Chapter 1 - You are in danger

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(Huge thank you to @GrindelwaldSparrow for giving me inspiration to write this fic. Go check out all of her wonderful stories! And now the first chapter.)

(Before you start reading here are some abbreviations you should know: (Y/f/d/b)=Your favorite dog breed, (Y/n)=Your name, (Y/l/n)=Your last name, (y/f/c) = Your favorite color)

(*2nd person P.O.V*)

It was a wonderful day. You had woken up early and gotten up quickly. Your plans for that day already forming as you walked to your deserted open kitchen. The only other in this large empty apartment your dog Steve, a cheerful (Y/f/d/b), who was asleep on the couch. He rarely slept in his dog bed, preferring the couch. He hopped off of the couch when he noticed you and pranced to the kitchen right after you. "Of course I didn't forget about you Steve.." You grinned brightly at your dog as you filled his empty food bowl and set it down on the kitchen floor. Steve started eating immediately. You decided to prepare yourself some breakfast. You had to eat quickly though because the clock was almost 8 and your work would begin at 8:30am. "Bye Steve." You smiled at your dog and gave him a quick pet. Before you could leave, you heard a phone ring. Who could it be? 

You slowly walked to your phone and answered. "(Y/n) (Y/l/n) speaking on the phone." "(Y/n), listen to me. You are in danger." A man with a deep voice spoke into the phone. His words were rushed. "What are you talking about? Who even are you?" You questioned the man. "We are running out of time. Whatever you do.. DO NOT go-" The phone call was cut off. "Hmph." You huffed grabbing your bag and walking to the door. After you put on your (y/f/c) jacket and a pair of shoes, you left through the front door. 

You were walking towards your office. You lived pretty close to your workplace so you usually just walked there. You couldn't shake the events of the morning from your head. What had that mystery man meant? Where shouldn't you have gone? Back home? To work? Some other location? "Why am I even thinking about that?" You mumbled to yourself in hopes of clearing your head. You checked your clock. 8:25am. "Shoot!" You started running. You made it in front of the large building, your legs felt like rubber due to exhaustion but you still hurried inside. "Well, well, well.. Miss 'too cool for work' has decided to bless us with her presence." "Shut up, Chad." You glared daggers at the blond jerk known as Chad. You two didn't get along. He had always acted like a bit of a prick. You walked to your desk and sat down on your office chair in hopes of starting today's boring work. "(Y/n), boss would like to see you." A co-worker of yours informed. "Alright. Thank you, Samantha." You smiled at her and got up. You walked to your boss' office, hoping you weren't in trouble, but fearing the worst. 

"Miss (Y/l/n), please, have a seat." He gestured to the chair on the other side of his large mahogany desk. "If its because I was a couple of minutes late today, I promise it won't happen a-." The old man cut you off quite quickly, shaking his head. "No, no. It's not because of that, Miss (Y/l/n)." He sat up straight. What else could it have been about?! You felt worry settling in your chest. "I got contacted by some authorities today.. They told me that you had talked with a certain man." Your heart skipped a beat. "He is known as Morpheus." "I..I've never heard that name before." Your boss nodded before continuing. "Anyhow the authorities would like to have a little chat with you." 

Suddenly three men with black suits and sunglasses entered the room. You turned around on your chair at the sound of the door opening and your eyes widened at the intimidating scene. They all wore cold expression as they quickly strode towards you and your boss as if in sync. "Wha-." Two of the men walked right next to you and forced you up. The third man exchanged a couple of words with your boss as the two dragged you out. "No, NO, Please don't! I..I have done nothing! I swear!" You begged. As soon as you were dragged out of the boss' office, all your co-workers were looking at you. Some were whispering to each other, some were looking at you with worry and some with betrayal. Besides the humiliation that ran through you, you also felt worry. You'd most likely get fired after this, but what else was going to happen to you?

The men in suits dragged you out on the street. You were forced on the backseat of a black car that was parked right in front of the tall building. One of the men sat next to you on the backseat, whilst the other two sat at the front. You tried to check the door on the opposite side if it was unlocked. The car was still for now so perhaps you could try to make a run for it. Unfortunately luck didn't seem to be on your side and the door was locked. With a huff you put on your seat belt. Soon the car began moving. You stared out the window as all the possibilities swam through your worry-ridden mind. You were scared, no scratch that, you were terrified. 

After a car ride that felt like hours, you stopped at the front of another tall building. The man on the backseat got out and you did the same. The two suited men who had been sitting at the front grabbed you once again. "You don't need to.. I got it." They ignored you and continued dragging you against your will. "Jerks.." You sighed preparing yourself for whatever would happen next.

(Alright that is the first chapter. If you guys think i should write it in a different pov just tell me. And as always i hope you all have a great day!)

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