Chapter 13 - Just throw all the cards on the table

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(I have waited for this chapter for too long.. ;-;)

(*Smith's POV*)

What had I done? "What?" (Y/n) looked out threw the window confused. "What does it mean? How on earth am I special?" (Y/n) turned to look at me. I stayed quiet. I didn't want to tell her. What if she didn't feel the same? A moment of silence passed. "CAN YOU FOR ONCE NOT BE A CRYPTIC, SMUG BRICK AND EXPLAIN TO ME HOW I'M DIFFERENT!?" Her voice laced with anger and the slightest of betrayal. I knew that she just wanted to understand. This was it. This was my moment. I'd do something I never do.

In a hurry I got up and started closing the distance between me and (Y/n). She backed away with a look of regret and fear, like prey fearing for it's life about to be caught by the hunter. In the back of my mind, a new plan was already forming, but not this time. I wouldn't back down. I had made my decision. She was cornered and tour off my sunglasses to look at her. Her beautiful (Y/e/c) eyes glimmering back at mine. I just looked at her and she looked at me. No words. Nothing. Just silence between us.

Then I couldn't hold myself back anymore, some strange need fueling me. She drove me mad. She was everything I could think of. I wanted her. In an instant my lips met hers in a crushing kiss. She jolted slightly at the sudden contact but she soon enough melted into me. My hands ran through her hair, along her incredibly soft skin. It made everything in me go to overdrive. This was everything I needed. Even if I'd be punished for this, it was worth it. I had never felt this alive.

I was practically panting as I backed from her. I scanned her face for a reaction. She just took quick breaths and looked at me, flustered. "I..I." I tried to say something I didn't know what. Then suddenly she walked to me. She pulled me into a kiss. It was fierce, passionate. I didn't resist. I let her take me, feel me, see me as more than an agent of the system. I felt her slip off my earpiece. I mentally thanked her for that. She felt my face, my neck. I took her by the waist and pulled her closer. I wanted to stay like this forever. 

(*2nd person*) 

It was very fast and unexpected but when Smith let go, you couldn't stop. So you kissed him back. His touch sent chills down your spine. You liked it. Sadly everything good has to end. You let his lips go. Your forehead rested against his. "I think that might have answered the question." You commented. Smith chuckled. It was weird. Not like him. Your feelings for him were stronger than you expected. And he seemed to feel the same way. You looked into his blue eyes. They were soft. It melted your heart. And you knew he cared. Another thing you hadn't realized. He was smiling. It wasn't a fake smile. Or a evil smirk. It was genuine. It highlighted his facial features in a positive way. It was sad that he didn't smile more often. 

Soon the moment was broken by a knock. Smith murmured something under his breath. With quick movement he put on his glasses and earpiece. His emotion filled expression quickly disappeared under the program. He walked to the door and opened it. "Yes?" He asked on his usual yet syrupy voice. You tried to see who it was. "Just came to check if everything was ok. I heard a chair fall over." The woman looked at Smith and then she looked at you. "It's quite alright, Agent Bennington. Besides it happened about 2 minutes ago." Agent Bennington returned her gaze to Smith. "Didn't want to stop the fun." Bennington smirked which made Smith sigh annoyedly. "If you don't have anything better to do than bother me and Miss (Y/l/n) I suggest you carry on with you business."  Bennington made a click noise with her tongue. "Alright, Smithy. I'll go bother the others then." You chuckled at the nickname. Smith quickly closed the door.

"What's so funny?" Smith asked raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, Smithy.. I don't know." Smith smiled embarrassed and looked out threw the window. Soon he looked back at you and his cheeks had a slight red tint on them. "I.. Uhm. Wanted to ask, if you we're interested in getting a coffee or something." "Are you embarrassed?" You asked finding his struggle with asking you out cute. "Maybe I am." "Well.. Ya know I can't leave this place." You said sitting on the side of his desk. "Oh, Well.. It's the easiest of problems to solve." "Then I think I'll go with a yes." You smiled. "Tomorrow at evening?" Smith suggested. "Sounds great." You smirked playfully. At the same time it was very weird seeing how you we're their hostage.. But you had had a crush on Agent Smith even before the kidnapping so it wasn't that wrong for you to want to go on a date with him... Right?

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