Chapter 6 - Damsel in distress

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(I just realised how the gif and the title look funny when you merge them together, hadn't planned that one tho. I hope you guys are enjoying these!)

You yourself sinking slowly. Deeper and deeper down. Suddenly you felt cold metal touch your skin. It made your eyes jerk open. Yet another claw. Your eyes forced shut as you were lifted up from water, a bright light enveloping you. You wanted to sleep and wake up tomorrow in your own warm bed. Sadly you had that knowing feeling that, this was real. This was the truth and like Morpheus said there was no turning back now. "Such a damsel in distress." It was the first voice you had heard since you woke up. Too loud yet also too quiet. "Well you were too when you got woken up, Cypher." Trinity. You blinked, your gaze blurred and saw a figure approach you. "Welcome to the real world (Y/n)." The voice belonged to Neo. It echoed through your head. Soon everything went silent and black.

You couldn't open your eyes. They were too heavy. You took a moment to just breath. You started regaining control over your eyelids and you opened your eyes to see the dark gray ceiling. It was blurry. Everything was. Where were you? Slowly the blur disappeared as your gaze focused and you made out the ceiling of metal. You moved your arms and legs, carefully. It was hard at first, but soon you handled them. There was a futuristic IV plugged into the jack in your forearm. You pulled it out. Wait what if that was the thing keeping me alive? Oh well, what's done is done. You looked at your arms and then legs. You were dressed in ragged clothes. You adjusted your clothing to reveal that you had ports on your skin. You heard a small screech as the heavy metallic door was opened. "Ah, you are already awake. Good." Morpheus entered the room, speaking to you. "Where are we exactly?" You questioned, adjusting yourself on your stiff bed. "No. We are onboard of the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar." "Hovercraft?" You repeated his words, furrowing your brows in thought. "I will explain later. Now, would you like some food?"

(*Smith's P.O.V*)

I was getting some paper work done. I hadn't had time to do it before so now was the perfect moment. I was chewing on the other end of my pen, falling deeper and deeper into thought. (Y/n) had not left my mind since I last saw her. She was on my mind enough that I had stopped being frustrated about it. I still felt bad for shooting at the car and the bugging thing. I knew it was part of my job. "Agent Smith?" I was snapped back to reality by my colleague Agent Brown, who was looking at me with concern. "Y..yes?" I stood up, the pen in my hand dropping on the desk. "Mr. Reagan called to inform that he wanted to see you." "Thank you, Agent Brown." I thanked still sounding little too distracted. "You're thinking about her aren't you?" Agent Brown asked lifting a brow. "Who?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Miss (Y/l/n)." Agent Brown said looking at me with a 'Don't lie at me, Smith' look. "Yes." I sighed. "Don't let it get in the way of your job." Agent Brown stated firmly. "I will go meet Mr. Reagan right away." I said before walking off.

I was already driving to a restaurant that I knew I'd meet him at. I listened to the radio. A song played that I had not heard before. "And that one was called 'Underground' by David Bowie. Now Harry, tell me why did you decide to become an actor?" I decided to switch the channel to see if anything else was playing and i landed on another channel that was playing 'Sandstorm' by Darude. I listened to it all the way until i got to the restaurant.

(Sorry for always stuffing songs in my stories but I had to..)

I stopped my car and turned the key, sliding it into my pocket. I entered the restaurant and looked around, spotting him at one of the tables. Eating a steak and waiting for me. I sat down on the opposite side.

"Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan?" I asked looking at him. I didn't like him, but he was our best shot at catching Morpheus. "You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss." He cut another slice and stuffed it in his mouth. "Then we have a deal?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and his gaze met mine. "I don't want to remember nothing. Nothing. You understand? And I want to be rich. You know, someone important. Like an actor." He listed setting his fork and knife down on the plate. "Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan." I assured him. "Okay. I get my body back into a power plant, re-insert me into the Matrix, I'll get you what you want."  "Access codes to the Zion mainframe." Mr. Reagan shook his head. "No, I told you, I don't know them. I can get you the man who does." He said and I instantly knew who he was talking about. "Morpheus." 

Mr. Reagan continued to enjoy his steak and the plan was ready, so I prepared to leave. "I need to head back soon. We got a new member and I am probably needed up early." I froze, his words immediately catching my full attention. "Is this new crew member going to be a problem?" I asked looking at him. "Oh, no.. She is brand new to the whole 'The real world is a shit show' thing. Easy to take care of." "What is her name?" It couldn't be... "Her name is (Y/n)."  It was her. Morpheus had got her. How would Mr. Reagan bring us Morpheus and not hurt (Y/n)? Wait, why did I care? She was just one individual it doesn't matter that much.. But she does. "Agent?" I looked back at him, pausing my inner argument and he looked at me with a questioning look. "Why did you want to know?" He asked staring at me. "Thank you for your co-operation." I stood up and left without answering. This would be harder than expected. 

(Okie-dokie that is everything. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love reading you guys' comments and i'll see you guys next time!)

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