymnastics. Bruce watched as his sister was grabbed from behind by Jerome, he held a gun to her head. "That was very impressive doll face, I wonder if you're just as skilled in bed as you are in fighting" Jerome whispered in her ear, petting her hair. "You'll never find out" Brooklyn gritted through her teeth. Jerome smacked his lips, "I think I can if I wanted to" Jerome whispered directly into her ear, while his hand went down the side of her waist to her thigh. "Jerome stop! Don't kill her" Bruce said taking a step toward them. "Haven't you been paying attention, I would never want to hurt her, because I'm in love with her. I have plans for her in the future. I'll see you soon doll face" Jerome said kissing her cheek, letting her go then running away.

Bruce ran over to his sister "Are you okay?" he asked in concern. Brooklyn nodded and bent down to pick up the napkin under her boot. It said St. Ignatius, 4444 Lakeside. "Call Captain Gordon, now" Brooklyn commanded her brother, he got him phone out and dialed Jim, and put it on speaker. "Bruce, you okay?" Jim asked on his end of the call. "Brook and I saw Jerome Valeska tonight. He killed his uncle" Bruce said on the phone while Brooklyn tied up the man she fought. "What?" Jim asked with worry laced in his voice. Brooklyn walked over, "He was looking for the name of a school, St. Ignatius" Brooklyn said to Jim. "Why?" Jim asked. "We're on our way to find out" Bruce said on the phone. "No. Wherever you are, stay put" Jim commanded the two Wayne siblings. "Valeska is our problem as much as anyone's. We're going after him" Bruce said as they were about to walk out of the diner. "Damn it, you two, stay the hell away from that madman" Jim raised his voice with anger. Brooklyn walked over to the phone in Bruce's hand. "We'll see you at St. Ignatius, Jim. You can yell at us there" she said then grabbed the phone and hung up, they looked at each other and walked out of the diner. "Next time, I'll handcuff you to your seat belt" Brooklyn said as she got into the car.

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