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Harley did what she was told

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Harley did what she was told. She went to Ace Chemicals like Jeremiah told her to. She arrived there to see all the men working, Harley smiled seeing all these people being held against their will. She saw Tetch and walked up the stairs to him, he smiled when he saw her. "Miss Quinn" he addressed her, "Mr. Tetch I hope everything is going swell" Harley said smiling. He looked over at her, "Everything is swell Miss Quinn, I know for sure this battle we shall win" he said. "Goody, a lot of people are about to die" Harley said swinging her bat in front of her feet. "I think it's time to have a little fun around here" Harley said picking up her roller skates that were on the floor. She put them on and started to roll around Ace Chemicals while Bud was chasing her while they both were laughing.

Harley heard Tetch start to clap, so she knew that Jim Gordon was here being nosy as usual. "My, my, what a thrill. Jim Gordon... and the woman he told me to kill. Brings back memories. That tea party, so long ago. But now, to order these men to attack my foe!" Tetch explained and all the men he had hypnotized had started to fight Jim and Lee. "All for one, and one for all! Ain't this a grand old ball!" Tetch yelled out of excitement. Harley skated over to Jim, "Yoo-hoo!" she said and whacked him in the head with her bat. "Jim!" Lee screamed. "Ain't this... some... game!" Harley said skating around Jim while she was whacking him with her bat.

Tetch's people tide up Jim and Lee, Harley skated from around the corner with Bud following her. "If you're here, Jeremiah must still be alive" Jim said to Harley as she stopped next to Tetch. "And if you're here, I'm guessing you found our test subjects, all boiled and bubbled" Harley said then she cackled, while Bud growled at the two tide up. "What's he planning?" Jim asked Harley, "Shh. It's a surprise, don't you know? A real killer" Harley said in a sinister tone then smiled an ear to ear smile. "Shall I hypnotize our friends here, and have them slit each other's necks?" Tetch asked causing Harley to laugh. "Now, that would be real fun, but better check with Mistah J. He might have other ideas" Harley said to Tetch. They both turned around and Harley took out her phone and dialed her puddin. "I'm sorry I got you involved in this" Jim apologized to Lee. "Don't be. I knew what I was getting myself into" Lee said to Jim. "I know, but, Lee..." "Jim, whatever you want to tell me, save it till we're out of here" Lee said cutting him off. "Fair enough. We need to find out what Valeska's planning" Jim explained. While Harley was on the phone with Jeremiah. He told her to tell Tetch to hypnotize Jim and Lee so they could play the roles of the Wayne's, then she hung up. Harley walked over to Tetch and whispered what Jeremiah told her to tell him. Harley pulled away and laughed, "Beautiful. Beautiful" Tetch said to Harley while smiling. "Lee Thompkins, you do intrigue me so. First, you were a doctor, then the Narrows queen. Tell me, please do, are you running from your past when you become someone new?" Tetch asked pulling out his pocket watch and hypnotizing the two.

Tetch's men delivered Jim and Lee to Jeremiah, while Harley had changed her roller skates and put on her normal shoes. She ran to the truck behind Ace Chemicals and started it up, Bud jumped into the passengers seat while she started to drive. Meanwhile Jeremiah was giving Bruce a speech. "See, o-over the course of our little adventure, fate brought to me James Gordon and Leslie Thompkins, and I thought to myself... why not... why not kill the man who you think of as your second father figure?" Jeremiah said with a gun pointed at Bruce. Jeremiah started to walk to Bruce. "And your dear, dear, dear friend Lee Thompkins. And when I do, finally, you and I will be bound together. Because you see..." Jeremiah pointed at Harley pulling up in the ruck, she honked the horn and "La Cucaracha" played. Harley opened the door and put her leg on the window that was rolled down and she put her hand up in a dramatic manor. "Re-unification with the mainland hangs on by a thread. Those fireworks go off and toxic chemicals rain down onto the city, and the government...cuts us adrift for good" Jeremiah explained. Harley got out of the truck with Bud beside her, she stood there with the switches in her hand. "Jeremiah. Don't" Bruce begged with tears welling up in his eyes. "Shh. The pièce de résistance. One last thing" Jeremiah said walking over to Jim and Lee. "I had Jervis Tetch hypnotize them so that they'll wake up the moment these beautiful pearls hit the ground" Jeremiah said putting his gun under Lee's pearls. "I want you to see them realize what I've done to them as the life drains from their bodies. Never forget, this is all for you, Bruce" Jeremiah said backing up and pointing the gun at Lee. "No!" Bruce yelled. Selina cracked her whip and the gun in Jeremiah's hand was flung out. Bruce tackled Jeremiah, Harley flicked all of the switches to on and all she had to do was wait for Jeremiah's word to press the big red button. "Selina! The pearls!" Bruce yelled, while he was still on top of Jeremiah. Jeremiah pulled out a knife and put it against Bruce's neck. Jim and Lee snapped out of their hypnotic state. Jeremiah looked at them then sliced Bruce's chest and ran toward Harley, "Harley! Now!" Jeremiah yelled, Harley pushed the button and the timer started. Jeremiah ran to Harley and grabbed her hand. They ran far enough away from them with Bud following them, Jeremiah stopped with Harley, he put his hands on her waist and looked down at her. "I need you to run away" he said to her. Harley shook her head, "I don't want to leave you puddin" she said with tears running down her face. "I love you Harley, I always will" Jeremiah said then he kissed her and then ran away leaving Harley crying and Bud whimpering. "I love you too puddin, forever!!" Harley yelled back to him in tears. Harley looked down at Bud, she knelt down to her and gave Bud her bat. Bud took the bat in her mouth, "Go home to Cassie" Harley ordered Bud, Bud whimpered "Go!" Harley whispered, then Bud ran off in the direction of her apartment. Then Harley started running.

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