Chapter 19 - How does it feel when the world is closing in?

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(I think that, this song fits PERFECTLY to one of part of this chapter! I just get chills when i imagine how well the two go together in my head lol. But ya. No need to listen to the song while reading, you choose. That fact on the picture blew my mind. I didn't even notice it at first watch, tho i missed a lot on first watch and second and even third. Also shout out to @CuteAliceAngel you're comments have given me lots of inspitration! But now, i won't drag it out more.)

In panic you slipped under the bed and dragged the small bag with you. The blanket was so long that it hid you. The door clicked. You heard foot steps near and another call. "Agent?" There was no answer. "Maybe he is not here.." Another Agent. "You're probably right." For a moment it was just silence like they were scanning around but then then the agents left the room. You let out a quick 'phew' after the door closed. But a new question popped into your mind. What were they going to tell him? Was it something about you? Or perhaps they got new info on something else? You thought about going after them and changed to some jeans and a t-shirt. You walked to the door.  You were about to open it but there was a knock. You backed away. "(Y/n)?" You didn't answer. Someone kicked down the door. It was... "Neo?"

You looked at him. "You must come with me." "Wh...What? Why?!" "Do you even realize what you're asking!? You're being held here against your will and your body isn't doing well.. You haven't eaten in weeks. We have injected liquid into you as food but you need to eat, or you'll die!" The realization hit you like a slap on the face. It was true. This place wasn't the reality. It was a programmed dreamworld. And since you were no longer plugged in threw the tubes, you couldn't live here. Smith was a program and you were a human who hadn't eaten for weeks. This was all so sudden.

"Now come on!" Neo grabbed you and started dragging you. If you didn't go you'd die. You decided to not resist and followed him. The two of you went next to one of the windows. You wondered why. "Stand by the side, alright?" You nodded looking at Neo. The window crashed and a helicopter flew to the side. You looked at it wide eyed. Neo jumped in and it was your turn. 

(I'd start the song now. But ya do as ya please.)

There was a ding behind you. The doors to the elevator behind you opened and four agents walked out. You were afraid. You feared that one of them was Smith. Not that he would hurt you, but you couldn't look at him without breaking down. He trusted you and you left him. You backed a little. Was this really the best plan? "Come on!" Neo yelled noticing your hesitation. Your eyes were burning with tears. You didn't want to leave Smith. Real or not you love him. But it was a life or death situation. You started running and in one leap of faith you were closing the distance between you and Neo. Your hands connected with his and Neo pulled you on. You let out a relieved sigh. You made it. Then you felt like just sitting on the floor and crying, once again. You looked back in the building. The first face you settled on was Smith. He looked on the verge of tears. He was heartbroken. You felt bad for him. The helicopter started moving. You wanted to go back.. Two of the four agents ran to the window.

(*Smith's POV*)

I was about to crumple on the floor. I was over come by multiple negative emotions at once. Fear, anger, stress, sadness, anxiety. Agent Jones and Brown both sped forward and started shooting at the copter. "WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!?" I yelled tears stinging the corners of my eyes. "Like you see miss (Y/l/n) is no longer of use." Agent Jones stated calmly. "Of no use?! How dare you say that!?" I did my best not to fall apart in front of the others. "She is one of them, Agent! And you know attachment isn't allowed! It clouds judgment." I was about to charge at him but I held myself back. He and Brown slowly walked in the elevator. Perhaps to go find clues. 

As soon as I heard the doors close, I punched a wall with full force causing it to get a huge hole in the middle. I took breaths which sounded aggressive in a way. Yet they were also shaky. I fell on my knees against another part of the wall. I couldn't do this. I didn't understand my emotions. I had trusted her and she stabbed me in the back. I realized that I was now sobbing. I felt hopeless, alone. (Y/n).. My light. She was gone. Then I felt a pair of hands wrap around me. My sobs slowed down and I looked to see Agent Bennington. She was hugging me. "I'm so sorry, Smith." She comforted me, her voice soft yet full of sadness. I wrapped my arms around her and sobbed little more.

(*2nd person POV*)

The helicopter was moving quickly. "Good to see you again, (Y/n)." Trinity called from the cockpit. (Don't know if that's the right term but.. I'll go with it) You smiled weakly. "Nice to see you too, Trin." Then the bullets started to hit the copter. "Shoot." Neo mumbled. "Hold on!" Trinity yelled. She started landing the copter on the roof top and you held onto something. Soon the copter was still and Neo grabbed a phone from his pocket. "Tank, where is the exit?" Neo asked. He stayed quiet for a moment and waited for an answer. "Thank you." He flipped the phone shut. "Come on."

The three of you ran to a subway station. You were still wondering how Smith was doing. Was he ok? Was he angry? Maybe. Trinity stood in front of the phone booth. "Neo, I want to tell you something, but I'm afraid of what it could mean if I do." The phone started to ring. You felt like a third wheel but you were at the side so they didn't pay attention. "Everything the Oracle told me has come true. Everything but this." Trinity and Neo looked at each other and then Trinity answered the phone. Suddenly someone shot at the phone booth. "Mr. Anderson."

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